Now that ICANN has suspended the Digital Archery program, to batch applications, the question becomes what other alternatives can ICANN use to batch applications.
The issue is that ICANN believes that a random drawing could constituent a lottery in some jurisdictions especially since you have to pay to enter and in this case $185,000.
To avoid being called a lottery you can run a game of skill, which gave birth to Digital Archery.
Now that Digital Archery seems to be pushed off the table, ICANN needs another “game of skill” to batch applications.
Our answer, Carnival Games.
You get one representative from each applicant who wants to be in the 1st batch, to come to a central location and there batching can be determined by using water guns to shoot water into a clowns mouth thereby filling up a balloon on his head, and the first one whose balloon burst moves onto the next round, where each representative gets a number of plastic rings which they throw into a pool full of small old bottles of soda or beer and the 1st 500 who get their ring around the bottle are in the 1st round.
There is always throwing balls at cans trying to knock them off a table, trying to get a basketball through a hoop smaller than the basketball itself or the classic dunk tank.
Not only will the winner get into the 1st batch, but they can also walk away with a stuffed animal.
Yes its all a bit of tongue and cheek, but when assets worth potentially millions and tens of millions are at stake, settling who has a chance of going first and thereby getting a huge jump on out of the gate, should not be decided by a game be it one of chance or one of “skill”.
ICANN should put Digital Archery and all other games of skill on the dunk tank and flush them and batch the application in one big batch or by type of application.
US Federal Trade Commission and SEC Positioning to SHUTTER.ICANN
I was thinking more like an essay contest – have the essay be about why they should be in the first batch.
“ICANN should put Digital Archery and all other games of skill on the dunk tank and flush them and batch the application in one big batch or by type of application.”
I agree with you,
This is an important time in the evolution of the Internet. ICANN should take some extraordinary measures so that they can meet this challenge within six to nine months and not to let it drag on for years and years. For one thing they can add some more staff (with 350 million on hand they should be able to do that okay) then they should cut down on all extra vacations and partying that they normally do and concentrate on taking care all those applicants in one batch. They can give priority to the gTLDs that are a clear cut case and work their way down the list efficiently and quickly. They should also stop the insider tricks and games that has plagued the New gTLD program and they should do their best to restore people’s faith in ICANN before their function and even their whole existence comes into question.
Why not settle it with a wrestling match? Send the CEO of each company. Works well on Star Trek anyway, Kirk is always up for a punchup.
Oh yes, if your company applied for 100 extensions, that is 100 wrestling matches, might get a bit tiring. Plus if anyone applied for the same extension as you, you have to wrestle them too.
Didn’t Amazon warriors cut off one breast to be able to do archery better? So the legend goes.
Looks like someone was offering the digital archery software for just $1000
US Federal Trade Commission, SEC and the FCC Meeting
Insiders claim the goal is the shut everything down at this point
Applicants are advised to **quietly** request a Refund
Cut your loses and run
.INC .WEB .NET and .ONLINE set to launch without ICANN Games
The Digital Archery revolution is just beginning. Digital Archery is about to take on a life of its own. Well beyond ICANN. Look for many applications, programs, business ventures etc. around the concept. It may not work for the GTLD batching process however the applications are unlimited. There is such a thing as “skilled lottery” and Digital Archery is the perfect fit for that application.
i especially like the one where you try to shoot a basketball through a hoop but the basketball is actually bigger than the hoop.
I am sure that people can think of many different contests that can set the applicants apart from each other, but the question is why should a game of chance or skill give an applicant an advantage in being considered first when there is no guaranty that that applicant is going to use the gTLD for the best interest of the global Internet community. What if the applicant that has won the contest decides to keep a generic keyword TLD like .shop or .church closed to everyone else or uses it in monopolistic or discriminatory ways.
Why not require CEO of each applicant to fly to Africa for the Carnival Games or something like that? If the applicant is serious about application, they should send CEO. It will be a media frenzy for the new gTLD program if big shot CEOs like Jeff Bezos, Larry Page show up. Flying to Africa makes equal opportunities for applicants from Asia, North America and Europe.
I have whatever Easychoice is having…
How about a spelling bee? Given the mistakes made in some of these $185k applications, it’d be like natural selection.
1,2,3,4, I declare a thumb war!!
Thanks for finally writing about >Replacement For Digital Archery: How About Carnival Games? | The Domains <Loved it!