Domain industry veteran Jay Westerdal who started, appears to have applied for 11 new gTLD’s under a couple of company’s Fegistry, LLC, and Top Level Spectrum, Inc.
Here are the extensions that Jay applied for:
And the accidental winners are ..
someone else with too much cash
almost all are trash
some good names there.
What is PID ?
He mis-spelled “pud”.
The interesting thing is that he did not apply for .movie
I would say that .golf is the best on the list.
The .sucks gTLD, I would imagine, has some degree of
liability attached to it since you could only ever use it
in a malicious way, to malign individuals and corps…
Arguably, there may also be an ‘adult’ use for the term,
but I think this is quite marginal.
Wonder if anybody’s calculated the total amount of money that icann just made from the new tld’s?
Do they make a killing, regardless of whether the tld’s become successful or not??
Is owning a registry like owning a sports franchise – status – and gets you to the next stage of life as you have defined it ?
I would think if the Hamm Bros / Verticle Axis was so successful with .cm (i think) – they would have been all this stuff as well
That’s a good point bringing up Kevin Ham, Brian.
Did Ham/Reinvent apply for any gTLDs? That’s equally telling.
Unconfirmed but a little birdie told me Ham has applied for
@Cartoonz –“The interesting thing is that he did not apply for .movie”
…and on the other hand…pretty interesting that Google and Amazon apparently ARE targeting that one…
Ad Age article:
“Google Battles Amazon for Hot Domains .Search, .Movie, .Store”
@ Rue Morse
What about .HAM ?
Actually on a more serious note… it seems like Kevin H. & Co. have really been scaling down their domain holdings & endeavors over the past cupla years
What will John berry hill do when multiple clients fight for the same asset?
Or any attorney who can now be in that position?
What any attorney would have to do, decline to represent either in any dispute between them unless both of the parties expressly allows it.
@rue – i don’t see any of those listed.
.orgy? that would be a laugh. why are there no applications for .god? or .devil?
.pid is probably meant as process id. it’s a fail because it’s a common file extension, like .pdf, and will probably be rejected for that reason alone.
“why are there no applications for .god? or .devil?”
Maybe because .GOD would be be politically correct given the current politics in the USA – maybe after November ?
I am shocked that .DEVIL was gobbled up
If you attended any ICANN meeting in the past couple of years it would be pretty clear that .god or .devil would have a horribly hard time getting past the GAC
“What will John Berryhill do when multiple clients fight for the same asset?”
I do not have any clients with contending TLD applications.
Concurrent conflicts in my jurisdiction are governed by Rule 1.7:
Rule 1.7 Conflict of Interest: Current Clients
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), a lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation involves a concurrent conflict of interest. A concurrent conflict of interest exists if:
(1) the representation of one client will be directly adverse to another client; or
(2) there is a significant risk that the representation of one or more clients will be materially limited by the lawyer’s responsibilities to another client, a former client or a third person or by a personal interest of the lawyer.
(b) Notwithstanding the existence of a concurrent conflict of interest under paragraph (a), a lawyer may represent a client if:
(1) the lawyer reasonably believes that the lawyer will be able to provide competent and diligent representation to each affected client;
(2) the representation is not prohibited by law;
(3) the representation does not involve the assertion of a claim by one client against another client represented by the lawyer in the same litigation or other proceeding before a tribunal; and
(4) each affected client gives informed consent.
All that aside, I’m mystified about the notion of “fighting” in this context. The TLD applications are to be grouped by contention sets, evaluated, and go to auction in the event that any qualified applicants cannot come to other terms.
“The TLD applications are to be grouped by contention sets, evaluated, and go to auction in the event that any qualified applicants cannot come to other terms.”
With the tiny number of Applicants (relative to The Internet Population)…
and the small number of “Premium” TLDs it seems unlikely Auctions will be needed.
The Applicants for the “Premium” TLDs should be able to work out deals by the end of the next ICANN meeting and present proposals to “get moving” to the Board.
ICANN Board members are now admitting that the prolonged process NOW seems to be over-kill. Applicants can work out deals and expedite the process.
Multiple Applicants can help to provide better technical redundancy. That is
a good thing.
ICANN should be pulling the multiple Applicants together into mini-Cartels.