The court ordered auction of the domain name started today on
As many of you are aware, isn’t just a ordinary domain name.
The story has been followed very closely by which reported that Righthaven LLC, filed 275 lawsuits for copyright infringement seeking not only damages but the forfeiture of the domain name of the infringing site to them, RightHaven.
In one case they filed however, the defendant, was awarded costs of $63,720 against RightHaven.
So this auction on is to raise money to cover part of Righthaven’s liability
The defendant who beat Righthaven a Wayne Hoehn attorney is Marc Randazza who put up a blog post on the case on his blog today saying:
“Righthaven went after hundreds of defendants in copyright cases.”
” Often, the defendants were innocent and engaged in fair use.”
“In all cases where a court has been asked, they found that Righthaven had no right to bring the suit in the first place. ”
“In all of their cases, Righthaven asked the court to award them not only money, but the defendant’s domain name.”
“After losing a case to my client, Wayne Hoehn, Righthaven is at least $63,000 in debt to him.”
” They refuse to pay.”
“Now their domain name is up for auction to the highest bidder.”
The auction at closes On January 6th at 3:15pm EST in accordance with normal closing procedure.
The current high bid as of time of publication is $775.
According to the domain name got over 600 visitors in November and as many as 2,300 a month is the past year.
The domain name also has an Alexa Ranking of 3.3 Million.
Its one of those domains with quite a history and is certain to get some more bidders in the days ahead.
We will let you know how it winds up.
Would make a great site about UDRP cases and related things
Domainers shouldn’t be bidding on a name. Right Haven was a copyright troll.
That is what I am thinking too Tim. I’m very interested in what the buyer will do with the domain.
The buyer will be a shill for RightHaven of course.
I’ve followed this Righthaven story for awhile now… nothing to do with my stuff, but generally interested in their bullshit moves… REAL happy to see their vulture business model kick them in their faces.
The name is what it is… it is NOT the domain that is extraordinary in this matter. It’s not infamous enough to retain a value or meaning beyond what it is.
What “happens” to the domain name is secondary to this story in my view. It was NOT the Domain Name that was at issue.
Ya, they have a company name and a domain name… so what’s that got to do with what they were doing? Not alot.
Perfect domain for an online douche supply store…
Domain isn’t worth anywhere near $63k even with novelty included. And if Righthaven continues to trade under this name then the new owner could be making a bad faith registration depending on use. Let it drop and let the court auction off their desks, company cars or whatever else they might have, and put a judgement against them for the rest.
Wondering if the people who lost to this unethical treatment would be
gatherable – for some sort of mass class action suit against the WRONGDoer. . .
Might make a good book/movie — eh ??
~Patricia Kaehler – Ohio USA – DomainBELL