Just got some updated Google Analytics stats for Buy.xxx from ICM Registry.
Since it was launched 10 days ago with a major media buy online and offline behind it, Buy.XXX has hit the 10 million visitor mark.
10 days, 10 Million visitors.
Out of the 10 million visitors, 3.6 million are from direct type in traffic to buy.xxx and the other 6.3 million are from various ads online ads.
Alexa once again is showing Buy.XXX as being a top 2,500 site in the last 7 days in the US, Canada, the UK, and Ireland and a top 3K site in Australia.
Alexa is also showing about 40% of the traffic coming to Buy.XXX while 60% go to go.buy.xxx which is from online advertising (although the total still ads up to 110%)
With the go live, general availability starting in two days on December 6th, ICM is buying 200 ads on the Howard Stearn show on Sirius starting Monday at 6am ad well playboy radio and spice radio Monday evening.
If you want to hear one of the XXX radio spots click here:
In addition to launching the new Radio ad campaign, ICM tells me that the TV ad campaign is going to increase this week in both the number and frquency of TV ads.
You can also catch Stuart Lawley doing an interview on National Public Radio tomorrow (actually the reporter interviewed me as well) and on Fox Business on Tuesday.
Should be an interesting week.
Here is the current Alexa chart:
The whole .XXXMANiA has gone too far, not many people will even surf this websites, I don`t get what is the rush, I think its mostly about buy cheap sell high, but there will be no require for duplicate .com domains.
Head over to Twitter and do a search for #dotxxx and @dotxxx. There’s no normal chatter about dotxxx (as one would expect from a “popular” subject). There’s ICM Registry and its marketing company talking about how great dotxxx supposedly is. And there’s a bunch of bots retweeting those comments. (It’s easy to tell they are bots because most pro-dotxxx retweets come from twitter accounts that also sell tweets and retweets).
Showing their commercials on Discovery and History Channel may get dotxxx a temporary spike in traffic as people are curious about what those “in-your-face”-ads are about, but the total lack of normal chatter about dotxxx on the social media sites, shows the dotxxx commercial have failed to produce any real interest.
may Disney, Vatican, etc. buy their .xxx for “brand” protection?
How many more pumps-and-dumps must we endure with each new “major” TLD that comes out?
Maybe this will be the last new TLD. Or the beginning of the end of the DNS as a business.
When the internet public begins to see how ICANN’s DNS is just being used to make money, and that this is occurring in an unethical manner that among other things ignores conflicts of interest, and how easily DNS can be tampered with by censoring authorities because it is _centralised_, they just might opt for a different _decentralised_ solution to getting the IP addresses for the websites they need to access.
More and more new, heavily promoted TLD’s will make these truths about ICANN’s DNS painfully obvious, even to those who have no memory of previous “new TLD” failures circa 2000 nor any technical expertise about how the internet works.
Eventually the public will learn.
On the xxx ‘mania’. I don’t believe it is a mania, it is simply a drop onto the lowest hierarchy or tier their is and how much lower can we go than porn. In saying that I have purchased 13 as an investment, hoping to sell amybe 1 a year to cover costs of purchasing them. xxx’s will not show in search engines as easily so must be used in other ways. I plan on turning http://www.PlayToy.xxx into an adult toy and games site if you know what i mean so keep an eye peeled. I would advise anyone to but one or a good .co but make sure it is good otherwise you might as well burn your $$’s to keep the heat going in the fire during this recession…
Hi guys let me know how much i can expect for middleeast.xxx domain 4 or 5 figures
If I go to a website on lets say ass dot info, like it and want to return a day or so later.
I probably would not remember the extension and just start over at ass dot com to find the type of content I was looking for.
However If I was at ass dot xxx, I probably would remeber the extension because it was directly related to the content I sought.
I really do not like the way ICM has rolled out this extension but I really do think the surfer will come.
any thoughts regarding value? I’m surprised these domains were not picked-up in pre-registration.