95 new gTLD application passed ICANN Initial Evaluation (IE) today and 2 applications are headed for the dreaded Extended Evaluation.
Leading the way passing IE, today are the Geographical applications for .Africa; .Miami; .Amsterdam.
Beyond that a couple of very interesting new gTLD passed IE today .Bible which was filed by the American Bible Society and .Adult which was filed by ICM Registry the operator of the .XXX extension
Several Brand applications passed IE today.
Applications for car makers .Landrover; .Dodge, .Jaguar and .Suzuki and .Chrysler all passed IE today.
Other brands passing today include Amazon’s application for .Amazon and .Zappos; Best Buy’s application for .bestbuy; Toshiba’s application for .Toshiba,
The other big winner of the day was Merchant Law Group who had several of its applications which had previously been passed over which passed IE.
The two applications that went to Extended Evaluation were for .BCG filed by The Boston Consulting Group, Inc and the application for .GED filed by GED Domains LLC which owns the GED Test.
With today’s results ICANN is through all application numbers with a prioritization number of 1,200 with 1,100 having either passed, failed or qualified for extended evaluation.
Here are all the applications that passed ICANN IE today:
Very “HAPPY ‘ to hear that. Makes my weekend.
and there are applications for .site as well
and Let’s not forget… professional Web : .pw
compared to the other more specific ones i think .web and .site and .website are pretty lame. almost too generic… like hey, way to connect with absolutely nobody in particular and be .net’s little cousin..
but domainers have some fascination with .web and consider it one of the best ones. even naysayers who hate the idea of ALL new gTLD’s say .web “will probably do better than most.”
.web will be the domainers TLD that will probably fail worse than all the other ones due to overspeculation..
Yes BullS –
This is Really Really Extra Really great news
I don’t know what to do with myself I am so delirious.
I think I am going up to the top of MT Evans and rub one out
Yes – Domo – this puts all this right up there with .PW – huge.
the sarcasm on every post is dull and predictable..
What is so dull about rubbing one out on a mountain top at 14,000 feet
And add to that my “.Landrover” is in the shop every 6 weeks – its all about living a lie…
ok much better..
Anytime there is a breaking news about new gtlds, I get so freakin horny excited.
It is always time for celebration.
I love the big huge dot pw advertising on top of this blog…right in front of my face.
i completely understand.
i follow a blog about barbie dolls but im not interested in barbie dolls. its the craziest thing. i promise…
ontheinterweb wrote:
> even naysayers who hate the idea of ALL new gTLD’s
> say .web “will probably do better than most.”
I wouldn’t be one of those. When I first heard about .WEB I thought, “But we already have .NET… what’s the difference, and why so much excitement over it?” People can invest in whatever they like, though. After the fanfare and hype dies down, the gTLDs won’t be much different from all the other alternatives to .COM that are readily available to be registered today.
The gates are open. Now we get to watch the movie.
.WEB is cooler than .NET. Spiderman shoots webs from his wrist, not nets.
Also, .net was never marketed directly to potential registrants the way .web will be.
Vertical Integration is a game changer.
So Tom Gilles –
How many .web’s will you be going after – and how much do you expect to invest in any secondary market .web’s
I’m confused. Haven’t the new Gltd’s been brought in to allow businesses (and anyone else) the opportunity to register the name of their choice across a wide array of extentions, cutting out the need to pay top dollar to domain investors? Everyone seems to be poo pooing what is essentially a complete overhaul of the domain name industry, as if nothing is going to change and everyone can continue as before. What am I overlooking here?
I’m not poo pooing it I have been writing about it for over 3 years now
Just type in new gTLD into the search box on the right hand side of the blog
3Dprintman: you’re watching domainers that are sitting and enjoying being the “status quo” be defensive and upset they have to follow another situation from the beginning if they wanna stay on top of it.
what were once geek visionaries talking about this weird thing called the internet (and domain names a part of it) are enjoying the fact that the internet is now completely mainstream, .COM won out and an overwhelming majority of websites uses it. “they” were right and want the credit for it.
and really they deserve the credit. i wasnt into domains back in the mid 90’s but those were some dark days. i cant imagine being into domains as a teenager though. the internet and computers back then made you weird enough. spending money on it? we’re having you institutionalized.
yea we’re nostalgic about it now but if you really think back to those hollow days and realize people saw the future its pretty amazing. seriously i mean that. i imagine some domainers family members really thought they had gone insane with their new “internet addiction” (remember that one – internet addiction haha)..i knew the interspace (ironic way of writing internet) would be huge but knowing all my former classmates are now on it blows my mind. didnt know it would get that huge… that mainstream. crazy.
buttttttttttttttt now we’re watching a HUGE upset and people are in denial.. the people who are enjoying being the status quo. the people who in 2013 still shout about wanting the credit for “getting it right”
so what you have here are much like political parties… extreme arguments from both sides – arguments like the gTLD’s never being able to “take over .com” (which is a strawman created by domainers)
thing is, people built a portfolio based on the thought that something like 1,000+ gTLD’s would never happen… based on scarcity. so now its completely possible longtail .com’s will fall out of favor.
comparing this whole thing to .mobi and .biz and a handful of other landrushes shows peoples bias and clouded judgement. they say, “well explain how these will do better when the other dozen havnt done much with the spotlight all to their selves”
that should be obvious. but enjoy comparing a tidal wave to a tiny ripple of water you saw the day before. to most domainers that is the end all be all argument of why gTLD’s will “fail.”
also, pointing out that some registries out of 1,000some will fail… SO WHAT?
are you investing in their IPO? then how does this matter? they’re gonna fight it out DUH its called capitalism you silly sillies. if domainers actually think the public is going to see registries fail and get scared about gTLD’s all together – YOU ARE INSANE.
regular people are not going to be following the situation that closely you geeky domainers. onto the next desperate argument…. or maybe just follow the situations as it unfolds and adapt accordingly.. i dont know.
Eloquently put.
But not accurately put. Who’s going to do UDRPs on all the new gTLDs. No one. They’ll still be doing them on the .COMs. Huh, wonder why…
So Grim –
What I think you are saying – that I have mentioned before to the cubicle geniuses – is how many UDRP’s / ACPA’s have been filed against non.com’s where the Complainant does not already own the .com ?
Very Few – actually I would venture to say 1 in 10,000.
But you non.com’ers – stay hard with a firm grip – and use both hands – but seriously do not think for a minute that any secondary market in non.com’s will be long gone by the time it is your turn to reserve them.