According to a press release out today the domain name is back on the sale block.
The domain sold in 2008 for $1,015,000.
No price is mentioned in the release.
Here is the press release:
“‘DigitalDNA, a leading digital advisory firm, has been engaged to conduct a private sale process for one of the world’s most valuable domain names,
“Due to recent trends in the evolving financial services industry, the timing is now optimal for the right company to acquire this rare asset and leverage it to launch a new leading financial brand.”
“The decision to release this asset for sale was predicated upon several distinct facts: (1) Usage and acceptance of online financial services, products, and education are continuing to accelerate at a rapid pace; (2) The integrity of online security and privacy within the Financial sector has dramatically improved user experience and confidence; and (3) Branding and credibility are more critical than ever. Transparency, education, and awareness are the new keys to success, and people are now seeking a better option. ”
“The domain has never before been utilized in any major initiative, making it a clean, ideal and timely brand ready for maximum development. ”
“Similar to owning the best land in midtown Manhattan and allowing all other buildings to develop around it, this property can now realize its maximum value and potential,” says DigitalDNA. “In addition, due to the scarcity of super-premium domains of this caliber, will pay for itself many times over and appreciate in value over time. The domain affords built-in asset protection on the buyer’s upfront investment, due in part to the breadth of the global financial services industry as a whole. It’s not just a great domain name; it’s a global brand, making it a truly rare asset.”
“Given proper execution and utilization of the asset’s full potential, the new owner will realize significant rewards. Such benefits include a bolstering of online customer acquisitions, vastly improved conversions, growth in overall market share, and the ability to cross sell a full range of financial products and services, thereby improving bottom line performance. Further, has simple “call to action” intuitiveness, broad market appeal, and unrivaled SEO and paid search potential, which, compounded by its category authority, can yield supercharged marketing benefits that most financial companies spend untold fortunes to achieve.”
“Arguably the best, most concise, and most “brandable” piece of online real estate in the financial world, the domain is ideally targeted for major financial groups, banks or company’s seeking to establish a new brand or service. The successful acquirer will enjoy a distinct competitive advantage through instant global market leadership perception and increased enterprise value.”
Save $,$$$,$$$ and; a domain that has never before been utilized in any major initiative, making it a clean, ideal and timely brand ready for maximum development. Arguably the best in the field.
^ lol ^
This is why there’s still significant opportunity in this niche. The competition couldn’t possibly be any softer.
A lot of these “sales” were, in fact, fake sales
All that happened was the left hand “sold” to the right hand
Now that the recorded “sales” price is recorded on the internet for eternmity, it sets a “benchmark” price, so to spek, for future buyers
3 Clues of (usual) fictitious sales:
1) Private WHOIS
2) basic minisite or parking page
3) PR release, usually free. Non verifiable, couched in wishy-washy language
Same as which supoosedly sold for $1.65M (LOL:
should turn for 100K, Ill pay 50
Hello MHB,
This is a prime example of the results of the Medias White Noise, borne out of ignorance to the true Value of Direct Navigation. It is also a prime example of terrible timing. Some one with true vision will wind up with this Virtual business Foundation. One mans ignorance is another mans blessing.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
As far as online brands go, this seems like a super one for the right financial company that can properly use its power. After all, we do live in a branded world….and online branding is and will continue to be more important than ever. This is a gem of an asset in the financial/investment space….kudos on the sale.
…..if sold for $16 million, than this could go for a big number. The financial categories it is associated with are big ticket products. The term invest also gets searched much more than the term insure on google and is far more more “brand-able. thumbs up !
” should turn for 100K, Ill pay 50 ”
Come on !!!

MM, if you owned it, you would not sell it for $ 100k.
add 2 zeros. lol.
Based on Alexa, traffic is poor, so the value is in branding. Unfortunatelly, at this time a lot of domain names is sold to domainers only, not to real business entities, which push price down. If this is going to be sold to domainer for future resale, it ends 30-40% down from $1M; if real business take it, it can go up to $2.5M. What a difference, right?
I agree with Jay….. But as a branding sale I think it can be sold anywhere between $2.5 mm and $10 million. Just depends on the buyer and how many people are interested in it. Financial service companies are worth billions….a brand like this is invaluable. That said it doesn’t really matter what the current traffic is. Once someone puts money in building it and marketing it then it will skyrocket. So as a branding play…price could be huge (up to $10mm). As a wholesale play probaly a fraction of that. Good call jay.
Killer name. Killer category. Killer price. $$$$!!
Because in 2008 it was sold for $1M, it would be pretty hard to push the price to $10M, but $2.5M would be very reasonable price with nice profit for the seller. I wish seller find real business buyer… Good luck!
2008 was the height of the financial crisis. so that’s why it could sell anywhere from 2.5 to 10 mm. the 2008 price is irrelevant.
Well, in 2008 domain names were sold for much more than now, so internet brading market is not strong enough in these days. Short names are the most prestige for braning, so I am not expecting to be sold highet than $2.5M…
Short names are not necessarily better for branding – depends on the company, the strategy, and the domain(s) in question.
If I’m running a beach house rental site, do I want or do I want is certainly more valuable, but for the aforementioned business, I believe would be a much better fit to that particular business model. will sell for between $6mm-$9mm.
I agree, but… when I see at these days domain names being sold for low 6-figure, I have always a feeling that something is wrong. Most of them go to domainers, so most likely in future they will sell for much more, but I believe in higher values of domain names and such experience lead to my pessimism that will be sold below $2.5M. But I wish be wrong
A horrible time to sell.
If it’s sold to an end user, it should go for $5M. If to a domainer, $500K MAX.
I don’t think end users in this particular sector get it yet…
@Tony, @Jay, @beach,
It SHOULD sell for $5mm or more,
I think the right play is to an international financial group. They have the money, need the global branding. Timing could actually be great. More companies are existing solely online (banks, financial services, lending co’s etc).
@Tony – clearly they’re not targeting a domineer /wholesaler from the press release. This needs to go to a big financial player…and probably one thats overseas. If sold for $16mm (Even if it had existing links and some traffic) than this domain is equal if not better.
I would say they need to just focus on bigger financial players. theres are literally hundreds that could be potentials and that cold afford something like this. smartest move they’ll ever make.
Good point, Tony. I exepected DDNA to sell this domain name a different way, not just posting a PR note. I am disapointed. We need some serious domain brokerage company that would be hunting buyers in private sector and Fortune/Global 500, being on seller’s side, not just list domain name and wait for some domainers to grab it. Big buyers will never go to auctions and a lot of times such players are not aware of availability of valuable domain names on market.
Take a look at DN Journal’s 2012 Year-to-DateTop 100 Domain Sales Chart and tell me if you see prices you have expected. for $500k, for $325k, for $245k, for $125k, for $125k, for $100k, etc. They all are worth much much more!
Good point Jay. I agree that a firm targeting fortune 500 companies and the like is critical in extracting full value for top domain brands. This is the next generation of domain sales – matching the big boys up with the right brands/domains.
Agree. Easily $5 million dollar name….maybe $10mm to the right buyer.
Yes, to right buyer, but nobody is going to find him. Problem is that there is no such brokerage company that would be hunting for such right buyers. DDNA (same as all other brokers) is just waiting and waiting for buyers to come. Right buyers are not aware of such domain name availability.
its more like an M&A play. one must find the right universe of potential buyers and show the upside value to each company like an investment bank would with a pitch deck for an acquisition.
That said – who knows what they have in store for this sale process, but , in general, I’m in agreement that a specialty firm, like an investment bank, is the right idea for any high level domain/brand sale for that particular category.
great domain
Some of you just don’t have a clue about what goes on.
Believe it or not these sales are often very real. I can say I overlooked a buyer who was interested in Invest for high 7 figures along with DDNA and third party and DDNA got it.
If DDNA didn’t get this domain you would have no clue on its worth other than a past sale .
There’s so many high sales going on but it’s all under NDA and done by shell companies.