According to, Today Corbin Fisher, a one of the largest porn producers, announced the launch of its “CF Select Micro-Payment website where users can download individual scenes without becoming a member.”
“Users will be able to create a free account then select and purchase individual scenes or collections from the site that include Corbin Fisher DVD collections, exclusive content, and classic scenes from the main Corbin Fisher site.”
ICM Registry also has a micro-payment system in the works for .XXX sites. which they are planning on launching in the 1st Q of 2012.
According to Stuart Lawley CEO of ICM, the “.XXX micro-payment system will be similar to iTunes except we wont host the content so its more like iTunes meets Paypal.”
“Users will have an “ICM account” that they can prepay or load a payment method to and then they can skip from .XXX site to .XXX site making payments as little as $.99 via a one click or two click system” and stay logged in.
“We will hold their payments details and we will be fully onshore and regulated so everyone’s payments will be safe and the users identity and personal details and payment details never reveled to the site owner.”
“The consumer can sign up for his account at our “portals” like and then use the “wallet” to pay at any participating xxx merchant”
“There will be literally hundreds of ways to pay into and load the account”
We expect to credit and debit cards as usual, bank accounts, SMS and phone billing, cash vouchers and other “localized ” currencies from nearly all countries , meaning for the first time, may people who up to date have been “unable” to pay for this content can now do so”
Here’s my take on Micro-Payments.
Look at what iTunes did for the music industry.
At the time music was largely downloaded for free through pirated sites then iTunes came along and made an easy, simple and safe portal to pay for music.
It’s easy to see how micro-payments could be a game changer for the online adult industry.
the .XXX gTLD (generic) will be interesting…
the sTLD (sponsored) Walled-Garden .XXX will probably sell well with custom routers (a smaller market)
the micro payments services/sites may have a great success only if they will be able to compete with PayPal & Co. on lower transitions fees
Not at all
No such system exists today for adult
There is no way of paying for 1 video clip from a membership site with or without paypal
Plus can you fund paypal from SMS and phone billing?
Don’t think so
the main success for micro payments (with very low fees) will be not (or not only) in adult sites, since, so far, great part of small transactions’ amounts, go in the payments services’ pockets
I think/hope/suggest, that, someday, someone, may offer an online/mobile payments system with a fixed 1% fee on every amount
It’s frustrating to read the blog when there are all sorts of spam comments that are no different than the viagra and xxx web spam. When will you stop allowing people like
“*** please, click on this link, thanks *** ”
“Robert Cline”
‘only domains with a meaning”
and other spammers to stop taking over. These people add nothing to articles and its annoying to read. They are either paid spammers or have nothing better to do but post spam links every time you write an article.
Have I mentioned its annoying to read?
are you new on the web?
nearly ALL the BEST forums and blogs, freely allow signatures and links
AllthingsD, TechCrunch, Mashable, TechFlash, AviationWeek, etc. etc. etc.
Bitcoin would work, it is immediate, very little transaction fees for sender, zero fees for merchant and completely anonymous.
next big thing ? that might be a huge stretch.
its not new to adult. VOD sites and companies like AEBN, and have been around for the past decade.
that site you posted is owned by Liberty Media Holdings ?
I’m guessing there is no connection to John Malone’s Liberty Media entertainment and commence empire. Still a strange choice for corporate name.
i think we’re gonna start a new gay empire next month under a new corporate name of Google Media Holdings LLC

“Plus can you fund paypal from SMS and phone billing?”
Would you want to fund your paypal account with SMS and pay a 50% tax ? Telco companies take 50% of all SMS transactions. There is also a limit, you cannot bill SMS user more than $10 or $20 a month depending on the carrier and the country.
“”and other “localized ” currencies from nearly all countries , meaning for the first time, many people who up to date have been “unable” to pay for this content can now do so”””
ICM is feeding the world promises of some amazing innovations that aren’t new at all. For the past decade most adult companies have been billing in local currencies already.
Not just adult. All archival media.
For example, I really want to watch Anderson Silva v. Dan Henderson or even something newer, like Mir/Nelson.
My current options are illegally DL or illegally stream (or maybe it shows up on a DVD somewhere, at some point). Huge market for being able to pay a couple bucks to watch fights, concerts, or whatever.
There are a couple places that are kinda-sorta trying to service this market, but nothing is centralized or established. It needs a standard-bearer. Prefund your account, then either choose from their media library, or it’s a payment service that can be applied to libraries published by content partners.