Frank Schilling’s Name Administration has just sold the domain name for $40,000 on
The buyer is a company by the same name that uses as its main site and the recently purchased .com forward to the .Nl site.
.NL is the country code for the Netherlands.
In another sale just crossing the Sedo sales wire, the domain name sold for 30,000 Euro’s or about $37K.
The domain is currently being forwarded to
Congrats to Frank and the buyer on the transaction.
so is worth more than
hmmmmmmm… domains are a funny thing.
Its not
This is what I’ve been talking about that people don’t understand
Not just software- software as a service (SaaS)
That means it’s web-based so you go to constant for your direct mail program you don’t install it in your drives
Therefore the .com is as bigger branding as is the word left of the dot
.com = cloud
If you want to be selling cloud software only .com will do and that’s why I have blogged so many examples of cctlds that need to change
Voiceworks= SIR navigation- voice recognition- this si the biggest space in the history of many- voice will replace typing and thus type-in- could have gone for a million easily
Dude, make some sense – that last post was a whole lotta’ babble.
a $4 million name (VoiceWorks) went for $40K and a $2 million name ( went for $30K and a $10 million name ( went for a million
Because even the best domainers know names, but they don’t know software
If a domainer who has an app name were to partner with a guy who knows both names and software, there’s fortunes to be made
@ slow down with ya, I didn’t understand a word he said
@ frager if you think voiceworks is worth 4 million and mobileworkforce 2 million then you apparently know more about software than domains.
these sales always produce a great (and free) web hype … but WHO is that REALLY buys these domains … ?
@sdnof look at the home page right column on frager factor with red border that lists real people using domains for real business you can see many software names and click to see who buys them and sometimes the link goes to a story that explains why like on
Hi Owen, How do you like I just hand-reg’d it.
To protect myself, I took a screenshot of The landing page reads: “ is available!” It hasn’t been registered, yet. Those silly people Verisign are always causing trouble.
Someone on CNBC mentioned facial recognition software will become ubiquitous on tv. Not to violate privacy, but to read what gender, and if someone is watching, so stations can deliver more targeted ads. I’m okay with that! I used a half-off coupon on the web one time, for an online shoestore I like, so I’m okay with receiving targeted ads. So, I just reserved the twitter/Facebook/gmail/Youtube channel for, ResponsiveTV, and tweeted this story!
Will we need to flash the camera for this to work, Louise?
What an idiot.
Insight: Intel’s plans for virtual TV come into focus
Here is the link, above. I don’t even know if it involves cameras. What does gesture tech use? Or, will it be some kind of voice tech? It’s a long article, so I haven’t gotten through it, yet. Your guess is as good as mine.
You didn’t see the Samsung commercial – it went viral!
Louise, maybe it involves reading brainwaves. So, you should just stick with a regular tv.
The xbox uses some kind of infrared camera, so it’s some kind of camera tech.
no sh#t, Louise. It took you all day to figure that out.
by flash, I meant our private parts.
this is disgusting.
ly hilarious
Sorry, but I was waiting for Owen Frager’s opinion.
@ 3D said: “Louise. It took you all day to figure that out.”
It could have been some kind of laser.
@3D said: “by flash, I meant”
If you get your head out of the smut, you might realize some great opportunities, too! valued at $4,000,000. LOL
I doubt it get any volume of type ins. Most of google search shows up with websites for “how your voice works”. Brandable for a company name….I’m ok with that even at $40k.
MobileWorkForce for $2,000,000 I don’t see that either.
Owen….please show us a few comparable sales to justify your valuations.