With hundreds of new right of the dot, gTLD extensions being applied for, I though I would take a look at the most recent extension, .XXX and see what effect it was having on the traffic of XXX.com
According to Compete.com traffic on XXX.com has doubled since the launch of the .XXX extension in December.
According to Compete XXX.com had around 100K visitors a month, each month for 2011 up until November the month that Sunrise and LandRush applications were due.
In December when .XXX officially launched traffic on XXX.com doubled to over 200,000 Visitors according to Compete.com
I know a lot of domainers believe that there will be a substantial amount of traffic leakage to the a matching .com to a new gTLD extension.
In case your wondering, it appears XXX.net got no such boost according to Compete.com
XXX.co also saw a doubling in traffic in but it still gets under 1K visitors a month according to Compete.com
We will have to keep an eye on this, but for holders of great generics or geo’s .com’s which may become its own extension in the next few years, it looks like they may have a lot of extra traffic to look forward to.
Everywhere I go I see people trying to dump .xxx domains, traffic has been disappointing, other than the generic obvious…
The drop rate is going to be very large with renewal pricing…
If you are in the adult industry, and other specifics, the general public still doesn’t have a clue about .xxx
Are there still legacy browsers out there that automatically add a .com to the end of a string typed into the address bar?
Do you believe Compete’s numbers or trends are accurate? Did you lose almost half your traffic July to September? D the numbers reflect your traffic and are the trends accurate?
I think compete.com underestimates traffic pretty consistently.
I think they do change their algorithm from time to time when you see some wild swings.
Not sure that is what happened to xxx.com I think the ads and stories on .XXX increased the traffic on xxx.com which i’m sure is a lot higher than the 200K a month
Why is Elliot calling out the big drop in thedomains.com? He seems very confrontational. This blog is much better that eliotsblog
Compete.com did show a big drop in traffic last year, one month (I forget which one), so Elliot is correct, beyond that I’m a good friend of Elliot and respect his blog very much
Some folks are just doooosh-bags…they just can’t help it.