The monthly ICANN reports are out for February and ICM operator of the .XXX TLD reported 6,352 one year registrations, 652 two year registrations, 196 three year registrations and 160 five year registrations.
So that is a total of 7,360 new registrations for the month of February 2012, or 9,044 in total taking into account the multiple years.
With a wholesale cost of $50 (actually its $62 but $10 goes to the non-profit IFFOR and $2 goes to ICANN) that mean’s ICM raked in $452,000 for the month.
Not too shabby.
Has anyone ever calculated the “Opportunity Cost” of .XXX NOT being allowed into the DNS in the year 2000 ?
What is the cost of not being allowed into the first ICANN Batch ?
i just don’t understand how anybody is gonna make money in .xxx when you can go to pornhub and watch a cute teenage girl f*ckin’ a monkey for free. (of course hi-def is a dollar extra) the big boys are takin’ over again. just how the world works. such is life.
Why would anyone even want to buy from ICM Registry. Here’s a list of UNANSWERED and UNINVESTIGATED issues as well as oddities that have arisen since the start of ICM Registry’s extortion campaign for DOTXXX.
1. ICANN should never have agreed to give ICM Registry the contract for the .XXX domains when the adult industry didn’t even support the gTLD. It was a big money grab on ICANN’s part along with very clear conflict of interest issues. ICANN is suppose to be a non-profit organization but they are now looking at money well into the hundreds of millions in new and most likely unwanted or needed gTLDs. Where’s the GAC in all of this mess? How is ICANN non-profit with this kind of money being amassed in their accounts? Why wasn’t there an investigation into the Chairman and others who seem to be profitting from all kinds of sweetheart deals that they vote in for themselves or abstain but still have influence over the other board members.
2. One of the largest companies in the Adult business, Manwin’s lawsuit against ICANN and ICM Registry in November has hurt their abilities to convince people to buy into the DOTXXX. It’s still hasn’t been heard and no settlement has been reached.
3. ICM registry was exposed for using an ALT name, D-Man and lied to convince an adult performer, Amanda36c that their TOS didn’t apply to her if she bought a .XXX to go with her DOTCOM. She was blocked from purchasing her .XXX and thrown into an adult performers program without her agreement and for her own benefit according to Icm Registry which contradicts Stuart Lawley’s sworn statement in the Manwin lawsuit. Read her blog for the whole story!
4. Amanda36c also exposed that one of the Founder program companies, Webpower/Ifriends had their general counsel, Andrew H. Kayton on the IFFOR which would be making the policy for the .XXX domains and the supposed ex-associate general counsel of Webpower/Ifriends, Sherri Falco who was now ICM registry’s general counsel and on the IFFOR while she was still being placed on the domain ownership registration for her old company, Webpower/Ifriends. Falco still is connected to Webpower/Ifriends on other domains.
Read about it in her blog concerning them.
5. Just hours after Manwin decides to amend their lawsuit and not reach a settlement deal with ICM Registry, DOTXXX finally announces that the 3500 supposed reserved adult performer names would be given one year for free. After five months on stalling and pretending they had an adult performers program all planned, they rushed out with no details or information for the adult performers to look at before giving their information to ICM Registry. Again, Amanda36c called them out on the oddities of their procedures and the Adult performers still have 2433 names sitting in the ICM Performers program escrow account. There’s no list of who has actually taken the offer but there was a strange start to the program as pointed out in Amanda36c’s blog again.
6. The company, Webpower/Ifriends has clearly been shown to be attached to ICM Registry but really for how long? It’s a lot long than the Founder program! There’s some evidence that this company has very shady if not very fraudulent business practices on and by one of their ex-performers with proof of fraud. Amanda36c’s blog shows just a little of what this company will do when attached to ICM Registry. Ex-wall street analyst, Alan Hadhazy is the owner of Webpower/Ifriends but is also partners with Andrew H. Kayton and Mark N. Albers in another company among other businesses which are yet to be exposed. These people look and act like organized crime and have been making fools out of the IRS and Federal authorities for over 12 years. Read
I think it’s about time that the IRS, FBI and Justice department took a really good look at these two companies, ICM Registry and Webpower/Ifriends because there are some very questionable happenings going on here and a lot of Americans and others are only going to lose their money.
Maybe so Mike but they are now only doing about 15-20 sales a day, so about 350-400 a month.
.XXX is dead already if it is only getting that amount of regs.
The stats I cited are the info ICM gave to ICANN that they are required to supply (every registry is so required) and which they base the payments to ICANN off of
Getting a little tired of all the .XXX bashing.
Look, if anyone in the adult entertainment industry doesn’t want to particpate in .XXX… DON’T. It’s optional, isn’t it? Frankly, I think the extention is long overdue. I’m thinking of starting an adult website and I like the thought of an extension that speaks to the adult content I want to provide. I’m not trying to trick anyone into viewing adult content, like so many do today. At least when you go to a website that ends in .XXX you know what you’re getting. There will be no whitehouse dot com scandals to be found.
I can understand why some in the industry are opposed to .XXX. They don’t want more competition. This extension poses the single greatest threat to .COM’s stranglehold on the web. Sure, there are other extensions out there, but .XXX is the first adult-themed extention to ever grace the web. Plus, those who purchase .XXX extensions will have the .SEX and .ADULT equivalents permanently reserved for free (if/when those extensions are approved).
It’s a whole new platform on which to provide adult content, and it’s going to open the door to a lot of new content providers. I think that’s the basis of this backlash. Some successful adult providers want to maintain the status quo. They got theirs. Now, they don’t want anyone else to have a shot. New to the business? Want to purchase any kind of adult-related .COM domain? Good luck. They’re either taken or some scumbag cybersquatter is charging a king’s ransom.
So it’s about time an alternative platform came along. Then there’s the bitching and moaning about the added cost of a .XXX domain for those who already have a successful .COM. Seriously? Sex sells, but you can’t afford an extra $75 a year?!
The ONLY legitimate argument I see about .XXX is the potential for the extension to be blocked by search engines and/or concerned parents. To the latter I say, let them! Parents have the right to block adult content. I don’t want some minor checking out my website. Though I’ll bet many in the business don’t care where the views/money comes from. As for the search engines blocking .XXX, I don’t see it happening. If anything, the .XXX extension helps search engines clear the clutter. Don’t be surprised if search engines point to .XXX domains more readily in the future, over the more ambiguous/generic extensions.
I blame 99% of the backlash against the .XXX extension on existing adult content providers who want to maintain the status quo. The want to maintain the status quo for many reasons…
1. They’re profitable and they don’t want competition on another platform.
2. A lot of them profit from tricking people into clicking on their sites.
3. The more legitimate concern of potential censorship, which I don’t see happening with .XXX. Or should I say, I don’t see it happening outside of parents blocking their kids. Which is the way it should be.
Finally, I don’t think you would see this much chatter about .XXX if “someone” in the industry was not threatened. .XXX only came out in December 2011, but the chatter is it’s already “dead”? Give me a break. It takes time for anything new to really catch on. All these people who say .XXX is dead are just hoping it comes true.
I welcome .XXX as someone who likes truth in advertising and as someone who is considering providing adult content. I like the fact that minors may be blocked from accessing adult content. I like the thought of some responsibility in the adult community. Finally, I like the idea of having a good domain name without having to reward some scumbag cybersquatter.
Your post ist one of the first that meets exactly the facts!
If i would be the owner of a i wouldnt be happy about
existing And the money is beeing made in the .coms so
this companys are the biggest.
.xxx is easy to identify for users and software. I would be suprised
if one day in future the .xxx Domains are on top of the .coms (adult).
i am very happy with my, when i think about the gigantic
customermarket in adult-only-travelling (no sex) or typical sex-tourists!
the future will tell us the story………
as actual this add:
ICM Registry is the only applicant for .porn and .adult
only one more applicant for .sex
This 3 will go to ICM-Registry and boost it!
Great Stuard
The thought is the GAC may object and no one will get .sex
@ Simon
Yes, I guess it all depends which side of the fence you’re on. If an adult entertainment company is already doing very well in the .COM format, this new format may scare them. They talk about potential censorship, but they really just don’t want more competition or cost. They don’t want to see their .COM devalued in any way. Which strikes me as ironic since, according to those same critics, .XXX is doomed. If it’s doomed, why all the concern? Why the lawsuits? Why the “campaign” against .XXX?
The bottom line is no one can say if .XXX will be successful or not. Not this early in the game. I hope .XXX will do well. I think the need for such an extension has existed for a long time. My business sense tells me that, as more and more non-descript extensions emerge, consumers will want to plug in an extention that caters to adult content and search engines will direct more and more consumers to that extension. No more misinformation, misdirection, and so on. Comsumers will not be visiting .XXX sites unless they want adult content.
Far from censorship, I believe adult content deserves a special designation. I’ve never seen adult content as a bad thing. But I do believe parents should have the right to block such content from their kids and I think adult content has made general extensions massively confusing. Consumers have complained since the internet began about web searches resulting in unwanted adult content, pop-ups, spam and so on. If you want adult content, it should be available, but it shouldn’t always be in your face (no pun intended).
Personally, I regard .XXX as potential premium real estate. New oceanfront land that is available for the first time. I don’t see why someone would not want to stake a claim. Even if I owed a successful adult .COM, I would have reserved the .XXX equivalent and not complained. ICM Registry did give such owners the chance to do that.
It’s bad luck if your .COM domain name happens to be one of the 3,500 premium names ICM Registry reserved to sell. However, there are still LOTS of quality domains out there for the rest of us. Did ICM Reg have the right to reserve those premium names? Sure. They fought to get .XXX approved. They shelled out millions of dollars to make it happen. This is business and those premium names are part of their reward. It’s 3,500 names out of millions of potential domains. Just on Sedo, cybersquatters are attempting to resell almost 8 million .COM domains. Some for ridiculous sums of money. So ICM Reg took a mere 3,500 domains for themselves?
You landed a great domain name Simon. The potential is huge. Las Vegas, Dubai, adult travel around the world. If hotels dot com was smart, they would have made a claim for the domain before .XXX launched. Good luck with it!
Do we have any credible updates on the Manwin lawsuit against .XXX? Has .XXX caved in to all of Manwins demands yet? Not sure if .XXX has the deep pockets to really take on the biggest pornographer in the world, (Manwin) who only keeps getting bigger by the day. There can only be one king. Will be interesting to see who surrenders first, if it hasnt happened already..
This is the last story I have seen on the suit:
It appears the settlement talks went cold and the suit will continue
You two sound like D-man from Amanda36c blog or should I say ICM Registry using an ALT to try to spin doctor any negative press and drum up business for DOTXXX. Simon, if you really are the Simon who owns the and so excited about your new domain why is it up for sale while the site is under construction?
ICM registry is going to lose the lawsuit against them by Manwin just like Verisign lost theirs to the Consortium. Most of the big players in the Adult industry just protected their trademark names by blocking them because there was no way they were going to agree to the IFFOR policies and the right to change anything in the agreement at any time including attaching the ICM Registry TOS to all .XXX websites. A simple change at any time in the Registry agreement to add the TOS and ICM registry, their agents, affiliates have the royalty-free rights to basically take all content on the .XXX domains for themselves and their buddies. The .XXX domain owner agrees to this change if they don’t take down their site or sell the domain, stopping the use of .XXX immediately. Where will you be if this happens? Out a lot of money and the content already gone, thanks to that agreement! No SOPA to stop them and ICANN absolutely useless to stop them as they already gave up the farm for more money in the ICM Registry contract with ICANN.
People need to open their eyes to the real powers behind ICM Registry. Take a look at Webpower Inc and you will see it’s owners have been involved for a long time with the ICM Registry’s grab for the .XXX. The proof’s all there. You just have to know how to look for it and the real TRUTH is going to come out about this big SCAM.
@ elliotness29
And you sound like someone who works for the very adult companies I describe as not wanting competition.
For the record, I don’t work for ICM Registry. Nor am I some “ALT spin doctor”. I’m just a guy who bought a few .XXX domains and doesn’t appreciate companies like Manwin trying to monopolize the online porn industry.
I’m just stating some common sense observations. Since when did common sense become “spin”? Meanwhile, you’re leveling some pretty serious and inflamatory accusations against ICM Registry. I hope you can back them up if they ever challenge you.
I don’t see the grand conspiracy you suggest. However, I do see a very deliberate effort by some in the adult community to maintain the status quo.
No, I am not in the Adult Industry. I am very sure ICM Registry or Webpower Inc/Ifriends would to love to know who it is that’s going to take them down. Manwin already has a good hold on the Porn Industry but you should really inform yourself by reading all the Lawsuits filings in the courts if you don’t already know all about them. I am opposed to any .XXX registry as it’s just a money grab right along with the other 3500 new gTLDs being allowed by ICANN.
ICM Registry is a sponsored gTLD therefore they needed the support of the adult industry which they clearly didn’t have and this will be shown in court at the Manwin VS ICM & ICANN hearings. Go read the Verisign Lawsuit rulings about the same monopoly and anti-trust issue to better inform yourself.
Your common sense observations sure do sound like a sales job to me while others don’t believe in the DOTXXX or ICM Registry’s games. I am not leveling some pretty serious and inflammatory accusations against ICM Registry as you say which is a strange statement from a supposed .XXX owner. Why would you care what I say against them? Why so defensive? I have all the proof and facts I need to back up any thing I say about ICM Registry and Webpower Inc/Ifriends if they decided to be stupid enough to challenge me in a court which I highly doubt. ICM Registry posing as D-Man tried to call it a conspiracy just like you!
If you are really are a .XXX owner which I highly doubt then I feel sorry for you because Webpower Inc/Ifriends are the biggest at industry, to quote you ” A lot of them profit from tricking people into clicking on their sites.” and “No more misinformation, misdirection, and so on.” Read all about them on because their lawyers are working together with ICM Registry and IFFOR to make all the policies for .XXX owners. These are the people you are now in bed with if you really have bought DOTXXX domains.
@ elliot
You think I’m the only one with these views? Who do you think bought most of the .XXX domain names? Average folks just like me. I bought 4 of them. $79 each. That’s who I am. Who are you? Why are YOU so concerned about this? What do you stand to gain, or lose, by the success or faliure of .XXX? What’s your agenda?
I’m for .XXX because I’m against the kind of monopoly companies like Manwin seem to enjoy. I don’t even know if Manwin is the biggest adult company online, but all the chatter seems to suggest they’re pretty big. So they have every reason to attempt to block competition, right? You don’t see Wal-Mart playing fairly.
If you’re correct about .XXX, why waste time on me or anyone else who owns a .XXX domain? Why go around campaigning on various blogs against .XXX? Which I assume you’re doing, because I’d never heard of “D-Man” until you mentioned him. You say D-Man is really ICM Registry? Prove it. I could just as easily accuse you of working for Manwin! You see what I’m saying? You can’t disprove that anymore than you prove D-Man is ICM Registry. It’s circular logic. When someone uses circular logic it makes me skeptical of their claims.
Many average people like me bought .XXX domains. What are suggesting? That ICM Registry is going to steal all our content? Educate me. Tell me EXACTLY how such a scenario would play out under the current provisions. I don’t have time to visit all your links. I don’t mean to be rude, but I do have other things to do. If you’re so passionate about this (again, I wonder why), can you please explain to me, in plain English, how someone like myself stands to be harmed by ICM Registry?
I don’t really care about Manwin or this Amanda36C person. How do you suppose ICM Registry is going to harm ME? The average owner of a .XXX domain. What specific provisions do you claim are in place today that could harm me tomorrow? And where exactly would I find those specific provisions in the fine print?
I’m suggesting they’re not there. I’m suggesting there are people out there who want to see .XXX fail for the same reason they want to see companies like Manwin succeed. However, if you can direct me to those provisions I will gladly review them.
What rubbish and fiddlefaddle speak! You don’t read any of the links that I posted and then have the nerve to say I can’t prove D-man is ICM Registry? Amanda36C has the IP of both DOTXXX from twitter responding to her blog and the ALT D-Man with the exact same IP pretending to be not attached to DOTXXX. Sort of like you. Why would a company who is so on the up and up have to go into a Performer’s blog just to convince her and her readers that their TOS doesn’t apply to the DOTXXX domain owners? This is not the behavior of any big company. If you actually take the time to READ the links you can see for yourself what’s really going on here thus learning who I am and what my agenda is! Most of the DOTXXX domains registered are for defensive purposes not the “average person buying 3-4 domains.” If you are justing start in the Adult industry with these “supposed .XXX domains” then you’re a wanker for not informing yourself about the industry you just step into blindly. You are a minnow swimming with the sharks and are going to get eaten up very quickly. The information was all there in the Registry agreement and the TOS but you didn’t read any of it before you bought your .XXX? You always agree and sign things without reading them? I guess that’s what the world’s come to these days and why companies like ICM Registry and Webpower Inc/Ifriends can pullwool over so many peoples eyes.
Cherrio and Good luck Lawley and Webpower et AL!
@ Elliot
Ah yes, the inevitable name calling. If at first you don’t succeed, just call someone a “wanker”. That’ll convince em! Or perhaps it will just bully them into not replying. I guess I’m supposed to stoop to your level and start calling you names too. Thanks, but I’ll take the high road.
I did read the .XXX fine print. I don’t see what you claim. As for your links, I can’t be bothered to follow them all. Certainly not when someone insults me, then expects me to jump through all the hoops he’s lined up?
I asked you a DIRECT question, and all you did was insult me? If you can’t answer the question, don’t answer it. But don’t presume that calling people names will convince anyone of anything. It sure didn’t convince me.
Continue with your .XXX bashing agenda. I’ll continue to bet on .XXX being a long overdue and viable extension. I will develop each .XXX domain which I own.
I’ll address one point. There were a lot of defensive registrations. No doubt. Those defensively registered domains simply will not work. Same with any permanently blocked domains that ICM Reg considered controversial. In my view, all that does is make the .XXX extension that much more targeted and exclusive.
Here comes your bait and switch moves, right! I am insulting you and you are all hurt, poor you card. What’s next the pea and shell game? Come on, put your big boy underwear on and just READ.
If you are insulted by my comment of being a “wanker” for not informing yourself by reading what proof has been presented to you about an industry you step into with these .XXX domains and didn’t carefully read all the legal policies for ICM Registry and it’s agreements. It wasn’t an insult unless you didn’t actually read what you supposedly agreed to buying your DOTXXX domains. If the shoes fits then I guess you will have to wear it but that doesn’t mean you can’t start to inform yourself better before it’s too late.
You claim, I don’t answer your questions but I did. I pointed to the proof that ICM Registry uses ALTs to defend themselves but you don’t want to read that link or even mention that they were caught trying to maniputlate an Adult Performer into believing ICM Registry’s TOS can not be attached to the Registry Agreement. Very suspicious behavior from a sponsored gTLD registry! You don’t even address the sponsored Domain issue or it’s IFFOR Committee? ODD, you already know all about them?
I will point you in the right direction which if you had bothered to read any of the links that I already gave you then you would clearly know what’s wrong in your Registry Agreement. Who makes all the policies and rules for the DOTXXX domains? When and how can they change any part of your Registry Agreement? Take a good look at who and what is the IFFOR. Your answers are all right there in front of you, in plain english.
I keep answering your questions but I can’t make you read and inform yourself! I am not trying to convince you of anything, it’s up to you to decide what you believe. I am just trying to inform people of what to look out for from personnal experience and informing myself of what’s going on with ICM Registry, Webpower Inc/Ifriends and the strange happenings of the DOTXXX domains.
It’s becoming clearer to me if not everybody else reading your comments who you really are! You stated “Why go around campaigning on various blogs against .XXX?” Circular logic, right but why would you make a statement like this! You could only know that I commented on this blog and Amanda36c but you use the poorly chosen word “various” meaning many, not two. Only an employee or director of ICM Registry or Webpower Inc/Ifriends would know that I have posted on quite a few blogs and forums. I am trying to inform people of their dirty tactics because these people watch everything said about them or their companies and try to confuse the issues or attack anyone who goes against them. Can’t have bad publicity for ICM Registry or Webpower Inc/Ifriends now , can we? The last time I saw someone accuse Manwin of trying to monopolize the adult industry, it was Stuart Lawley after the lawsuit was filed against ICM Registry!
You say you don’t have the time to read all my links but they’re all from the same place, Amanda36c’s wordpress blog, but you have the time to keep trying to attack my comments to this Blog while taking even more time to defend and sell DOTXXX as a great extension for all. You have become very transparent Stuart or is it Vaughn this time?
LMAO! So predicable. Now I’m ICM Registry, right? One more LMAO, just for good measure. Well, I’m not. But I am getting more convinced that you work for Manwin, or have some similar conflict of interests.
I wrote “various” because it’s so obvious you’re part of a campaign against ICM Registry. I’ve never read a single comment of yours beyond this page, but you’re just that predictable. A child could guess you go around, all day long, posting negative comments about ICM Reg and the .XXX extension. Sort of a like a JOB (humm…). Now, you’ve just confimed it’s true. By your own words, you just confirmed you do go around various sites/blogs, trashing ICM registry etc., because you wonder aloud how I knew that. I GUESSED wanker! (now we’re even) But I didn’t know it until you just confirmed it.
I’ve truly grown tired of you and your lame attempts to suggest I’m ICM Registry. Meanwhile, YOU’RE the one going to various sites campaigning against them!
But here’s what I’ll do. As much as I don’t want to waste anymore time on you, I WILL go to the links you posted and read up on what this Amanda36C person has to say. I will do as you suggest. But here’s the catch. I will then come back here and comment point-by-point. If she makes a good point, I’ll say it. However, if she makes lame points, believe you me, I’ll rip them apart.
Unlike you, this isn’t my job. So please give me a few days to do this. I do have other things to do, as I mentioned before. I’m not going to drop everything to fight a troll.
I can tell you right now, your ALT accusations against ICM Registry sound lame to me. Why? Because you’re accusing ME of being an ALT and I’m not. So why would I believe anything else you have to say? You’re probably an ALT for Manwin.
Nonetheless, I’ll play your game. See you in a few.
I will now LMAO on your post. What a crock! You can’t even comeback to responsed again because you know that all the links I posted show exactly what I am saying, is correct. You are acting like the D-man who was absolutely 100% ICM Registry’s DOTXXX twitter people and their IP is traced to the exact same number with in hours of each other.
Again, you can think whatever you want about me but as for working in the “Industry” as a job to go around bashing ICM Registry and DOTXXX then clearly you haven’t read anything I have written.
I’ ll make it easy for you! I intend to put Webpower Inc/Ifriends’s owners and employees all behind bars for one of the largest fraud schemes in America. When that is accomplished people will finally see the real purpose for ICM Registry and who’s hiding behind their Fax Salesman, Stuart Lawley. There’s concrete proof as to the relationship of ICM Registry and Webpower Inc/Ifriends being long before their so-called Founder Program attachment and the General counsels of both companies.
People can keep ignoring the facts and put their heads in the sand while doing nothing to stop them or take a good look at who and how they are controlling the DOTXXX domains and it’s registry. The choice is entirely up to each individual to decide for themselves.
@ Elliotness29
Apparently it’s not “up to each individual to decide for themselves” unless they agree with you.
Let me make it easy for you… I no longer care who you are or what your agenda is. You want to take down various individuals and companies? Good luck. Knock yourself out. Make it your life’s mission for all I care.
As I said I would, I looked over the TOS, I visited the links and I don’t see evidence of “one of the largest fraud schemes in America.” I do see evidence of an ongoing campaign against .XXX by certain individuals. I do see evidence of some prominent people/companies in the industry that once supported .XXX do an about-face once they got a whiff of the competition that might result. I do see a disgruntled porn actress who is getting lots of free advertising speaking out against .XXX. But I don’t see the fraud you claim.
Per the recent Businessweek article linked below, I actually see a skilled businessman who is bringing some much needed order to the online porn industry. I’m happy to be part of the revolution as the owner of a few .XXX domains.
In summary, per your own suggestion, I’ve decided for myself. Am I entitled to that? I hope so, because I’d really like to put an end to this discussion.
Take your claims to the appropriate parties, lawyers, councils, etc. but to simply go around the web trashing .XXX (I just saw your same comments in response to a Forbes article!) isn’t professional and isn’t convincing. All it does is make folks like me suspicious of your motives. You have all this evidence? DO something with it! Is this all your evidence is good for… going around trashing .XXX on blogs and in comments sections?
First of alll, that is a very defensive stance you take, for someone who claims to be just a domainer. Looking around at other posts you’ve made here, it’s more than obvious you are ICM. Your attempts to portray yourself as a guest on my blog failed when I matched your ip up with that of ICM Registry in the comments area. The anonymity of the internet may very well serve to protect you from exposure in that sense, but your mannerisms, chosen words, phrases and speech overall are a little harder to hide. That’s not my point, nor do I think it’d be wise to argue that when the questions asked of you numerous times, remain unanswered (for example, what Elliot Ness above, asked twice about the IFFOR policy makers). That in mind, let’s lay our cards on the table, shall we? You wrote “I do see a disgruntled porn actress who is getting lots of free advertising speaking out against .XXX. But I don’t see the fraud you claim.” This great company you are coming to the defense of, are attached to Webpower Inc/iFriends by their lawyers (one of whom sits on that IFFOR which makes the policies for ICM Registry, .XXX).
Webpower Inc/iFriends, when asked, failed to produce a report detailing my revenues; specifically when I inquired about the 10% which they hold back from total revenues for 6 months. Camgirls on their platform, working for iFriends were never given a report of the ins and outs of that 10% reserve account or the balance of it. If money is taken from it, we were only given the date and member handle, no way to dispute or resolve the issue with the customer that this supposedly came from. I did manage to obtain one report from them, which, when matched up with the records they provided online, were full of discrepancies. I demanded a more detailed report and was told they were working on it. Three weeks elapsed, and rather than resolve the issue by complying with what I thought was a fair request, their next step was to ask me to sign a “confidentiality agreement”. In those 3 weeks I thought they were drawing up a nice little report of my hidden revenues, they were actually wording a legal paper to cover their own asses. How they explained this was to say that it only contained legal mumbo jumbo, boiler-plate language stuff, to protect themselves from any legal ramifications from having given sensitive member account information to me in that report. When I refused to sign it, then refused to give me that report. What ensued after that, was my threat with legal action, to which their answer was to lawyer up. This is a game they know all too well. Tie me up in litigation until I am penniless and forced to drop the case. Not only do they owe me those reports, they also owe me money that they never paid me for content that they sold on other sites. They also recently renewed (I own the dot com though). I left there in 2009. Why would they renew my dot net unless they were making money from it? They have content of mine that earns them money to this day. All over the world. Yet I receive nothing. That is theft. Overall, this is fraud. They have frauded me.
So, that said … do you think I’m just “disgruntled” and am just an opportunist looking for publicity, or do I have a legitimate case against this company? You never read the link.
Paul, what are these sites you supposedly own with the dot xxx extension? All I see is you defending this ICM Registry company and their porn industry buddies, Webpower Inc.
@ Amanda
While I have grown seriously tired of this discussion, I’ll respond.
1. I’m not ICM Registry. I don’t care what IP address(es) you claim to have matched or didn’t match on your website. I’m not them and they’re not me. So you and whoever Elliotness29 is should drop it. Like I said to him/her, I could just as easily claim he/she works for Manwin. It can’t be proven or disproven. Here, you’re accusing me of being someone I’m not. Automatically, that makes me less sympathetic to anything you have to say. It’s akin to saying, “You’re a liar. Now, listen to my case.”
2. You have a beef with Webpower/iFriends. You and Elliotness29 claim they’re associated with ICM Registry. They screwed you over in this way or that way. Okay, I get it. But just because you have a dispute with them doesn’t mean I’m going to drop all my .XXX domains and write the extension off. Take your dispute up with them. If they won’t listen, take your dispute to the appropriate authority or governing body. Like I said to Elliotness29, if you have all this supposed evidence DO SOMETHING with it. Yet all the two of you seem to do is go around trashing ICM Registry and .XXX.
3. Whether intended or not, you must have gotten a lot of publicty simply by speaking out against .XXX. Certainly, I would not have visited your site, per Elliotness29’s suggestion, were it not for your claims. So speaking out really hasn’t harmed you has it? It’s only directed a lot more traffic to your site. People who never knew who Amanda36c was before, do now. That makes me more skeptical.
4. Whether or not you’re part of it, there is an ongoing campaign against .XXX. That’s pretty obvious to me. Here’s just one example. On this very site, someone named Eric claimed he owned .XXX domains and no adult content provider would work with him. He claimed his .XXX domains could not be sold for $1. Sounded like BS to me. So I contacted several adult content providers myself. NONE of them had issues providing content for .XXX domains. I intend to create my own content, but I suspected Eric was lying. I was right.
I don’t know who is behind all the lies… Manwin, someone who works for Manwin, .COM owners who want to see all other extensions fail, folks with an axe to grind, but there is an ongoing campaign.
For those who have legit concerns (as you claim to have) all I can suggest is taking them up with the right people. That’s what the courts are for. That’s what the governing bodies are for.
5. As for what my .XXX domains are, that’s none of your business. Let me see, I share my .XXX names, you do a whois search on ICM Registry and there’s all my personal information? Name, address, email. Not going to happen. I asked Eric to share his .XXX names, but that’s only if he wants to me consider buying his domains for $1. LOL I can’t consider them if I don’t know what they are. Personally, I don’t believe he owns any such domains.
When I develop my .XXX domains I’ll be proud to have my personal information known. Until then, I’m not risking letting people like you, Elliotness29, etc. harass me personally. I’m not saying you would, but I don’t know you.
I can’t say it anymore clearly Amanda. IF you have a legitimate complaint against ICM Reg, iFriends, whomever, take it to the right people. Otherwise, it’s just too easy to level complaints against others online. Especially when companies don’t have the time or resources to go around defending themselves online.
I’m not commenting directly on your case because I’m not a lawyer and I’m only hearing one side of the story. There’s no one here from ICM Registry, iFriends, etc. to defend themselves. You ask me if you have a legitimate case. I’m not the one you should be asking. Ask an attorney. But I fail to see how you, Elliotness29, et al, are helping your case by filling blogs, comments sections, chat rooms, or whatever. That seems desperate to me. That seems more like an attempt to damage a company’s reputation. If I had a legitimate complaint against someone (some company) I would never show them my hand. The first person they would hear from is an attorney.
You imply a lack of funds. I pretty sure if you had a strong case against a large company, some lawyer would work for a % of the settlement amount. The problem is you must have a very strong case. Otherwise, no attorney is going to waste his own time and money. Folks who don’t have a strong case tend to lash out in forums, blogs and so on.
@ Paul
I will make only these last comments and then I am done because I believe people are smart enough to read for themselves and see who presents proof and evidence, not just twist statements while adding unsubstantiated claims.You never read a thing or any of the links that I posted so don’t make false claims. You never answered the questions about the IFFOR. Who are the policy and rule makers for the DOTXXX domains? Answer: the IFFOR. They can
make changes to the Registry agreement and the TOS which has a clause in it that allows it to be assigned to you at any time at their “sole discretion”. I never said ICM Registry was the biggest fraud in America. I said it was Webpower Inc/Ifriends who now have their lawyers attached to the IFFOR and ICM Registry. Strange bedfellows!
You claim to be a domainer of DOTXXX but refused to name them because they contain your personnal info and don’t want to be harassed by myself or even Amanda36c. What a joke! I have never harassed anyone online, in a blog comment section or in person and if you really read those links then you would have known that the only advertising Amanda36c has received from speaking out, is to be harassed on a regular basis at her chatroom. Someone really wants her off-line and to be quiet! WHY?
I am not saying Eric is right about what he’s saying. He would give himself more credibility if he had named the content providers’ names who refused to help him because they won’t deal with DOTXXX domains. Maybe you have different contacts than him or he chose bad names, not for me to say. He won’t give his domains’ names so you can supposedly buy them and he’s supposed to just trust you with his personnal information and that you won’t harass him because you say that you are interested in buying his DOTXXX domains. By your logic then anything he says sounds like BS, right so I guess then it also applies to your statements as well.
Your statement that big companies don’t have the time or resources to run around to blogs making comments, is false. When this company, ICM Registry does. They ran into Amanda36c’s blog posting as themselves and then stupidly using the same IP posting as D-man pretending to be a random poster. On two other occasions in different blogs, The Domains and Amanda36c (Which is one of the links who said you read), Webpower Inc/Ifriends and ICM Registry changed Whois records, within hours of the comments posted to these blogs. Please don’t be so naive. All companies will try anything to spin bad publicity and that’s why ICM Registry hired a New York PR company to do for them. Yeah Right, it’s just for advetrtising and their extortion campaign. Take a close look at the comments on other blogs and you will always find only one or two people who are trying their best to sell DOTXXX as a great thing. PR companies’ jobs are to do precisely that for the businesses they represent.
Lastly, you make a lot of assumptions about myself and the proof I have. First, I never said one way or another whether I have given all my proof to the proper authorities, now did I? Why wouldn’t I be pointing out these facts to the general public to help stop others from falling victim to the fraud while authorities are looking into the matter? I am simply trying to make people aware of them. Second, you are right, why would I show all of cards in my hand to the people that I am trying to put behind bars? Would’n’t that be stupid? They could then easily cover their tracks and hide the proof from the authorities. These kind of people, Webpower Inc/Ifriends are always going to be checking for their names written on the internet! If you are breaking the law you will always be looking over your shoulder to see if anyone has figured it out. Lastly Paul, investigations take a lot of time and the authorities aren’t going to announce anything until after they arrested the suspects and made all the seizures required.
Good Luck Paul or who ever you really are.
@ Elliot
Happy to end this discussion.
I see by putting Elliotness29 in Google, a twitter link states you’re a self-proclaimed private investigator. I could claim to be a heart surgeon, but giving you the benefit of the doubt, who is paying for your PI services I wonder? I’m not trying to prolong this discussion, so I’ll make that a rhetorical question.
I’ll simply say you both sound paranoid as heck to me. You say in any blog there’s always one or two people who speak favorably about .XXX. I’m amazed anyone speaks favorably about .XXX when they have to spend days arguing with you! Anyone who speaks favorably about .XXX is automatically part of some PR campaign? God forbid I might have an opinion and actually like the idea of bringing some order to the chaos that is online porn today. You can’t even bring yourself to concede .XXX “might” be a good concept. You’re that blinded by your own agenda. If another company had brought .XXX to market, would you have approved? If ICM Reg, iFriends, whoever, were never involved, could you see ANY merit in the .XXX extension? I doubt it. Because you sound like one of those people who wants to see all other extensions fail. You have not a single positive thing to say about .XXX. Even as a concept. That’s an agenda that goes beyond claims against ICM Registry, iFriends, and so on.
I was born Paul. I’m guessing you were not born Elliot Ness. Especially since it’s spelled Eliot Ness. Seems fitting, therefore, that I also wish you good luck whoever you really are.
“If another company had brought .XXX to market, would you have approved?”
When the [Complete History of ICANN and .XXX] is written….people will see what a tortured path .XXX traveled and it is not done yet – A new American President could yank it from the Market Trials. The FCC and NTIA can now do that.
It has been surprising that XXX advocates have NOT advocated going beyond the ICANN Market Trials to full Peer-2-Peer DNS. ICM Registry would lose control. That may be the reason.
I will just correct a few things for you.
You didn’t read again, I stated I am a public investigator and I, pay for my services. You claim to be a .XXX domainer when you could easily be an animal nutrition products & services seller in California for all I know.
Any time someone calls a person paranoid and a conspiracy theorist then I know that they are right about what they are saying. It’s always for the same reason, to make sure other people won’t look at or read what they are saying and the proof that they present. It’s only to discredit them.
I don’t always have argue with the people who are favorable to DOTXXX, it’s just those people that try to attack what I am saying. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, right or wrong.
Again, you make more assumptions without reading. To answer your question of, “If another company had brought .XXX to market, would you have approved?” No, not under the present rules and regulations. No one porn company should have any more power over another in the say of the DOTXXX. Manwin should not be allowed either to run the DOTXXX. I would prefer that the Registry owners are only the administrators not the policies and rule makers. This should be decided on by a democratic process where all the domain owners of that extension have a vote on the policies, rules and any committees or boards which effects their domains not some dictatorship with a self appointed buddies club to make all the policies and rules at their “Sole Discretion”. In theory, the idea behind the DOTXXX was a noble cause but it won’t clean up the porn industry, only law enforcement can do that with the help of the global governments. Get rid of the dirt and the thieves. The industry needs to be policed so it’s fair for all involved.
Lastly Paul, would you put your real name out there for a company who looks and acts like organized crime to be able to find out where you live. If you are truly just getting into the porn business, you might want to take a good look around at what’s been happening and who you are really dealing with in this industry. Do all your homework!