As the last day of general availability ended yesterday, we know that .Guru was the big winner so far with over 12,000 domain registrations.
Not surprisingly just one day after general availability started for new gTLD domain name registrations, new gTLD domain have already started to hit the aftermarket.
Over at the domain name is priced at at Buy it Now of $19,997 (or best offer)
A .Guru registration is around $40 at Godaddy.
So at $20K that would be a fairly nice one day profit.
A better buy in our opinion would be which is priced at a Buy It Now of $4,995 at eBay (or best offer) not to be confused with (.Camera is another new gTLD available for registration) which is available for registration for $40 over at Godaddy.
Over at Sedo .Guru domain name are already for sale on a Buy it now basis from prices ranging from 500 Euros to $10K.
Of course several .Guru domains are for sale on a make offer basis as well.
7,499 USD | |
5,000 USD | |
7,000 USD | |
Make Offer | |
Make Offer | |
Make Offer | |
Make Offer | |
Make Offer | |
10,000 USD | |
2,500 EUR | |
2,500 USD | |
Make Offer | |
Make Offer | |
500 EUR | |
5,000 USD | |
5,000 USD | |
10,000 USD | |
6,275 EUR | |
9,700 USD | |
Make Offer | |
Make Offer | |
Make Offer | |
9,999 EUR | |
9,999 EUR | |
9,999 EUR | |
10,000 EUR | |
6,250 EUR | |
Make Offer | |
5,000 USD | |
499 GBP |
By comparison is priced at $4,388 at
Here are the number of new gTLD registrations according to
TLD | Domains |
guru | 12,394 |
bike | 3,727 |
clothing | 2,856 |
singles | 2,071 |
ventures | 1,669 |
plumbing | 1,081 |
holdings | 963 |
شبكة. (.xn--ngbc5azd) | 814 |
equipment | 137 |
lighting | 137 |
estate | 85 |
photography | 73 |
graphics | 68 |
camera | 62 |
gallery | 62 |
i am all “over” this
CameraGuru DOT COM?
in the Attached picture…. uh?
Freudian Slip….
Classic! – reserve it now
From the list I like most. and isn’t bad either.
The rest I wouldn’t even want to register for reg fee :p is good as well but in any case, the guy at eBay is selling not .
Over the next years I would think that every extension up there combined will likely have less registrations than just .mobi. all by itself. Now the hype turns into solid numbers and we will see they don’t match.
Please pass the popcorn.
guru is a stupid fad term. pro is much better.
Rick I think when .app and .web come they will be extensions that will do better numbers, I think .media will do good numbers if priced right.
I am not regging any .guru but 12,000 after one day is not bad. For a lot of these extensions the key is going to be that one year renewal and what % gets renewed.
With new extensions coming out every week these could become like fashion trends, especially the novelty type extensions. Out with the old and in with the new.
Someone who wants to be a guru this year may want to be a ninja next year.
Past guru keyword sales in dot com… $45,000 $28,000 $10,100 $6,560
Source: dnsaleprice
I actually think .guru is one of the better ones, but ill still pass. Id much rather have than
You won’t have to wait until next year to be a .ninja or .expert or .coach
Disposable Domains.
(of an article) intended to be used once, or until no longer useful, and then thrown away.
If anybody ‘seriously’ calls himself a guru of this or a guru of that… in my eyes sounds “vague and lame” it loses credibility ‘ipso facto’, used in a fun way perhaps it could be cute… but cute doesn’t pay the bills.
Real Gurus have Real Names.
eg: Dog guru: Cesar Millan
And .web … ‘too little too late’ 18 years ago perhaps it had a chance, also find it redundant just as .internet would sound.
@DomoSapiens. lol. freud indeed
the mega churn has started
Investors that continue to retain the mindset of a domainer through 2014 and beyond are up for a surprise: what worked in the past won’t be working anymore. When the doors are open to get alternate names, attempting to register every single keyword in order to flip them for a fortune will get you a nice $35 bill year after year. Think smart, or .XYZ will be anyone’s resort to your overpriced domain.
oh yea, go spend more money. I see lots of people registering but who is buying?
.xyz is one of the crappiest choices out there if not the crappiest, No meaning… no purpose in life.
Prove me wrong by changing your blog/site url/name to : and then show us your portfolio of .xyz premium domains
Talk the talk…now
Walk the walk.
OK Bulls:

How about
– now that is one for the ages
Right up there with my
I know they don’t have to wait Mike but I am saying if they regged the guru they may hold it for a year and then switch hats to a ninja.
@Domo – You missed the point of my rant completely. Read again, more carefully what I said. Not getting it yet? Then let me hold your hand for a second: gTDLs aren’t for domainers.
Wow. Revelation that might shock some. Read Morgan Linton’s monumental post. He nailed it.
There is no need to change anything that’s established. What *will* change, is the option to pay for an overpriced domain versus getting the exact keyword in an industry-related brand.
so what gtld company are you working for acro?
No two letter new gTLD’s for now
Raymond For sure
I’m on record yesterday on the Sherpa deal chatting about .guru and some other alternatives for better or worse
Thanks for clearing it for me…
and I did read Linton’s Honest/Unbiased opinion which is simmilar or identicalto other 3 prominent Bloggers/Domainers (Elliot’s, Andrew’s and Michael GIlmour’s) and I guess your’s now..
either :
“New gTLD are NOT for domainers” or ” They are NOT for me …or I am not playing them”
which it begs the question:
Who are they meant for…? Yikes!
In addition the domainers’ pool has shrunk… evidenced by the traffic you see at the forums (Some near Death) and realizing that the most popular threads are the ones that offer “1 and 2 USD GoDaddy coupons”.
Add to the mix “dilution” (hundreds of .mobis at once) and a clueless public and you get what you get…
In the short run the lucky ones are the first gTLDS to come out, till the you know what hits the Fan… and people wake up and smell the coffee.
You better off being one of the “Shovels and Picks”: makers, salesman, consultants or caretakers… and I guess you will be alright.
there is a lot of Capital behind the New gTLDs a fact a lot people ignore, none of them will die right away they will just ‘ride along the sunset’ nest to the existing/re-purposed (uh?)/ or like some one else called them in a spammy email “Existing New gTLDs” (seriously?) AKA Rolling Tumbleweeds…
I am still scratching my head about the “Disposable domains” scenario…
Domainsherpa to domainsharpie to domainninja to domainslurpee to domainWTF…
Good grief!
For when Domains.Crap?
@cmac – I’m independent, but to provide you with more information ditch the anonymity – and the low blows.
@Domo – Glad to see you understand where I stand. Will expand on your questions in a future post.
This ain’t gonna be pretty, folks. Attorneys, marketers & consultants better bill quick, before the vultures start picking the rotting carrion.,
@Michael Bergens
Seems that only some two letter domains were not available for the new gTLDs. Got these:
Do you know what the annual renewal fees on those will be?
@Michael Berkens
According to the registrar, Dynadot, renewals will be: – $113.85 – $75.90
Both were bought at premium pricing at $xxx.
(Sorry for misspelling your name in my first comment)
looks like you pre-registered those at the $800-1,000 tier?
lots of 1 letter domains still available to hand register in the released gTLD..
in .holdings for example, there are multiple single letter domains still available for a $79 hand reg..
looks like Paul Stahura’s “ for $135” example wasn’t entirely out of line after all… and we’re only 7 gTLD deep into this.. peoples enthusiasm and money will probably start to run lower and prices will thin out even more i’d imagine.
hah well that didnt take long, sheesh…
why did everyone assume single letter domains wernt going to be sold at all? seemed like one of those rumors that got spread around and nobody bothered to actually check the whois.
kinda weird some were reserved and some not.. and godaddy’s search for new gTLD is sometimes a bit funky.
by the way, the $400 ones at godaddy are only $240 at dynadot…
Yes, it was in that price range, although low $xxx for
It does seem weird that some names were reserved and others not, and Donuts also had loads of technical difficulties during the first days.
Hopefully in the next round they’ll add .shirt, because I can already see that a lot of folks are going to lose the one they have on.
…..thats original.
bnal –
what about a shopping tld .goods.
So Interweb
What have you bought ?
OTIW, go bite a squirrel… or Tony the metallic tiger.
nothing yet. just lookin fer now..
@Nikato Muirhead
I think you’d be making a mistake selling your .guru name now. While you might be able to make a quick 3 or 4-figure payday, people just don’t understand the value of gTLDs enough to give you what it’s really worth.
But if you can wait at least 5 to 10 years, continuing to pay the annual reg fees during that time of course, I think you’ll see names like yours going for at least 7 or 8 figures. Maybe even 9 or 10. And that’s not just because the dollar will be worthless by then, but because people will finally understand that this new Internet exposes a lot of the deceptive perversity of the old one, which is sadly still very much with us.
For example, what does .COM really mean? Everyone knows what GURU means, but .COM? Could it mean … COMMUNIST?!? Of course it does! Why do you think the U.S. is slowly moving towards ideas where its people hate those who have more money than they do? (I mean, isn’t that the American Dream?) Why does everyone want more and more social programs and equality in pay? It’s simple. Because over the years, .COM(MUNIST) has made them think that way!
.COM is evil. But your .guru domain… that brings hope to a very dark world. So hold onto it. And register more .guru and all the other gTLDs you can while you’re at it. Max out your credit cards, it doesn’t matter! Because it will take a lot of people registering a lot of gTLDs to finally move us away from the twisted sad commie mindset we all find ourselves in today. I only pray we’re successful. For the children…
I personally love .guru, got some good one’s, will filp them when i feel its time now
Flip as in flip 180 degrees straight into the ground head first
Good luck
.guru isn’t a bad extension, quite brandable with the right word/s. But I agree with some guy above me that .pro is better. For some reason I couldn’t take a domain with .guru seriously.