According to, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) is expected to introduce legislation as soon as next week that would legalize online poker and create a new federal regulatory body to oversee the sites.
The bill would legalize only online poker, other forms of Internet gambling and betting would remain illegal.
“Under the legislation, online poker sites would have to be registered in a state where gambling is already allowed, such as Nevada or New Jersey.”
“Sites would be required to register with the gaming commissions in those states, which would be in charge of ensuring they don’t cheat consumers. The bill would also create a new regulatory body to oversee the game at a federal level.”
“Users in all 50 states would be allowed to play on the sites for real money, but states would be given the option to opt out of the law and ban online poker if they so choose.”
As we have said on many occasions we believe it to be just a matter of time that the US joins the rest of the world and legalizes online poker.
The US is not in compliance with the World Trade Organization on this matter and of course is losing a lot of revenue it could be deriving from online poker at a time Federal and State governments are desperately seeking other sources of income.
“OnLine Gaming Will Be The Biggest Industry In The World”
Coming soon is marijuana.
Gambling and Marijuana should bring in lots of revenue to the govt–easy money and create high paying jobs.
People are tired of government dictating what we can or can not do in the privacy of our homes which is why tens of millions of Americans gamble offline and online regardless of what the laws are.
ahhhh mobile poker names. How nice would that be
If they legalized it for just: Washington “DC” ( I guess not a state) about two days, before they raided all the famous online poker sites….this was not hard to see coming.
“Taxes”…are sure to go along with both online gambling and Marijuana.
A few horse race tracks, have had ‘legal’ slot machine gambling for the last few years…in places like West Virgina, New Mexico, and others.
I live in Ca, and in IMHO…
It will not be long before they legalize the building of “casinos” in our state. ( non Indian)
Take a Hit of some good “Bud” and Hit a “inside straight flush” on the river card…all in one night.
“Land Of The Premo Bud And Home Of No Limit Hold’em”
Peace To All!
so, this year, Santa comes in july for domainers
hopefully next will be SPORTS since most bars already do it off-line.
If it passes, I will pop some champagne
You’ve got great insights about online poker, keep up the good work!
So is this a “family values” effort or does the Constitution guarantee the right to play poker on-line? Free speech maybe? I’m sure we aren’t giving in to the WTO and no Republican would ever create a new tax stream. WAIT! What’s this? “The bill would also create a new regulatory body to oversee the game at a federal level.” From a Texas Republican?
Tea Party? Did you approve this?