The Washington Post published a story today entitled “Campaign 2012, Websites Are The New Real Estate” which talks about how candates are spending thousands of dollar buying up domain names, both for their campaign and defensively.
That same day, “Mitt Romney’s campaign spent $2,851 buying the rights to various domain names at, the vendor that sold the Perry domains.”
“The same company was used to register ”
So Romney says they don’t own the Perry domain names and they are all under privacy at
“A Washington Post analysis of federal campaign spending reports shows that President Obama and Romney spent thousands of dollars this summer at”
Interesting article once again all about domain names and you can check the full version out here
Buying my guesses for 2016 right now…
They finally woke up from their anal
good post
page howe (the nth Facebook clone) is online and its interface looks better than Google+
I sold my Icann approved right of the dot yesterday for £10,000,000 to Charlie Sheen who told me he is running in 2024. “I dont know if I am going with Joe the plumber or Ali Al Hussainy, the member of seal team six who shot Osama Bin Laden, for my running mate however all I know is that I will be WINNING”
.WelcomeToTheNewBossSameAsThe OldBoss
@Back in the real world
Nice string, I’m sure you’ll have many potential registry backend providers, consultants, and former ICANN board members ready to help you make all your TLD dreams come true. Dream big, dream big, this thing could really go far.
pres. candidates == domainers
Interesting that all the buyers use proxy services to hide their identity…and that a bunch of the domains cited in the article look like prime bait for a UDRP or ACPA action.