If you turn on your television and watch any news, financial or stock program, you’re bound to hear about the Fiscal Cliff the US is facing.
Both the President and the Speaker of the House held separate press conferences today on the Fiscal Cliff and President Obama just announced he will have another press conference next Wednesday on the Fiscal Cliff.
Believe it or not the domain FiscalCliff.com was just hand registered on April 25th of this year.
The domain is owned by a Kenneth Carey of Site Management Group Inc. and the domain is going to a page where you can learn more about the Fiscal Cliff
“America Heading Towards a Collapse Worse Than 2008 AND Europe! Says Peter Schiff”
With the deadline of December 31st just 52 days away expect this term to gain even more juice as we dead towards the deadline, especially if we fall off the cliff. (sorry, I just registered that domain a minute ago) the domain name FiscalCliff.com might just be the best hand registered domain in 2012.
BrianWick says
Same life expectancy as RomneyRyan.com.
Regardless it will be worth about as much as everything else should it happen
ketmo says
HandRegKing.com is available π
With over 50 hand reg’s this month maybe I should nabe it?
Seriously though picked up some incredible brand one word legal domain names some nice multi word legal domain names on the cheap today
and more future domains to add to my growing GTLD cache.
I think its called vision or contrarian investing.
The only industry I know where the barrier to entry is so low.
Good luck to the FiscalCliff owner BTW
BFitz says
Strangly I registered my first political domain today. EndGroverNorquist. Com/org.
BullS says
Not surprising, bullshitpolitics is already taken
BrianWick says
But what about BullSPolitics.com π
Owen Frager says
would make a better address for the real Fiscal Cliff now on http://finance.townhall.com/columnists/cliffennico/
Mike says
FiscalLemmings.com is still available ….
Louise says
Hi, Nice hand-reg: FallingOfftheCliff.com, @ MHB – you go!!!
It’s up to me, being educated and having learned from all of you, to distill the facts on an exact match domain, which clarifies the issue: TaxElitism.
First, a study must be done, but that is very hard to yield info from shell companies which exist only on paper, to hide the identities of the real execuitves.
The laws should be equal for everyone. Yes, Apple supplies jobs, and those employees pay full taxes likely deducted from their paychecks. Should the law allow Apple to justify circumventing the bulk of its corporate taxes in the state and country in which it made that $$, where its executives also enjoy clean water, safe roads, and schools for its children?
The ironic thing is the stragglehold greedy corporations have on the law, taking advantage of a lack of oversight of corporatations, and paying fewer taxes that are needed to maintain the court system. Courts have been closed one day per week for lack of funds.
Tax Elitism, a ten-letter dot com. Thanx for helping me learn what a valuable and brandable domain is, domainers.
BrianWick says
So Louise –
I will match your TaxElitism.com and raise you a PersonalObama.com and a MyPersonalObama.com in the spirit of the Depeche Mode’s Personal Jesus.
Isn’t it fun to have some worthless talking point stuff to sit on the fireplace mantel π
For me I am very careful about confusing social change with the fundamentals of business in a free market.
At the same time with new (actually restored) liberties (as we now have in Colorado) – I see a proceed with caution opportunity with CheapPot.com.
Louise says
@ BrianWick said:
It IS worthless, but a fun study project to aggregate recent ground-breaking exposes on what seems to be the decrease in tax revenue based on tax elitism – “My business is owned by my wife, registered in Nevada.” No matter how they juggle it – Democrat, Republican, it doesn’t matter: the pool of regular tax-paying citizens is shrinking, because everyone feels entitled.
Aaron says
I like the MarijuanaTourism.com hand-reg on Wednesday.
Aaron says
The same individual picked up WeedTourism.com, but PotTourism.com has been taken for a couple years.
Owen Frager says
Speaking of entitlements how many of those homeless people out there got to that point blowing every cent they had on uninformed domain gambling to spite repeated warning. Hum… sound familiar the one we not speak of on this thread who will probably cost taxpayers lifetime psychiatric care in the domains guild mental ward.
TaxElitism says
All right! Tax Elitism’s comment “called out” and floating near the top by Rick Unger, author of:
The Fiscal Cliff Explained
Louise says
141,000 views and counting, and there is my comment!