.Global just ended it Sunrise period and did very well, getting almost 400 registrations by trademark holders.
Apple was the largest registrant with 22 domain name registrations although Microsoft, Sun, Amazon, Google, HSBC, Ford, Dell, are just some of the big brand holders that participated.
In all 2.2 domains were registered per registrant on average.
A Sunrise application cost $250, $150 application fee, and $100 registration fee, so .Global made back $100K of it $185K application fee just on Sunrise.
.Global also held a successful live domain auction held in London During ICANN that was put on with RightoftheDot.com a company I’m a Director of doing over $63,000 in Sales.
Landrush for .Global starts today which offers early access to domain names for a higher fee than normal registration cost.
FYI .Global has a huge ICANN collision list of 58,000 domain names.
Here are all the .global Sunrise Registrations:
101domain.global |
888bingo.global |
888ladies.global |
888poker.global |
888sport.global |
abbvie.global |
accessorize.global |
acorn.global |
aib.global |
aig.global |
airport.global |
aker.global |
aladdin.global |
alamo.global |
alexa.global |
alfreddunhilllinks.global |
alfreds.global |
aliexpress.global |
alipay.global |
aliyun.global |
alldata.global |
allsaints.global |
almondbreeze.global |
aman.global |
amanresorts.global |
amil.global |
amplify.global |
anotech.global |
anz.global |
apple.global |
applecare.global |
applestore.global |
appleton.global |
appletv.global |
appstore.global |
aquatimer.global |
arcelormittal.global |
arkray.global |
asda.global |
ashmore.global |
ashmoregroup.global |
aspen-insurance.global |
aspen-re.global |
aspen.global |
aspeninsurance.global |
aspenre.global |
atari.global |
auction.global |
audible.global |
autoanything.global |
autozone.global |
avant.global |
avorities.global |
axa.global |
azure.global |
babcock.global |
barclaycard.global |
barrons.global |
bcbs.global |
bdo.global |
bet365.global |
blackrock.global |
blackrocksolutions.global |
bloomingdales.global |
blue.global |
bluecard.global |
bluecross.global |
bluediamond.global |
blueshield.global |
bmw.global |
bourdon.global |
braccoimaging.global |
buildingabetterworkingworld.global |
builtny.global |
bupa.global |
cam4.global |
capital.global |
carrot.global |
cartago.global |
casamoda.global |
casio.global |
chanel.global |
chant.global |
cheapmonday.global |
chevron.global |
choo.global |
cigna.global |
classicfm.global |
clublipsy.global |
cmslegal.global |
comlaude.global |
cos.global |
dating.global |
davinci.global |
day8.global |
deeptwo.global |
designforliving.global |
devk.global |
dfl.global |
dowjones.global |
drivealliance.global |
duralast.global |
elements.global |
emeraldclub.global |
emmi.global |
emv.global |
engineeredformen.global |
eniro.global |
entrepreneuroftheyear.global |
eoy.global |
epson.global |
ernst-and-young.global |
ernst-young.global |
ernstandyoung.global |
ernstyoung.global |
escada.global |
estate.global |
events.global |
exness.global |
experian.global |
f-1.global |
f1grandprix.global |
f1paddockclub.global |
f1racing.global |
facet.global |
fairplanet.global |
fanaticalsupport.global |
feelgood.global |
festo.global |
findbetter.global |
firststate.global |
firststateinvestments.global |
flexicon.global |
food.global |
formula1.global |
formula1grandprix.global |
formula1paddockclub.global |
formulaonepaddockclub.global |
foxfire.global |
fredandfriends.global |
fujikura.global |
fxcm.global |
galapagosislands.global |
gandi.global |
georgfischer.global |
getcrackin.global |
ginga.global |
glacier.global |
gourmetbasicsbymikasa.global |
grainger.global |
grandprix.global |
grantthornton.global |
grendene.global |
grendha.global |
gucci.global |
h-m.global |
hamilton.global |
harvard.global |
harvarduniversity.global |
harvardx.global |
hbo.global |
hbs.global |
health.global |
herbertsmithfreehills.global |
hhfondationdelahautehorlogerie.global |
hilco.global |
hoan.global |
hoffritz.global |
holidaycheck.global |
hommageautalent.global |
hsf.global |
icloud.global |
idress.global |
ieee.global |
imac.global |
ingenieur.global |
inlingua.global |
intuit.global |
ipad.global |
ipanema.global |
iphone.global |
ipod-touch.global |
ipod.global |
ishares.global |
isuzu.global |
itsmillertime.global |
itunes.global |
itunesstore.global |
iwcportugieser.global |
jaeyonglee.global |
jba.global |
jgspeedfit.global |
jimmychoo.global |
johnguest.global |
jointhenation.global |
jsr.global |
jumpstart.global |
justin.global |
kamenstein.global |
kindle.global |
kinect.global |
kizmos.global |
koss.global |
kunheelee.global |
lacerte.global |
landmark.global |
laureusworldsportsacademy.global |
lazard.global |
lazardassetmanagement.global |
lbc.global |
leejaeyong.global |
leekunhee.global |
lepainquotidien.global |
lipsy.global |
lipsyvip.global |
lloyds.global |
lloydsoflondon.global |
lpq.global |
luminocity.global |
mac-mini.global |
mac.global |
macbook-air.global |
macbook-pro.global |
macbook.global |
macbookpro.global |
macmini.global |
macpro.global |
macys.global |
markmonitor.global |
markxvii.global |
mathblaster.global |
mcd.global |
mcdonalds.global |
melannco.global |
mercer.global |
merck.global |
michelin.global |
mikasa.global |
miller.global |
millergenuinedraft.global |
millerhighlife.global |
millerlite.global |
millertime.global |
mint.global |
mitsubishi.global |
mizuno.global |
money.global |
monki.global |
monster.global |
montresandmerveilles.global |
motorities.global |
movingforward.global |
mwe.global |
nationwide.global |
nationwidebank.global |
nationwidefinancial.global |
nationwidefunds.global |
nationwideinsurance.global |
nationwideisonyourside.global |
neopets.global |
netapp.global |
newscorp.global |
nextdirect.global |
nextplc.global |
njoy.global |
nrj.global |
nrj12.global |
nvidia.global |
office365.global |
officialf1.global |
officialformula1.global |
onedrive.global |
onyourside.global |
optum.global |
orix.global |
otherstories.global |
otto.global |
paddockclub.global |
pair.global |
pairnic.global |
paramountcitrus.global |
patagonia.global |
pcaskin.global |
petpet.global |
petplan.global |
petplanequine.global |
pfaltzgraff.global |
pomwonderful.global |
portofino.global |
postalservice.global |
prime.global |
proseries.global |
proskauer.global |
proskauerrose.global |
provident.global |
providentfinancial.global |
quicken.global |
qvc.global |
rackspace.global |
ray-ban.global |
real.global |
realestate.global |
realty.global |
reit.global |
rental.global |
revolette.global |
rider.global |
rolex.global |
rollagas.global |
roshco.global |
rugbyworldcup.global |
sainsburys.global |
sams-club.global |
samsclub.global |
sandvikcoromant.global |
sanitas.global |
sanlam.global |
satsuma.global |
savora.global |
sbgsecurities.global |
schindler.global |
schoolofdragons.global |
sentryman.global |
sidecar.global |
skynews.global |
skyy.global |
smartride.global |
smoothradio.global |
speedfit.global |
spiritofsport.global |
spiritofsportaward.global |
spitfire.global |
sportforgood.global |
sportforgoodfoundation.global |
stanbic.global |
stanbicbank.global |
standard.global |
standardbank.global |
startrek.global |
statoil.global |
steinway.global |
still.global |
sunkist.global |
superdry.global |
surface.global |
suterra.global |
symantec.global |
tdameritrade.global |
telecitygroup.global |
teleflora.global |
tes.global |
teva.global |
thebodyshop.global |
thehartford.global |
thescore.global |
thewallstreetjournal.global |
titan.global |
titaninsurance.global |
tmall.global |
toefl.global |
toeic.global |
topgun.global |
towle.global |
travelguard.global |
tudor.global |
tudorwatch.global |
tumblr.global |
turbotax.global |
ufc.global |
unitedhealth.global |
unitedhealthcare.global |
unitedhealthgroup.global |
usps.global |
vacation.global |
valucraft.global |
vanguard.global |
vanquis.global |
vanquisbank.global |
versace.global |
veterinarypetinsurance.global |
victaulic.global |
viega.global |
vikingcruises.global |
vikinglongships.global |
vikingrivercruises.global |
visa.global |
vonage.global |
vpi.global |
wal-mart.global |
wallace.global |
wallstreetjournal.global |
walmart.global |
wartsila.global |
watchesandwonders.global |
webnames.global |
weekday.global |
wellsfargo.global |
wellsfargoadvisors.global |
wellsfargohomemortgage.global |
weoy.global |
westinghouse.global |
williamhill.global |
wonderful.global |
wonderfulbrands.global |
wonderfulpistachios.global |
woodfordreserve.global |
wordpress.global |
worldsportsawards.global |
worldtradecenter.global |
wsj.global |
wtc.global |
xbox.global |
xfm.global |
yachtclub.global |
yaskawa.global |
yourworldfirst.global |
zabars.global |
zaxy.global |
zizou.global |
Great Job Mike! When are they available to the general public? I just tried to buy one at GoDaddy and was not able to.
landrush starts today.
GA is weeks away