ICANN has laid out for the first time, a timeline for the Trademark Clearing House (TMCH)
In a session today ICANN stated the cost to each registry would be between $7,000-$10,000
It seems unclear based on questions from the crowd whether that $7K-$10K fee would be per registry or per TLD.
Despite the question being asked, there was no answer.
For those applicants which applied for multiple new gTLD’s that one factor could make a HUGE difference in cost.
Take Donuts, Inc, for example which applied for 307 new gTLD’s, if the cost is $7K-$10K for each registry their total cost would be $7K-$10K for the TMCH.
However if that fee is applied per string then Donuts could be looking at a bill of over $3 Million dollars.
As for the schedule for rolling out the TMCH, ICANN is calling for testing in July with a launch in October 2012.
Registrars and registries expressed frustration of being left out of the implementation process so far and its failed attempt to get a Tech Summit between registrars, registries and the operators of the TMCH, which is IBM and Deloitte.
“Registrars and registries expressed frustration of being left out…”
ICANN is after NEW Money from NEW Players
The Registrars and Registries are tied up in contracts and exist solely to keep the IANA (ISOC) Labor Union bosses in their $800,000 per year roles.
Nothing has changed in the Postel, Cerf, Crocker Internet
“Despite the question being asked, there was no answer.”
I don’t get it. How can businesses enter into these things prior to having all of the associated costs spelled out? How do these guys manage their businesses without any clarity on costs? Seems rather absurd.