Beginning May 2013, the Singapore domain registry will require verification of domain name owners. This comes as a result of previous cases of identity theft and fake identities being used when registering .SG domain names.
The new procedure will apply for both second level .SG domains and third level .COM.SG names.
.SG domains are semi-restricted.
While there are no restrictions on the amount and type of names a registrant may apply for, Singapore does require that a local administrative contact is provided.
Please note that this new procedure will not affect existing .SG or .COM.SG domain name registrations.
It will however apply to future owner changes of existing domain names.
You will go to jail for 50 yrs if you do not conform to their rules.
You will spend 10 yrs in jail and 150 rottan whacks on your butt for chewing gum,spitting, keeping your hair long, kissing/hugging in public, holding hands, talking dirty , smirking to the govt and you just answer Yes or No to the authorities.
Forgot to mention, if you go to Malaysia, if you are caught in possession of any illicit drugs, you will be hung-No trial required.
and best of all, you can be detained at no reasons at all, just for national security sake.
There are many pretty gals got caught in possession of drugs because they are being used a Mule.
Beware-never leave your bags unattended.
This rule is set SGnic to prevent the abuse of domain names by fake or stolen identity
More info :
VerifiedID@SG been implement to utilise SingPass (Singapore Personal Access) as identify the domain name registrant through the administrative contact, who will be asked to log into the VerifiedID@SG portal using their SingPass ID, and in turn verify the identity and contact information of the domain name registrant.
This have tighten the registration of SG domain name but is good where only Singaporean and Singapore Business entitle to get the SG Domain extension