We want to wish everyone a Happy New year.
Judi and I send out our best wishes for Healthy and Happy New Year.
I also want to thank all our readers, commentators and advertisers for another record year for us at theDomains.com.
2011 marked a record for traffic, posts and comments and I deeply appreciate that you chose to spend a part of your day over here.
2011 was a very challenging year for a lot of people and personally I’m glad to see it go.
2012 is going to be action packed for those in the domain industry pretty much right off the bat, with the new gTLD period opening on January 12, the SOPA hearing set for January 24th and Domainfest the first days of February.
Have a great holiday and we will see you on the flip side.
Happy New Year Mike.
Happy & Healthy New years to you an your family top
Happy New Years to you and Judi from Daina and I!
Place your Vote for Dr. Paul – Join the REVOLUTION!
WOW! Couldn’t believe it – barely any searches for the term “baby registries”, yet the owner is trying to sell it for $85,000 on his “blog”. Amazing, funny, and sad.
New year, new start to everyone.
Congrat’s Mike on your blog traffic. This is a great domain blog and a beacon in this industry.
2011 and 2010 felt like the domain industry, and the economy, was floating along like a dream, in all it’s weakness, but much better than 2009 though.
Here come the real challenges now. New gTLDs and a great chance of a much bigger crash than 2008, IMO.
Prepare, prepare, prepare!!! Put some modicum into that notion because it’d be good to see all domainers make it through this. The more that make it , the better our industry will be in the long run.
Sorry to be a downer on the 1st, but just being realistic. This Great Recession is no cliche, it’s the truth, just look around and in your own wallets.
There are domain opportunities everywhere….snag some obvious opportunities that MAKE MONEY, and protect the rest of your money.
Happy 2012!!

I wish you and Judi a happy and healthy 2012. Exciting times indeed.
Happy New Year, mike…
Thank you for your contribution every day…Its much appreciated.
Happy New Year to our dear Mike and Judi.
Thanks for your Blog, thanks for your friendship and thanks for giving so much of yourself to the Domain Industry
day in and day out. Hope 2012 brings you fulfillment of all your desires on every level.
You both deserve all the very best life has to give.