.Expert which goes into general availability on Wednesday, already has over 1,300 registrations through the Early Access Program (EAP) with most of them coming on days 4 and 5.
I personally haven’t kept any records on how many domain names have been registered in any of Donuts previous new gTLD strings, but I’m pretty sure this is a record for domains registered in EAP
When I went through the zone file two days ago there were about 150 domain names including Sunrise registrations and day 1 and 2 EAP registrations.
Today there are 1,452 domain names registered under .Expert, so over 1,300 domain names were registered on EAP 4 and EAP 5.
Also keep in mind that many of the .Expert domain carry a premium price on registration and renewals such as SEO.expert which has a $800 registration and renewal rate at Godaddy which was registered under privacy.
.Expert looks like a huge winner and money maker for Donuts.
Even before its true launch on general availability, .Expert has more registrations than 9 fully launched new gTLD’s
Another big early winner in .Expert is Web.com
There two big registrars NetworkSolutions.com and Register.com were responsible for over 65% of all registrations to date.
A lot of the domain registered so far are in the legal and medical field and I hope that those who registered them have are actually lawyers and doctors who actually specialize in those areas of practice or medicine or there might be trouble down the line.
On the trademark front I saw a few potential problems like MLB.expert and NFL.expert (both registered to the same party) and TheMac.expert (Mac.expert was registered by Apple in Sunrise) and Chevy.expert and Chevytrucks.expert registered by what appears to be a Chevy dealer but not General Motors.
I also saw a number of trademark holders that missed Sunrise go back in early to grab domain names.
Here are some of the more interesting registrations:
1031.expert |
1040.expert |
3dprinter.expert |
3dprinters.expert |
420.expert |
abdominoplasty.expert |
accidentreconstruction.expert |
actuarial.expert |
adoptionagencies.expert |
adoptionagency.expert |
adoptionnetwork.expert |
ads.expert |
aging.expert |
agriculture.expert |
airfare.expert |
airplane.expert |
alarm.expert |
alaskarealestate.expert |
anal.expert |
anxiety.expert |
appraisals.expert |
aquariumservice.expert |
architectural.expert |
art.expert |
asphalt.expert |
assetprotection.expert |
atlantamoving.expert |
atv.expert |
backpain.expert |
bags.expert |
bailbonds.expert |
ballroomdance.expert |
banquette.expert |
bartender.expert |
bartending.expert |
basement.expert |
bathroom.expert |
battery.expert |
beer.expert |
beverlyhillsbreastsurgery.expert |
beverlyhillsfacelift.expert |
beverlyhillsfacialsurgery.expert |
bil.expert |
bitcoin.expert |
blackdiamond.expert |
blinds.expert |
bollywood.expert |
bookkeeping.expert |
brand.expert |
breastaugmentation.expert |
breastenhancement.expert |
breastlift.expert |
breastrevision.expert |
brewery.expert |
broker.expert |
builder.expert |
burglaralarm.expert |
burgundy.expert |
businesscompliance.expert |
businessconsulting.expert |
businessdivorce.expert |
businesslaw.expert |
businesslitigation.expert |
businessplan.expert |
businessrescue.expert |
businessvaluation.expert |
buying.expert |
carsales.expert |
carwash.expert |
casino.expert |
catering.expert |
celebrations.expert |
champagne.expert |
charterbus.expert |
charterschool.expert |
chevy.expert |
chevytruck.expert |
chicagohair.expert |
childcustody.expert |
childsupport.expert |
claims.expert |
cleanenergy.expert |
cloud.expert |
cloudcomputing.expert |
coin.expert |
collegeplanning.expert |
computers.expert |
computing.expert |
condo.expert |
corporate.expert |
corrosion.expert |
cosmeticdentist.expert |
cosmeticdentistry.expert |
cosmeticsurgery.expert |
counselor.expert |
counselor.expert |
cover.expert |
covers.expert |
crisis.expert |
crisismanagement.expert |
crop.expert |
crossword.expert |
crowdfund.expert |
crypto.expert |
cryptocurrency.expert |
cuckold.expert |
customersupport.expert |
dairy.expert |
databreach.expert |
datacenter.expert |
datascience.expert |
datasecurity.expert |
decking.expert |
delivery.expert |
dental.expert |
dermatology.expert |
diamond.expert |
diet.expert |
digitalprinting.expert |
dildo.expert |
directmail.expert |
disease.expert |
divorcelaw.expert |
dmv.expert |
domaining.expert |
domainname.expert |
driving.expert |
dwi.expert |
earthquake.expert |
emergencymedical.expert |
estateplanning.expert |
estimating.expert |
evaluation.expert |
eye.expert |
eyelid.expert |
eyeliner.expert |
eyesurgery.expert |
fabric.expert |
faceandnecklift.expert |
faceliftbeverlyhills.expert |
facelifting.expert |
facialsurgery.expert |
factoring.expert |
failure.expert |
fairtrade.expert |
familylaw.expert |
fantasyfootball.expert |
fantasysports.expert |
farming.expert |
farms.expert |
fence.expert |
fencing.expert |
fengshui.expert |
fiber.expert |
financial.expert |
financialplanner.expert |
fingerprint.expert |
fingerprinting.expert |
fire.expert |
firealarm.expert |
flood.expert |
floral.expert |
flower.expert |
food.expert |
footballbetting.expert |
forensicaccounting.expert |
forensicneuropsychiatry.expert |
forensicneuropsychology.expert |
forensicpsychiatry.expert |
forensicpsychology.expert |
forensicscience.expert |
forklift.expert |
forkliftparts.expert |
franchise.expert |
freight.expert |
fresh.expert |
fruit.expert |
geography.expert |
grants.expert |
greencardlottery.expert |
grief.expert |
gun.expert |
haircolor.expert |
hairloss.expert |
hairstyling.expert |
hairtransplant.expert |
hamptons.expert |
handicapping.expert |
headinjury.expert |
healing.expert |
hipreplacement.expert |
hiring.expert |
history.expert |
hrs.expert |
hunting.expert |
hvaccomfortconsultant.expert |
hvaccomfortspecialists.expert |
hvacr.expert |
iaas.expert |
iamthe.expert |
identity.expert |
identitytheft.expert |
idtheft.expert |
immigration.expert |
inboundmarketing.expert |
incorporation.expert |
ineedan.expert |
ins.expert |
insidesales.expert |
inspection.expert |
instrument.expert |
intellectualproperty.expert |
intelligence.expert |
interiordesign.expert |
internationaladoption.expert |
internationaltrade.expert |
intervention.expert |
investing.expert |
investment.expert |
iot.expert |
irs.expert |
irsaudit.expert |
irscollections.expert |
irstax.expert |
joey.expert |
josh.expert |
juice.expert |
knife.expert |
laborrelations.expert |
land.expert |
landscape.expert |
landscaping.expert |
landuse.expert |
lash.expert |
lasik.expert |
lasvegas.expert |
lasvegasescorts.expert |
law.expert |
lawn.expert |
leather.expert |
legal.expert |
license.expert |
lifeexpectancy.expert |
lifeinsurance.expert |
limo.expert |
lipo.expert |
listing.expert |
literacy.expert |
litigationstrategy.expert |
litigationsupport.expert |
loghome.expert |
logistics.expert |
logo.expert |
mailinglist.expert |
makemoney.expert |
marijuana.expert |
marketresearch.expert |
marraigecounseling.expert |
marriage.expert |
marriagecoach.expert |
marriagecounselling.expert |
massage.expert |
math.expert |
mechanic.expert |
mediabuying.expert |
mediate.expert |
mediator.expert |
medicalcare.expert |
medicalinsurance.expert |
medicareinsurance.expert |
medicaresupplement.expert |
meeting.expert |
meetingplanners.expert |
miamibeachcondo.expert |
michaelmattioli.expert |
millionaire.expert |
mississippidui.expert |
mlb.expert |
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motivationalspeaker.expert |
motorcycle.expert |
move.expert |
moving.expert |
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newgtld.expert |
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patientsafety.expert |
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payrolltax.expert |
pennystock.expert |
pennystocks.expert |
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phone.expert |
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prints.expert |
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property.expert |
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Richard S says
What happens to the value of .expert, when .experts comes out in 2016-2017?
Michael Berkens says
Well who knows but that is a “what if” scenario.
1st of all we don’t know when a second round will even open up and then there is an application time, review time, delegation time etc etc and maybe someone will apply and Donuts would be the likely party.
So 2017/2018 is more likely for a live .experts
Beyond that 3 years or more in internet time as you know is an awful long way to project out
Maybe there will .Gurus too, maybe the
DNPric.es says
Indeed, .expert is in direct competition with .guru. It will be interesting to see how these two align over a year time.
Grim says
Releasing the plural versions of gTLDs in a few years will be a nice way to keep the money train a-rollin’. Maybe they’ll offer the ‘lucky’ singular version owner of the names first chance to get in on the plural… at a premium price, of course.
dlsx says
You mean all new gTLDs are a scram, and actually offer nothing new or any ROI possibility?
You don’t say?
S U C K E R S all around in this industry, and still no one has done anything to fix the broken UDRP process that rules on a basis of guilty until proven innocent.
bnalponstog says
Quick answer, neither one has value.
Richard S says
Taking it from the perception of a domainer, or name investor, since this is a domaining blog, and not an end user scenarios. Let’s face it ICANN will need more money, and only way is to release more extensions, so when .experts comes online in about 3-4 years, about the time it would take for gtld’s to gain traction in an aftermarket, how will this dilute the value of the singular? I think it is a fair question… I understand worrying about that road when we get there, but as you stated given the majority of premiums being around the $400 mark, and up why wait that long to discuss that such scenario?
cmac says
@richard, I agree. Since so many are viewing this as a long term investment they should be thinking about what else will or could be released in the future, the possibility of increasing renewal rates and other changes that could impact the future value of these new domains.
Michael Berkens says
There are a ton of things that can and will impact the valuation of new gTLD’s and TLD’s in general, too many to list in a comment or post.
I’m just saying we don’t even know if there will be a 2nd round, when it will be, when those domains will be live, we don’t know if anyone will apply for .experts and if they do we don’t know what their pricing model will be, they may charge $500 a registration or $10 a registration or give them away for free, so while its a valid concern there are so many variables and “if’s” about it that I think its too contingent to worry about.
Ghe bigger issue is we don’t even know what the “value” of a .expert domain is right now.
We know there are people will to pay $800 a year or more to register one but that is all we know. We don’t know what one of these will sell for on the aftermarket.
So if we don’t know what a .expert is worth how are we suppose to guess on what they will be worth 4 years from now if there is a .experts too
Michael Berkens says
.ninja is coming too
DomainInvestor says
We don’t have to wait until 2nd round people. Just look at .supplies and .supply that will be released shortly.
Michael Berkens says
don’t forget about .car and .cars and about 20 more
Edward C says
lmao expert vs guru.
.guru is okay for quirky TV advertising and .expert is when you want to be taken seriously.