Vertical Axis Inc is selling the category killer domain name
The domain is under exclusive brokerage with a minimum reserve price for the name at $2.25 million.
According to a press release out this morning:
“Legal is among the more competitive verticals with hundreds of millions of dollars spent on online advertising annually,” Domain Holdings CEO Jason Boshoff said. “Owning this name provides any entity with interests in the space with a unique positioning or monetization opportunity.”
“According to a study sponsored by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, trial attorneys alone spent nearly $52.6 million on keyword advertising in 2010, more than double what Apple spent on the terms iPad and iPhone, and triple that of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign online ad spend. The study measured spending from 25 of the nation’s biggest law firms and their estimated annual spend, including: Danzinger & De Lano ($16.6M), Sokolove Law ($6.35M), The Lanier Law Firm ($4.98M) and others.”
“It’s rare in any business to be able to own something that simultaneously promotes your brand while eliminating your competitions’ ability to promote itself,” Boshoff said. “There is only one”
“According to Wordstream, a privately funded company that specializes in Search Engine Marketing, variations of the keyword “attorney” were the fourth-most searched terms behind insurance, loans and mortgage. ”
“The term attorney gets nearly 40,000 unique monthly searches with Google’s adwords tool. Using two of the top domain appraisal tools on the market, the estimated value of the name is $9.05M (Estibot) and $3.2M (DomainIndex). ”
“ was originally registered in 1994 and Vertical Axis acquired the domain name in 2005.”
I was the “Middleman” the last time this domain was on the market back in 2005.
I can’t disclose any details other than to say if was a very fast sale for large dollars.
Worth every penny..will be a steal if it sells for less than $3m. IMO.