ICANN has passed another 39 new gTLD through Initial Evaluation today, including the National Rifle Association application for .NRA, The American Automobile Association application for .AAA, JPMorgan Chase application for .Chase, Microsoft’s application for .Live.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants application for .CPA also passed IE.
Google passed IE for its .Vip and .talk application, Godaddy’s application for .Godaddy also passed IE.
QVC networks application for .QVC also passed today
Here are all the 39 names passing today.
With the results of today, ICANN has now gone through the first 250 applications.
Hello MHB,
This is super good news for these .COM protit Centers to acquire traffic aggrigators funneling
traffic back to their .COM foundation Profit Centers. Looks like we need to own our own .COM
Profit Center don”t you think.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
you talk like because the .COM will get spillover traffic the actual business on the other TLD will fail because of it… your success does not mean their failure.
Hello MHB,
Whats that you say? The Tech Crunch Crowd have this gTLD thing all figured out. They will cut to the chase and use the gTLD that will cut them out of the mother load of traffic that the .COM Profit Center will divert from their prized gTLD hope.
Sounds as stupid as their advice back in early 2000s.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
right Jeff, you true internet veteran you… the only way is to pay whatever amount the .COM holder wants for it.
and if they wont sell it or it isnt available – just go home or choose a 5 word longtail.
meh, you didnt need a website anyway and dont need the kids on your block making fun of you for using a .CO
R. E. = ” you talk like because the .COM will get spillover traffic the actual business on the other TLD will fail because of it… your success does not mean their failure. ”
Those with the superior % revenues win not only in cyberspace but in Brick and Mortar, What don’t you get about these fundamental Marketing Truths? Are you schooled in economics ?
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
heh… say i met you at a bus stop tonight and we had a conversation about the bicycle repair shop i run. i hand you a business card with my active, established website using the domain: Bicycle.shop
do you think people who mistakenly type Bicycle.COM wont try to find their original destination?
@ ontheinterweb,
R. E. = ” do you think people who mistakenly type Bicycle.COM wont try to find their original destination? ”
You have to be kidding us? Wow are you nieve.
You will be lost in cyberspace.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
right Jeff.. great way to avoid answering the questions like usual, anyway…
so you’re saying that after you met a real person, in real life, at a real bus stop.. they hand you a real business card and had a real conversation with you about the real bicycle repair shop they’ve ran for years and their established website printed on their business card..
so you get home, type .COM out of habit, land on a parked page and decide to give up.
do i have your way of thinking about right?
@ ontheinterweb
We hate to brake this to you but once a consumer is in the preferential serch engine hierarchy, the .COM channel, they will be led to a .COM company that will get your business.
You are trying to fight gravity here, Why ?
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Jeff, its not gravity.. its people getting used to the internet and realizing there are different TLDs
people getting smarter. its already happened since the early 2000’s..
if your hope for 2030 is for people to keep the same internet habits as 2013, good luck Mr. dotCOM profit center.
ontheinterweb and other .Whatever experimenters,
Only you can control your destiny. to follow success you need to copy it.
With consumers hesitancy to trust unknown extension sites, they will open their wallets of trust in sites ending in .COM. Its taken consumers 30 years of residual trust to access their Bank accounts and companies with .COM at he right of the Dot.
This is a KEY CONCEPT you need to grasp.
Prime .COM Domain Foundations are currently the conduit for Trillions of Revenue Dollars. There are no limits to the actual value of some Domain Names. Those who scoff at the prices of some Virtual Business Foundations, just don’t know all the metrics involved in the End Users Mind, as well as their Key Strategic value in unlocking Mass Marketing Principles
.COM Profit Centers collectively have funneled more currency transactions via their Foundations than any other Asset Class in History.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact group) (Metal Tiger)
Hello MHB,
Someone on another Blog asked if there is a list of all the gTLD extensions and their initiators?
This list changes daily with all the defections of gTLD backers backing out. This list is fast falling apart, and more and more sane people are not feeling a need to get involved in this EPIC farce.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
[blockquote]heh… say i met you at a bus stop tonight and we had a conversation about the bicycle repair shop i run. i hand you a business card with my active, established website using the domain: Bicycle.shop
do you think people who mistakenly type Bicycle.COM wont try to find their original destination?[/blockquote]
You actually demonstrate the problem with your own analogy.
Sure, the guy at the bus stop might actually say “oh, wait… I wanted bicycle.shop” and retype it – solely because you handed him a card with that printed on it. Meanwhile, 10,000 others instinctively type in bicycle.com
Look, if you spend enough on branding, you can “get the word out” that for a good deal on bikes, you go to ZingTangBikeStore.anything…. but that comes at a cost far higher than the same traffic to Bicycle.com
@ Cartoonz,
You need to quit watching so many cartoonz and get with reality.
Using a .Whatever will get you lost business, where are you getting this stuff?
Gratefully , Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Hey Jeffy,
If you halted your mind-numbing dreck for a minute or two, you might realize Mr. Cartoonz’s post is praising your beloved .COM Profit Centers.
Then again probably not.
@ ontheinterweb
I absolutely believe in 2030 people will be cognisant of a wider variation in tld’s and take note of each when handed a business card…so let’s argue this point in 17 years
@ Jeff
Millions of companies (22 million USA alone)n with a limited number of good .com’s, world simply requires more options and we have to start at some point.
yeah, if anyone needs anymore proof that Jeff does not even read the posts…
check out his response to Cartoonz.
seek help Jeff
@ Cartoonz
We misinterpreted your comment and apologize and we thought this CORRECTION necessary, after rudely being informed, we caught this mistake Sorry.
Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
we? do you have a mouse in your pocket.. how many different people typed that post?
Jeff, your commenting style is as if you’re on a street corner, wearing a sandwich sign, yelling into a bullhorn.
we all can *hear* that guy but nobody actually listens to him because its clear he isnt interested in any sort of real dialogue.
Hello MHB,
There are certain Google Tech Crunch types, and they know who they are, that would like us to not share Professional advice on how to thrive in Online Businesses. Like the Moron above.
These Tech crunch types understand nothing of effective online marketing so all they offer is discourse and howling.
Good luck boys we are here to be your opposite in actually helping people sort through your diversionary tactics.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
i know right, what was i thinking trying to offer discourse about the new gTLD’s on a blog talking about domain names.
ill tread more carefully Jeff. no more discourse.
only fanatic type posts from now on, i promise.
Friend of mine runs a call center selling software. Says over 80% of people think ‘address bar’ means Google Search.
R. E. = ” only fanatic type posts from now on, i promise ”
No surprise here ontheinterweb, this is what you are sent to do.
We are prepared for this, you are laughable.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact group) (Metal Tiger)
The Online Business expansion is being held hostage by SEO Manipulated Search Engine Marketing.
Picture an infinite laned highway with only one entrance ramp?
This in effect is the only option SEO Manipulated Search Engine Marketing supplies to businesses begging to be found in cyberspace.
Full Optimal Internet Expansion can never be achieved through SEO Manipulated Search Engine Marketing.More and more web businesses will be stranded and isolated in cyberspace, never to be found because of the Search Engines Foundationally and Fundamentally Flawed Achilles Heal, called (Market Saturation Obsolescence)
The SEO Manipulated Search Platform by its very design is the big problem. Any Business Locator system that has to be manipulated to find your business is not a direct and honest solution.
Google knows what Google knows what ( Market Saturation Obsolescence) means, by being victim to it. Why do you think they are going to type-ins themselves. Get ready to hear about this very crippling subject,more and more over the years to come.
(Market Saturation Obsolescense) is caused by the massive amount of illegitimate SEO manipulated data that is dumped into the Search Engine Experience.It literally bastardizes information supplied to people searching for your business through a Search Engine. End-Users who trust being found In cyberspace through the Search Engine Centric Marketing Model, suffer the consequnences.
We are especially concerned with the whole foundational Dysfunction of ALL Search engines inability to efficiently locate Businesses legitimately. SEO Manipulators are just a part of this highly inefficient system employed by Search engines in locating businesses with their totally dysfunctional and by the way obsolesced Marketing Function. The SMART money will be going around them more and more.Count on it !
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)