just covered the top 20 domain name sales of 2011, based off of information provided by
We are excited to make the list at #11 with the sale of for $450,000.
Of course inside the industry we all check out each week to see the sales but its certainly nice to get mainstream press coverage.
You problem know this already but at $2.6 Million led the charts for 2011 (well so far)
Link is bad. Too bad isn’t reported. They have had some great sales and a few more $100,000 sales coming up this week.
Invalid link
Hello Michael,
Top # 20 BINGO ! Domains are International Properties, just as Corporations are International entities. Homoginization of most market places is
an International Phenomonon. You obviously grasp the concept, CONGRATULATIONS. Seasons Greetings.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Mike, why does forward to a link while the domain is registered under privacy? Did really buy it?
Link is fixed
Yes the company that owns bought
Thanks Mike. Just wondering. is perfect for MS
Its nice to see domain news in the business media that’s not bad news
Congrats for hitting no 11)
Is the most expensive .me domain?
450,000$ on domains that used to be free, man, should`ve joined the rush back then.
Just more scam to adverting the .me ext, do have you any moral conscience ? money is your Pontius Pilates moment, shame on you, Mea culpa, Mea culpa Mea culpa maxima culpa.
why i don’t see in that list ? and sold for $4 million USD.
Guess you will have to ask Ron Jackson
a bit harsh to surmise the sale as just a a scam to advertise the .me extension, it may have been a legitimate sale?
I do agree that this is a tactic that is being used by promoters and those marketing the new extensions. It was used by .co and .xxx to great effect – a major publicized sale of a domain in said extension just prior to making the extension available is a great marketing ploy. It get’s a lot of “play” in the media and blogs and whips the speculators into a frenzy digging deep into their pockets panning for gold. Weather it was a legitimate sale or not, we will never know?
There’s a lot more big 6 and 7 figure sales this year that would change that entire list if the buyers / sellers would have allowed publicity on their private transactions.
2012 should be a banner year for high-end domain sales
the new TLDs will increase the prices of the best .com
I can’t understand the value of short domain names that doesn’t make sense. If you want to take a name for your company you can just choose brandable name that has 5-7 letters and you will be fine.
The different story is EMD domains as they will rank better in Google for its keywords. For domain names that has more that 100k exact monthly searches is worth to pay premium price but those few letter domain names doesn’t make sense for me.