I had a long chat with Andrew Brier of Namestat.org about their service, the other day and one of the interesting things I learned it that .XYZ even throwing out all of the Network Solutions (NSI) free registrations, its still the fastest growing new gTLD.
Several days ago we reported that NameStat.org removed all of NSI registrations for .XYZ from its stats based on the free giveaway promotion for purposes of computing the best selling domain list on the site as well as from the Fastest Growing New gTLD stats
The screenshot above clearly shows the .XYZ in the 1st still the fastest growing extension.
The overlay on top of the ranking tells you how the growth rate is computed by NameStat.Org
Here is the chart without the overlay.
I have been following this for a few days and .XYZ continues to have a “rate” of 100 and again that totally excludes any Network Solutions registrations.
What a surprise. Marketing work! And its working on everyone reading this!
Do you know what .xyz and .club have in common? They are both on the front page of Go Daddy and are doing a lot of marketing.
I could put .Iamstupid domains and sell them at Go Daddy.
And of course .xyz is one of the newest to come out. It will slow down in a couple of weeks.
Don’t get me wrong. .Club is nice while .xyz is crap.
Everything is available! Its simple
We love .XYZ!
ps: the worst extension IMO is .QPON….
the idea that certain keywords have value in any extension has died with the infinite releases of these gtlds.
I think the left side of the dot should be longer than the right side.
Why don’t you start .vij? It could be as huge as .xyz!!!
I am starting .qq3w in 5 years. Stay tuned.
Everything is available! Its simple
We love .XYZ!
There is a reason Godaddy has those two extensions on the page.
Your of course taking the position that .club and .xyz are getting registrations because they are on the front page but why are they on the front page?
Obviously because Godaddy thinks .club and .xyz are the best use for their real estate, domain extensions that have interest and that are getting registrations.
Well, not really.
I am sure that Go Daddy has a deal with the registries to promote these domains.
Mike: The rates are “normalized” so that whichever TLD is #1 is always given a rate of “100”. If you change from “rate” to “avg”, the “avg” numbers will change.
Andy at NameStat.org would be able to differentiate these .XYZ registrations from the Network Solutions batch. But that brings up a question:
Do we have any particular reason for assuming the Network Solutions compulsory .XYZ domain giveaway has run its full course?
Of course, registrations can come from many sources. But, given .XYZ’s penchant for fabricating customers and Daniel Negari’s assertion that he’ll get his million number (bogus or not), it seems worth asking how many .XYZ registrations Network Solutions will be expected to provide when all is said and done.
Network Solutions has 4,798,010 domains or thereabouts, right? That could mean 4,798,010 compulsory matching .XYZ domains. So Negari could easily purchase his “success” from them five times over, pacing his “growth” over the course of 2014.
You never know how many scams behind .xyz.
Maybe not only with Networ Solutions.
I do not trust any numbers as long as .xyz is concerned
Andy just removed all NSI registrations of .XYZ which no doubt has some paid ones as well from the fastest growing list.
We do not know how broad the NSI offer is however its certainly at this point hasn’t gone to a lot of people, customers of NSI including myself.
We are unable to ask NSI anything.
They have no one that is willing to chat with domain bloggers or other publications as far as i can tell about .XYZ or anything else for that matter
Ok got you George, well as I have said I been watching these numbers ever since they removed the Netsol and XYZ has solidly been number 1 on the fast growing list and .club has been number 2
You’re getting ready to switch to your south paw?
I’m sure you notice what Paul Green, and Palidini are saying. But I’m sure it’s convenient to ignore those comments.
This morning’s .XYZ figures seem to be interesting. There seems to be no change whatsoever. The SOA serial number on the zonefile has updated and a few of the DNSSEC fields, but it is still basically the same zonefile as yesterday’s morning. Perhaps it is just a glitch. That’s a 0 increase and .CLUB is leading the new registrations table again.
And who can rule out the possibility that, in addition to the NetSol “promotion”, Negari is also using other third parties (anonymous foreign companies, dummy companies, figureheads, etc) to purchase .xyz domains?
There are a lot of techniques to inflate/fake numbers …
But as usual you assume that everyone is for sale to the highest bidder.
Not saying that registries don’t pay registrars for promotion but I’m likewise saying there are a lot of registries that would love to be on Godaddy’s home page and I’m sure they are some registries that have offer promotional dollars to Godaddy but at the end of the day Godaddy isn’t promoting .Rich or .Red they are promoting extensions that are in demand and will get them customers and registrations.
I always assume when the evidence it there.
You assume that Go Daddy turned down .rich and .red.
I say they didn’t try. Afilias doesn’t work that way and .rich costs $2500 and has 22 registrations. Getting a new registration is like hitting the jackpot.
Oh and it turns out they are for sale! Because everything is!
It’s not like I said that they are selling their bodies…
I only say they are selling some screen space. I don’t understand why that seems so improbable.
No one said the space on godaddy isn’t for sale but if you were godaddy would you “sell” the space to anyone?
Would you sell your limited space that is in very high demand to an extension you thought wasn’t going to get significant registrations
Mike, actually yes. And they do sell the space to anyone. They sell to .xyz, don’t they? How lower can you get?
Would you choose new gtld 1 making $5k per day or new gtld 2 making $3k per day?
New gtld 2 of course!!! Because they also pay you $200k per month for the spot.
Simple math.
I think I finally get it
You have never turned down money from any potential advertiser or a “client” who is willing to hire you and give you money so you can’t envision anyone else doing it.
I can tell you that at ROTD we have turned down engagements where we were offered $25K or more because we didn’t believe in the success of the extension.
Yes we actually said no to money
at Thedomains,com, I have turned down at least 500 times over the years and 4 times this week alone, cash to publish a post about something or other.
i don’t even know they wanted published, because i turn it down immediately as soon as I see the word pay and sponsored post.
Until you have turned down money you can’t get your head around the concept
Yes, and I get you as well.
Yes I have turned down money but I don’t go about advertising it every other post.
You have written the same thing various times. We get it.
Go Daddy doesn’t give a shit of what extension is better or worse. All they want is the money. Get that?
This is not about morals. It’s about money. Companies like Go Daddy don’t have morals like you and only YOU.
Its not about morals its also about good business
Godaddy can “sell” that spot to anyone they would damage their own brand but putting up a domain no one had interest in or was otherwise unsaleable
So maybe its a combination between money and success
Go Daddy and good business don’t go in the same sentence. oopps
If go daddy cared about their brand then it wouldn’t be godaddy. It wouldn’t have removed domains from customers account just because their system failed to register them. This is just the last thing I remember from all the mess that go daddy is. And they were also withholding money from me and many others etc… etc…
They would replied to my questions a few months back when someone from go daddy contacted me to be friendly and when I send him the hard questions he vanished. Still looking for him…
They only thing that go daddy cares for is money. If they see a new gtld being marketed and it is new they will take the money no matter what. As I said .xyz is bullshit on it’s own. Probably the worst new gtld. And go daddy promotes it. Enough said.
See this is the real damage that .XYZ has done by not coming out right away and being transparent. Now people who have no stake in the extension, shy of maybe a handful of handregs are arguing. When the fact of the matter is that it is .XYZ that has poisoned the well.
The first thing I would say is that Go Daddy has a different opinion on .XYZ than many domain investors. It is an extension to them, it is one of the fruits that is ripe in season so they are selling it on their digital fruitstand. Domain Investors are not getting money, they are being asked to spend their money on a piece of fruit they feel is contaminated or has been genetically modified to hide its short comings.
This continues to be the disconnect, Registrars and Registries are going to keep on trucking, they are going to do what they are doing because this is about one thing and that is not, choice, it is about money.
With the clusterfuck that ICANN and let’s be clear this is their fault, but under the construct of this program there are going to be new fruits coming every week, who can stay fresh for the long term is going to be the real key and the real long term story on the new gtld program.
When I read and hear “A domain for the .xyz generation” it sounds gay and transgender related.
Funny thing is, is that when I search for the term to see how it relates to the gay community “Club XYZ” pops up.
The 2 extensions at the top and being discussed. Odd coincidence.
Perhaps Team XYZ will visit the place on their road trip.
I do love the term genetically modified domains
While registration stats are an interesting statistic, they are not a reliable gauge of investment merit. While there are frequent NDAs in any TLD, it would be interesting to see a report of the number of aftermarket (non-registry) sales by TLD (even for older TLDs) with the median sale shown and compared to the number of registered domains in that extension. So if a new TLD has 50k registrations (probably 99% speculative holdings) but only 50 reported aftermarket sales (1/1000th of registrations) and a median sale price of $300, what does that say about investing in that TLD if renewals are $50/year?
I would love to see all of that too but the .XYZ registry just launched two weeks ago
and the oldest new gTLD is about 5 months
Personally I think .xyz (without the bogus registrations) is the fastest growing new gTLD at this point due to 2 simple reasons:
1. Most people still DON’T KNOW about the freebies which are happening at Netsol (unless they are reading domaining blogs) . Since Daniel continues to claim on a lot of social media platforms and on his blog that .xyz is a success based on the “total” registration numbers (conveniently hiding the fact that 84% of those registrations are not requested/initiated/paid by any registrant) I guess .xyz’s perceived popularity will continue to reel in new registrations from ill-informed registrants.
2. The promotion of .XYZ on Godaddy. For some reason most new gTLD’s don’t bother to promote anywhere. Only a few gTLDs like .club and .xyz are using the Godaddy Platform to boost their registration numbers.
At some point the Godaddy promotion will stop (I can’t imagine Daniel having millions to spend infinitely) and as a result .xyz (paid) registrations will then slow down dramatically. I guess the whole “marketing” plan by Daniel is that he hopes that by the time the freebies stop and the Godaddy promotion comes to an end that the perceived popularity of his extension is big enough to virally continue to grow by itself.
Last and final time before we block you and your IP address
This post is about XYZ which Rick does not own or have any interest in
I say that with 100% certainly
Why don’t you just say what you beef is with Rick once and for all and then move on
Did you ever watch Dr, Phil?
Let me also add that in the last few days, after the .xyz case started, our website has received some visits from people located in Beverly Hills, CA.
Anyone familiar? …
This morning, for over 1 hour, from 09:34:34 AM local time, someone has tried to access and hack our website.
Hopefully no damages, because they failed … lol …
As far as we know, the hacking attempts were coming from:
User IP:
User hostname: fisher.arvixe.com
ISP: SoftLayer Technologies
Organization: Arvixe Web Solutions
Type: Corporate
Assignment: Static IP
What a coincidence! … but I don’t believe in coincidences …
Why do you think they would try to hack your site ? That is pretty screwed up if they did.
The only thing I know is that someone has spent more than one hour of his/her time trying to access/hack our website.
If you want, I can show the reports of our security tools with all the details.
I mean, sometimes it’s not unusual to be targeted by some sort of hackers, especially from Eastern Europe, we are kinda used to that, as many other people are, I guess it has happened to you too.
But in this case the attack looks different: it lasted more than 1 hour, and it came from a corporate IP located in the US.
Let me answer you with some questions: why would someone, connected from a corporate IP, “wake up” one day and try to hack our website, without a specific reason? and why our site? and why with this specific timing? (why now?)
I have my own view on this, but I want to investigate further.
Maybe we should also ask to the guys at Arvixe Web Solutions why (and how is possible that) someone, connected from one of their corporate IPs, has tried to hack our site …
@ the “would-be” hacker: if it’s a sort of threat or message, it’s just pathetic … lol … and your IP has now been permanently banned …
Another “coincidence” and some data for you guys.
… just compare it with other Gtlds …
According to HosterStats, as of 15 June 2014, 85% of registered .xyz domains are hosted on IP addresses based in the BVI (British Virgin Islands) : http://www.hosterstats.com/xyz-websites.php
Let me say that this geo distribution looks kinda “unusual” …