In what maybe a very interesting auction if it comes to that, three public company’s have made application for .Wow
Google, Amazon and Demand Media all applied for .Wow.
They are the only three applicants for that particular TLD.
Michael Berkens, Esq. is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Michael is also the co-founder of Worldwide Media Inc. which sold around 70K domain to in December 2015 and now owns around 8K domain names . Michael was also one of the 5 Judges selected for the the Verisign 30th Anniversary .Com contest.
So when the dust settles and I type wow into my browser, will I land at or .wow ?
What, Blizzard didn’t apply for it for World of Warcraft? Unless some new piece of news comes up saying they did, I guess they’re too busy making money on their games, to be bothered with such silly little matters as these new gTLDs.
BFitz, if Google gets .WOW, I think the answer is pretty obvious where you’ll end up.
The end of the original Gold Rush didn’t go well for most people, either. This is clearly a last-minute money grab. Or at least, a hopeful money grab, if enough people can be conned into getting a name with one of these gTLDs.
Yes wow is famous for world of warcraft, could have been a great marketing play.
James, maybe Blizzard knows better than to waste their time with this stuff. They have actual products making them tons of cash, while, from what I can tell, the majority of the people/companies registering these gTLDs don’t have that kind of luxury. (Unless they’re a company getting one simply to protect their brand.)
Thank you. But really, will typing restaurant into the URL bar land you at or .restaurant? Perhaps it will be a setting? Also, can anyone answer what the annual costs are to go into escrow? $200,000 a year?
Well, with Google’s Future Browser, you won’t even need a car anymore.
When you type restaurant into the browser, Google’s “Transporter Browser” will automatically beam you directly to the restaurant that is paying the highest bid for that term.
So, you won’t know whether you will be transported to a fine dining establishment or a fast food joint unless you specify the specific restaurant in your browser bar.
Just remember to put your pants on, so you don’t find yourself standing in the middle of Taco Bell naked.
.Coms will still be 95% of the most decent English commercial sites and still rank on top of Google for a very long time.