According to a statement issued overnight, ICANN is “targeting 22 May 2012 as the intended reopening date for the TLD Application System.”
“It is anticipated that the system would remain open for five business days and close on 30 May. This takes account of the 28 May Memorial Day holiday in the United States.”
“We have met our commitment to provide notice to all users on or before 8 May 2012 by sending out notifications today.””The large majority of users are unaffected by the glitch.”
“”Even as late as yesterday, 7 May 2012, our packet-level research uncovered a new set of instances (in addition to those previously announced) where another applicant might have viewed a set of system-generated file names. It is possible that further analysis will also show that some of the parties that we have notified were not affected, but notice was provided out of an abundance of caution.
“”It would look like there is a good chance the Big Reveal might take place in Prague during the ICANN conference set for late June.
Also this announcement gives applicants until at least May 30th to request a refund of their application fees is they want to withdraw their applications
What happens if the US FTC shuts ICANN down ?
Will it be easier to get a 100% refund NOW or then ?
Yawwwwwn. Wake me up after all of the gtlds have crashed and burned.
Much ado about nothing I tell ya. If the world wanted .mobi and .coop, well … I guess they would still be around.
They didn’t. They aren’t.
the big conceal: we don’t know what the hell we’re doing.
What happens if the US FTC shuts ICANN down ?
Applicants are advised to request a 100% refund or risk losing everything.
There is also no guarantee an Applicant will ever get past the IANA barriers to entry. The IANA (ICANN) contract was only extended 6 months. It should be clear any ICANN process will take a long long time, as your money is spent.
Beyond IANA, Applicants will face substantial costs to get their domains resolved.
Applicants are advised to request a 100% refund or risk losing everything.