Mike Mann’s Codom Holdings, LLC , just sold News.Co for $50,000 through Sedo.com
The Domain is still in Sedo escrow.
Its certainly not Mr. Mann’s 1st .Co domain sale
Mike has sold Luxury.co for $60K, Business.Co for $80,000, Women.co for $25,000; Finance.co $25,000.00, Automotive.co $20,000.00, Cigar.co $20,000.00 and Ski.co $20,000.00
That’s $300,000 in .Co domain names this year!
Congrats to Mike and the buyer
is god
is killing it !
Another great .CO sale for Mike – awesome to see and well deserved!
Hey Mike,
As an advocate of new gTLDs, do you consider what Mike Mann did with .co “gaming”?
Just curious
Marius Wuerzner is one of the founding members of Sedo and his name appears in Whois records when a domain is in escrow with Sedo until the new owner takes full ownership of the domain.
You’ll have to wait a few days to know the new owner.
LOL women.CO(M)
How did Mike get all his .co’s?
News is a true top tier keyword.
Seems like a pretty average sale.
News.se sold for $55K in 2008.
News.mobi $110K in 2007.
News.net $150K in 2005.
You forget to say that all .co`s bought the same person. If that buyer disappeared nobody would mention great Mike M` .co sales.
I more admire people who sale .co`s to different buyers and not register .co domains before others – its like playing football with two legs while others play with one.
I hope MM will not appear here as I noticed many people got bored already listening that he gives to charity
an incredibly low price for a domain that sounds good for News Corporation!
I sold
for $1,500.00
Last week.
.Co is your new king is just not good enough anymore.
We are now talking about ceaser and emporer for life type of situation.
@ Robert
I have seen you posting that sale all over the place.
1.) Congrats, you made a sale.
2.) You need to make many more sales to just cover renewals.
Best of luck.
@Robert Cline
1. .com is king, will be for a while to come.
2. News.co was sold relatively cheaply in comparison to other news names (as displayed in other comments).
3. It’s Caesar
And I also sold
for $3,000.00
I’m going to keep posting until one of these sales list posts include my .Co sales as well.
I’m telling you, there are a lot more significant
sales being made in private sales that are negligently being ignored.
@ Kevin
As you know “Gaming” is just one of those words.
It could mean you had an inside advantage, that you just were really smart and figured the rules out before anyone else or a bunch of other things, so let leave the word out for now.
We also know that .Co was a re-delegation rather than a “new” extension and that there were I think around 28K pre-existing .co.com domains that had grandfather rights which won’t exist in the “new” gTLD.
So I’m not sure how “I feel about it” or how it relates to the new gTLD’s.
More specific please
He is wise to be taking money off the table on these. Will be remembered as about the only domainers to have made much on .co. Really he made his money when he did his inital deal with the registry. Would be intresting to know how many he has left, and how aggressive he is to sell them.
My initials are MB, you would have to ask MM how he got the domains.
You already had 4 comments on this topic
You are officially cut off on this thread
@ Snoopy
“He is wise to be taking money off the table on these. Will be remembered as about the only domainers to have made much on .co. Really he made his money when he did his inital deal with the registry. Would be intresting to know how many he has left, and how aggressive he is to sell them.”
Yes, the money was made in acquiring these premiums terms to start with.
It is not surprising top tier terms can sell. They can sell in any reasonable extension.
I don’t think many people who were forced to purchase domains against competition are doing all that great with .CO
Even Juan Calle said this himself –
“Yup, if you’re a domainer, listen to those guys. Stick to .COM. ”
My initials are MB, you would have to ask MM how he got the domains.”
I assumed that was a given since the post was on MM selling domains.
Does anyone know how/where/when Mike Mann obtained his .co domains? They are premium domains, did he just buy them in the rush with everyone else?
“Does anyone know how/where/when Mike Mann obtained his .co domains? They are premium domains, did he just buy them in the rush with everyone else?”
News.co –
Domain Registration Date: Wed Feb 24 23:04:04 GMT 2010
Open registration started on 7/20/2010.
These terms were all long gone at that time.
There is no doubt that MM got the domains before the re-launch
“There is no doubt that MM got the domains before the re-launches”
Exactly, that`s MM`s sales do not matter to many…
I am not sure if its even good for extension as those domains were ultra premium but sold quite cheap.. maybe I am wrong
It does not metter how he got them,it looks like he is always one step ahead of most of us anyway.
Congratulation Mike and thank you for bringing the .co platform one step higher,as i’m sure one day some domainers will benefit from it.
Congrat’s to Mike Mann for having the foresight ; My condolences to the buyers for having no clue about domains.
O.co ….. LOL
My understanding is that MM started up a shell company in Colombia and used that back in 2008 (or thereabouts) to obtain a nice chunk of .com.co domains in order to “game” the .CO Internet launch’s “grandfathering” policies and obtain the equivalent .co domains.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
Pretty sure he did consulting work for the registry and was paid (at least partly) in domains.
Maybe MM gave for charity in Colombia and got them.
If industry friend and pioneer Mike Mann found a way to get “in” extra early – more power to him – more because he got out whole and then some – no doubt to make up for other nonsense we all deal with in life.
Cherry picking non.com’s is very very dangerous business in my model – that is why I do not touch (or pick) at all.
The right moves were made long ago and he is benefiting from that now. Glad to see another .co domain sold for a decent sum of money.
Nice sale!
Am I the only one who can’t figure out why a millionaire who doesnt need the money is selling of great .co if they are the future and will one day be worth more.
Wake up, ride this train and always be looking to jump on the next, its only the furture extension and a great name as long as you have them to trade.
@Kevin Murphy
“My understanding is that MM started up a shell company in Colombia and used that back in 2008 (or thereabouts) to obtain a nice chunk of .com.co domains in order to “game” the .CO Internet launch’s “grandfathering” policies and obtain the equivalent .co domains.”
Yes, that’s what I know as well.
No one has a clue how one person got his hands on all these premium domains before anyone else did. Amazing. It would be very enlightening to find out how he got them and if it was fair and square then more power to him he deserves it but cmon at least shed some light about what happened.
They guy is business scum. Just like how big business hires lobbyists to get stuff for them.
People with money can do stuff that others can’t. But it looks legal and all I can say is if I was ICANN I would outlaw this giving domains away before launch. But in the end if they give him domains then they lose the money by not sending them to auction. More corruption.
Look them up. All registered to codom holdings. Probably a lot more. So I guess no one else wanted these domains? He got in early and beat everyone to these as well? In an open, transparent process….Really? Wow.
“lose money by not sending them to auction”
But consider that this domainer may be trying to help the dotco registry sell worthless .co’s not to mention mking a market for his own dotco’s. His reported sales pump up the image of the registry.
Big sales get the dotco domainers fired up. The dreamers start dreaming. And the dotco registry folks get a little wealthier as more people purchase worthless dotco domains, thinking they will do “just like Mike Mann did” by buying dotco from a registrar and then selling for tens of thousands.
However he didn’t acquire his domains from a registrar.
Could that be a significant point to consider?
He made a deal with .CO and bought the domains way before the launch…just like Frank Schilling bought several premium .xxx domains way before the launch.
Millions of people have millions of dollars…but you have to out smart everyone else and think outside the box…
I bet these guys Frank and Mike…as soon as they heard about .xxx and .co…they didnt waste any time…they got on their private jets and met with the main guys and closed the deals!
Unlike…most people…probably calling them on the phone and leaving dead messages that never reach the main person…”hmmm…hmmm…can i please speak to the person in charge of .co or .xxx…hmmm…hmmm…thank you…i’ll try back again tommorrow…hmmm..hmmm”
While we are wasting time googling and calling..and emaling .co and .xxx …Frank and Mike are on the golf course closing big deals!
“Mike has sold Luxury.co for $60K, Business.Co for $80,000, Women.co for $25,000; Finance.co $25,000.00, Automotive.co $20,000.00, Cigar.co $20,000.00 and Ski.co $20,000.00
That’s $300,000 in .Co domain names this year!
Congrats to Mike and the buyer”
Wow, the same guy bought at least 6 of them out of 7, a total of $240,000
Holy Cow!
“”My understanding is that MM started up a shell company in Colombia and used that back in 2008 (or thereabouts) to obtain a nice chunk of .com.co domains in order to “game” the .CO Internet launch’s “grandfathering” policies and obtain the equivalent .co domains.”””
If that was the case then he figured out what was going on and made a move early on, spent some money and took a shot that the extension would be re-delegated and that the new “sponsor” of the extension would know what they were doing and would make it a success.
I personally don’t have a problem with it.
women.CO seems just another parked page. so news.co also will goto the parking lot soon..what .co need is development. not parking..
it would have been very nice if the title was
“CNN buys News.Co For $50K from MM”
“BBC buys News.Co For $50K from MM”
Forgive me, I’m just a Stupid Conspiracy Theorist.
Who is the buyer? Do we know for sure the buyer has no relation to the seller?
Indeed, a sale to News Corp or the BBC would be more reassuring.
@ Brad
“News.se sold for $55K in 2008.
News.mobi $110K in 2007.
News.net $150K in 2005.”
In Sweden, English is almost as pervasive as Swedish. Doesn’t surprise me NEWS sold there for 55G.
.mobi was a bubble. We all know that, you can’t count that as meaning anything.
News.net for $150,000? I don’t think the .net would get that today. The chasm between ,com and .net has been growing. These days, IMO, .net is only worth a fraction of .com.
News.co, a nice sale. We saw Onlinecasino.co sell for $100,000 a few weeks ago. Mike Mann was ready for his ROI…
@ Brad
Juan Calle said to “stick to .com” because he was referring to flipping, which .com is much better suited for than .co. You’ve taken what he said and taken it out of context. And he;s right. .com is ubiquitous and because of that, it is perfect for flipping. .CO, on the other hand, is not.
Yes,I think this price is not so high
one of the most exciting and most important things that is being overlooked is how
dynamic and creative minds are joining forces in the
space. You have the up and coming businesses and the most intelligent startups
moving over to .Co
this can only spell great things to come.
just check out these sites if you want to know what I’m talking about:
just to name a few.
Uhoh, Robert you were told to go to your room without supper. Sneaking out is *not* something you want to do.
Now be a good little boy and go back in before MHB takes off the belt.
lol @SL
I salute Mike Mann’s success. “Gaming” is the wrong word to describe Mike’s work. I call it smart entrepreneurship.
Dirk Lemmons
” Robert you were told to go to your room without supper ”
Maybe, we should cut RC some slack. He can’t help himself.
Considering his frequent and inappropiate comments, he probably
has ADHD (symptom – hyper) or Tourette syndrome
(symptom – inappropiate remarks).
It will be interesting to see if this might trigger the .co sedo auction some momentum which closes in 2 hours. I think both Peliculas.co (movies in Spanish), Pornos.co are the 2 best in the auction IMO.
“I think both Peliculas.co (movies in Spanish), Pornos.co are the 2 best in the auction IMO.”
Why? Because they are yours?
I think the best are equity.co, mining.co, wash.co, meal.co and of course the spanish names viaje.co (travel in spanish), billete.co (ticket in spanish), pornos.co & mercado.co (shop, market in spanish, Mercado Libre is the spanish speaking Ebay & dominates south america).
Is it just me or are others suspicious about the fact that it appears to be the same person buying all of Mike Mann’s co domain names?
Wonder if he purchased killfacebook.co and other facebook inclusive domain names as he has in other extensions.
Mike Mann has certainly done well in the industry although almost everyone who ever worked with or for him says he is an egomaniacle pri-k, can’t stand him him and have nothing positive to say about him other than that he works hard and expects the same of those around him.
Big congratualtions to Mike, not for unloading these completely worthless domain names but for apparently finding one HUGE sucker to dump them off on apparently one or two at a time every month or so. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Comeon Mike Mann, tell us, does the buyer really exist? LOLOL
Domainers are such suckers. Fun to watch.
Tell us how more about your facebook portfolio, we know you “gave” the .coms away but what are your plans for the co ones
These sales are complete and utter BS
Movies.co was for sale on DomainMarket.com for $150,000. Earlier this year, I purchased Movie.co which I have received several offers.
Movies.com and Movie.com are owned by Comcast.
these anonymous posters are always the biggest idiots, how can you stand it, ladies who got fired, use your real names