The Wall Street Journal just covered a story about the anticipated wheeling and dealing expecting to occur at the ICANN meeting this week.
The story is entitled “Domain Wheeling and Dealing, Applicants for New Web Extensions Head to ICANN Meeting”
“Entrepreneurs and big companies are battling one another for the rights to manage hot new Web address endings, including .app, .home and .book. Some are gathering in Prague this weekend, where they may decide to team up and pursue a contested domain together or duke it out.”
“At this weekend’s meeting, many of those seeking the rights to contested domains say they intend to meet with their competitors.”
“Some hope to discuss teaming up to reach arrangements where one party might agree to withdraw an application so that another technically would have the rights to manage the name in question. But they would work together to manage the name and share profits if ICANN were to later approve the remaining application. ”
“It is also possible that some domain seekers will offer to pay their rivals to back out entirely. ”
The story cover single applicants like LLC, and Big Room which both applied for .Eco to Far Further, LLC which applied for .Music. to multiple new gTLD’s applicants like Google, Microsoft, L’Oréal to Donuts, Inc. to Top Level Domain Holdings.
Of course I’m also already in Prague to cover the story for you.
Well actually in all candor I’m also here to do some business on behalf of Right of the Dot, LLC as well but there should be story lines and developments coming out of the conference which affect the domain industry for years to come.
To read the whole WSJ story click here
Told ya so.
.COM and .NET are the Low-Hanging Fruit – NOT AVAILABLE
Not Available to the people being distracted (intentionally?) a long way from The.Core
The.Core insiders have played out the the new ICANN CEO “script” as orchestrated for months – some puppets are in place.
.COM owners better keep careful watch on what is going on (elsewhere) a long way from Prague
I’m thinking we’ll see some applicants dropping out from this weeks activity.
The winner gets a tld.
The loser gets two tlds.
That’s the funniest .fail comment yet.
“we’ll see some applicants dropping out”
The Applicants are being played. The Applicants are the entertainment.
Who could have predicted what people would do when networked via computers?
The next 12 months should be interesting.
@.COM and .NET are the Low-Hanging Fruit – NOT AVAILABLE permalink
@”we’ll see some applicants dropping out”
See, I’m actually intrigued and curious about some of the things you post in the comments. But you talk in such ambiguous terms. And we have no idea who you actually are.
Care to … ya know, elaborate a little more on your posts and theories … make them a bit more concrete ?
I just can’t tell if you are 1) pulling a long-term “troll”, 2) batshit crazy, or 3) actually on to something
Something needs to be entertaining, because the cryptic conspiracy babble has moved past boring.
There is a YouTUBE video of various people appearing before the U.S. Congress
They are discussing new Top Level Domain Registries
Paul S the founder of a large Registrar testified and was questioned
One of the questions was (paraphrase) “If you could run .COM would you prefer that over some new Top Level Domain” ?
The answer was: (paraphrase) “Well, of course, duh, but .COM is not in play”
and of course the Congressman looked puzzled, and implied: “Why isn’t .COM in play ?” “Why has there been no effort to re-bid .COM after 14+ years” ?
Fast-forward: .COM will now be cloned in the new DNS
Why would people waste time and money being an Applicant when they can be part of the .COM re-bid, migration, etc.??
kol, his name is jim fleming. but that doesn’t matter. nor does the fact he won’t just speak clearly. what matters is that more people do not become curious and ask questions. there is lots of info on the history of the dns. all you have to do is take an interest and read it. most of your questions can be answered just by reading. there are meetings to attend (e.g. ietf, nanog, etc.). all you have to do is take an interest.
the reason why icann and the “insiders” can pull off such egregious schemes is not because they are clever and discreet; it’s because no one wants to read all the documents and learn the history. no one wants to attend the meetings. no one really cares what they’re up to (except about the money that is made, or if someone is using technology to break the law). it’s easy to become a rich nerd. because you only have to compete with other nerds- of which there are a limited number… and of those, only some are go-getters. most people, outside of nerds, will not be interested in competing. they find it all- low level computing technology- far too boring.
it’s not a conspiracy. it’s just a sad state of affairs where a sorry organization like icann (not to mention iana/arin) is allowed to control so many computers, kinda like a botnet. they accomplish this through perpetuating mass ignorance.
if pc users were to change the default settings on their pc’s, the power of these “insiders” shrinks to nothing. similarly, if pc users stopped relying on phony “anti-virus”, started running their systems from read-only memory, separated their os from their data, etc., etc., then botnets, phishing, etc. would be very small problems.
in both cases, the culprits profit through user ignorance.
Thanks for the clear and understandable translation.
What you say makes a lot of sense to a a non-nerd like me, and I don’t doubt that much what you say is true. Maybe what Jim is attempting to do with his presentation style is to get people to ask questions and do the reading, etc.
My take on the DNS though is that is goes beyond the actual technical functioning of the web and moves into our consumerism, branding and advertising. Sure it would be easy to direct user traffic from one place to another through some other more efficient method, but where does the naming, the attention and market share acquisition originate then?
Marketers of products and services need a mechanism to grab people’s attention and get them to do something, be it ‘buy now’ ‘call now’ ‘type this address’ (or soon, SPEAK this web address) in order to get consumers into their sales funnels. The DNS helps provide this in a way that is more receptive to the masses.
Advertisers need a location to direct people to. For now, at least. I don’t doubt we will be interacting in some completely new way before too long, but that future tech is over my head.
So, you should put all that security and and end user solutions into some sort of marketable condition and get it out there, looks like you’ve identified both a need and a solution.
in some people’s minds, naming may have evolved into something more than just shortcuts, like the speed dial entries on your phone. you might think domain names hold the promise of being a novel way for consumers to both request products by brand – type in a brand and buy products, all in very short order. while i would not necessarily disagree, i think the current dns is a long way off from fulfilling that promise. rather, the success of domaining — and that is what is driving new gtlds — is in exploiting the flaws in the current dns in any attempt to provide such a facility.
if i type, what am i going to get? american-made laundry detergent? information about the alabama football team? oceanographic information? an acronym t-i-d-e? something in foreign language? the list goes on and on. from the consumer’s perspective, this is not exactly ideal. it’s good enough for some of course. ad feeds and paid links do work.
but if you want to transcend the limitations of the current system, then you do need to understand the boring technical details. because you need to transcend icann and the insiders who are quite happy with the status quo and have an interest in preserving it. simple knowledge of the boring low level details is how they maintain control.
if you do not understand those details you will get nowhere.
“if you want to transcend the limitations of the current system, then you do need to understand the boring technical details. because you need to transcend icann and the insiders who are quite happy with the status quo and have an interest in preserving it. simple knowledge of the boring low level details is how they maintain control.”
[[[They]]] love it. The OCCUPY verb plays right into their hands.
“the insiders…are quite happy with the status quo”
Most people would be very happy pulling in over $600,000 per year as the ISOC CEO doing largely nothing. That $600,000 comes from part of the $56,000,000 .ORG fees raked in by the arm’s-length corporate shell (PIR) and the for-profit Registry – which is off-shore with opaque finances.
Are there term-limits on the ISOC or ARIN CEOs ?