published a story today entitled “Web Addresses To Get A Major Update As Custom Names To Replace .Com”
The article of course is talking about the new gTLD’s and is just one of a hundred stories written about the new gTLD’s this week by non-domain publications.
Its certainly the most aggressive headline of any story on the new gTLD’s to date but again just one of many that are being written on the subject.
The story on the subject is entitled:
“”Domain Names: The End Of The Dot-Com Era?””
Well at least that one had a question mark at the end.
Wired wrote a story today as well which you can read here. story is here
If you want to see stories on the domain industry coming from outside the domain industry, be sure to follow us on Facebook or Twitter as we post lots more stuff over there than we can on
“Web Addresses to Get Major Update, Custom Names To Replace .com”
Fox like other media outlets and some domainers is still confused about what the new gTLD process includes.
It may include .Sport .Music or .Paris which may or may not add choice but it will also include gTLD’s that are .com only in non latin languages and that is the only part that is far more then the possible addition of choice but is an actual necessity to Billions of non English speakers around the globe.
“replace .com”?
do they have any idea how big the com registry is?
and how many years it took to reach that size?
and it’s still growing.
“news services to get a major update. custom news service to replace fox.”
Just another propaganda piece by ICANN to reignite interest in their gtld program that no
one wants. Indeed, there are even more stories about businesses that don’t want it.
.Com will always be the gold standard no matter how many tlds are out there.
Frustrated (or likely Naive) media – but entertaining never the less.
– anxious to see how the followup is in 12-15 months – not the followups every other month until that time.
a dotted line can be drawn about how much all these geniuses at fox, cnn, msnbc, nbc, cbs and abc know about the Internet equals their political knowledge
all the .com proponents
getting nailed.
the true reality is the right of the dot will be as varied in the future as the left of the dot, so
.com is like yahoo. and
.yahoo is like com. on the right.
so just as there are popular sites on the left of the dot
.com is like one of many popular sites on the right of the dot
.Co being a larger right of dot than .com
things change in dramatic fashion,
if you think 1, reality will be 10
and never drive looking in the rear view mirror.
@Robert Clinee — “Never drive looking in the rear view mirror”. Clever, I like that. Too bad it doesn’t apply to this situation. To the contrary, those who study a wee bit of ICANN history here will quickly realize that new tlds are nothing new. They have been introduced on several occassons and each time, with the same pathetic results.
Shouldn’t Delta Airlines have wanted to use .Aero or .Travel as their primary site after it was first introduced? They didn’t. Instead, both now simply redirect to the main .COM site.
Shouldn’t Wendys.Jobs be a primary hiring site for Wendys? It used to simply redirect to Today, that link doesn’t even work. Yawn.
Does anyone out there use a phone number with a .TEL extension? Or any professionals using .PRO? Yeah, sure.
Or what about Rick Schwartz paying three quarters of a million dollars for only to sell it a few years later for pennies on the dollar.
What about .Coop? A joke that never was taken seriously.
What about .Museum? Do you think anyone out there really would type in Smithsonian.Museum? Kinda long, no? It works, but simply 301 redirects to Another classic case of a failed tld.
So you think these were just bad tld choices? Nope. These were the ones ICANN themselves came up with after conducting numerous intensive surveys to determine which new TLDs where in the highest demand. All failed.
These are all old news. Ok, so now fast forward to today, 1/12/12 – the day of the new program. What makes any of the tld investors think that their “brilliant” tld will be better received?
Newsflash — it won’t be.
“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
It’s FOX, so why even’t bother
Fox. Hard to take anything seriously from an outfit that has brutalized a medium the way they have tv.
News Flash: dot com is finished.
Guess they need to take down all their webpages now and relocate everything to