Republican Jack Abramoff has just filed a UDRP On His Matching Domain name, which is Owned By The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Jack Abramoff, has had a colorful past and his story is the subject of a movie Casino Jack.
The domain, actually forwards to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee site at
The site has on the front page:
“””Republican super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff was a key player in convicted former Republican Leader Tom DeLay’s Culture of Corruption. Now that he’s out of federal prison, he’s trying to re-write history with a new book and media tour.””
“”Don’t let him!
“”Tell Jack Abramoff that we remember his role in the Republican Culture of Corruption and will work to defeat ethically-challenged Republicans in 2012.””
It should be interesting to see what a UDRP panel does with a domain that seems to be in fair use for political commentary, albeit quite negative about the person with the matching domain name.
If nothing else its another case that shows how important it is for people to own their own matching .com so they don’t have their own name and domain used against them.
There ought to be at least one public outlet where people can express their outrage that this convicted felon is claiming to be an expert on how to make the system convict-proof . He is getting paid fo these appearances so he can pay back the Indian tribes he bilked out of $40 million in fees!!
I have not looked at the site in question but I and my organization fully support the First Amendment’s right of free speech.
Howard Marlowe
American League of Lobbyists
And “Jack Abramoff” is a trademark for what?
I didn’t know scum was branded.