We are going through the list of all new gTLD’s applications and finding those strings that have the most applications.
We will be updating this list for a while so continue to check back in:
13 Apps for .App
11 Apps For .Home and 1 for .Homes
11 Apps for .Inc
10 Apps for .Art
9 Apps for .Shop
9 Apps For .Book
9 Apps for .Blog
9 Apps for .LLC
8 Apps For .Music
8 Apps For .Movie, 3 Apps for .Film
8 Apps For .Design
7 Apps For .Love
7 Apps For .LTD
7 Apps for .Hotel, 1 for HOTELES, 1 for .Hotels
6 Apps For .Law, 2 for .Lawyer, 2 for .Legal, 1 for .Attorney and 1 for .Esq (Google)
7 Apps for .Web
7 Apps for .Mail, 1 app for .email
7 Apps for .News
7 Apps for .Store
7 For .Cloud
6 for .CPA
6 For .Corp
6 Apps for .VIP
6 For .Tech
6 for .Online
6 for .Now
6 for .Baby
6 for GMBH
5 for .Style
5 for .Tickets
5 for .Free
5 For .Buy
5 For .Group
5 for .Game and 1 for .Games
5 For .Sale
5 for .Site and 3 for .Website
4 for .Fashion
4 for .Flowers
4 for .Gay
4 for .Insurance, 1 for .Insure, 1 for .LifeInsurance, 1 for .AUTOINSURANCE
4 For .Casino
4 For .Green
4 For .Health
4 For .Med
4 For .Golf
4 for .IMMO
4 For .Pizza
4 For .Play
4 For .Poker
4 For .Auto
4 For .Bet
4 For .Chat
4 for .School
4 for .Video
4 for .RESTAURANT and 1 for .Rest
4 for .Search
4 for .Salon
4 for .Show
4 for .Radio
3 For .Casa
3 for .Mom
3 for .Property
3 for .RIP
When is the auction or final decision???
Only 3 or less for .RealEstate ?
No .Homes ?
The collective hype is a positive – but with these going into auction over the next year or so (I read somewhere) all the luster will be gone by then – just like .co
Looking forward to the first Sedo-like auction house that exists solely for the sale of entire gTLD registries.
Billion-Dollar-Sales coming…
Is all this new gTLD’s will affect .COM value?
GtldAftermarket.com is available – grab it, MHB!
I believe Frank Schilling/Uniregistry applied for both .HOME and .REALESTATE.
Long way to go
Applications will be vetted until December or January.
The objection period will open soon as well, batching will play a huge roll in when a particular extension will be rolled out.
Auctions definitely won’t happen until 2013, but deal making begins today
All this does is make the pie bigger – what we like in a free market economy
End result – the end-user has more options resulting in these new registries making good money –
JoeBlowInsurance.com vs. JoeBlow.Insurance
But none of this takes away from the demand for .com – in fact it will have an exponentially positive effect on .com’s – i.e. the Brand of the Internet
@Nadia –
Yes – amazing only 3 applications for .RealEstate and none for .Homes (plural)
Brian – .com’s WERE the go-to brand of the internet, until today. .Com’s may still be the leading brand for years to come, but expect that to change in no more than 5-10 years from now.
” Auctions definitely won’t happen until 2013, but deal making begins today ”
I don’t think that a lot of the big companies like Google are going to be interested in making deals with others, most of the gTLDs on this list will most likely go to auction. There will probably be many 7 or 8 figure sales by ICANN once all this is done. (just my opinion)
.App having the most says a lot. Although as an App developer myself, I don’t really see any urgent need for it.
There is a .homes (plural) application
I agree with you. I think Google may just blow out competitors.
I think that Amazon’s closed apps will be objected by the GAC
Tom G –
Somebody help me here – how can there be several .Home apps yet just one .Homes ?
My 13+ years of antiquated .com experience says just the opposite.
Mr T seems to have a crystal ball and all the knowledge – maybe he can explain
Only one application for .domains – I thought there’d be loads for that.
homes v home had me baffled too.
I think there had to have been a very compelling reason to go plural – only seems to be for the obvious ones – .toys, .pets, .shoes
1234SouthMonroe.Home ?
1234NorthBroadway.Home ?
Real Estate Listings ?
Of course the consumer / end-user would never think of reserving 1234BroadwayHome.com
1 app for Vacations – none for the singular
I am sure Bridgestone and Goodyear will work something out on Tires
DOT COM is, has been, and always will be King. If Frank Schilling works his magic on the domain extensions he finally ends up with, he will recoup his initial investment and set up his great great grandkids for lives of luxury as well. I also think Mike Mann has a good point. He voted with his wallett, by sticking it back in his pocket. .COM will rule the cyber world as long as I am alive.
“.COM will rule the cyber world as long as I am alive.”
.com IS the brand of the Internet.
None of these guys are dummies – they have all done the math – all this stuff does is make the .com’s (including their .coms) worth that much more. They are just getting the consumer on both ends – what they want – and what they need to settle for until they can afford what they want.
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