GoGo is the carrier, the ISP if you will, if your on a plane and on the I, nternet.
Checking it out today I noticed that in typing in some of our domains that are parked with InternetTraffic.com today on a flight, while the pages resolve no ads are showing.
The area where the ads normally show is blank although the header and footer of the page appear as does the inquiry link.
I check a few domain parked at other companies but using a Google feed, nd they also didn’t serve up any ads.
However TrafficZ which uses a Yahoo feed was working fine on GoGo.
So it looks like Google parked domain feeds are a no go on GoGo but Yahoo works
PS it also looks like domaining.com maybe blocked on GoGo
We see something similar here in the UK, If you are in MacDonalds using the wifi all Ads are blocked from all parking companies….
Whats next, ISP’s replacing our ad blocks with their own, seems a small leap to me and just a few lines of code.
Hehe. LindaM, ISP’s are already doing that. Been that way for quite some time. But it’s certainly not all ISP’s. ISP’s are definitely not all the same on these issues. What’s amusing is when companies like OpenDNS get upset because they can’t stick their own ads in, because the ISP’s are closer to the customer. It’s a battle to show ads . Now that’s what I call service.
Will consumers ever tire of this nonsense?