According to there is a movement by large companies not only to own the .com version of their domain name, but the .org as well.
“”I’ve noticed an emerging trend in the domain name space as a result of the increasing emphasis on “doing good.”
“Until recently, the domain strategy of choice was to use a single domain name extension to house all a company’s online activity, while other addresses were selected purely as redirects or as brand protection maneuvers. Simply, the prevalent mindset was once a .com (or a .net or .org), always a .com (or .net or .org). But times — and marketing plans — are changing.”
“Now, with more than 200 million domain registrations worldwide, an escalating number of “traditional” .coms are broadening their online reach by building out their .orgs to dedicate a holistic space to their philanthropic efforts, educational initiatives, online community engagement or crisis communications. ”
“Organizations and corporations are realizing .org’ s value and inherent credibility among their communities.”
Its an interesting article which highlights why .Org maybe picking up steam and is worth a read by all domainers.
Personally I like .org domains even in the world of 500 extensions.
.org is undoubtedly the overall best extension after .com
yes, but, don’t say it to the Google guys
they already have the site, but, so far, no news have reported of google billions$ given away for charity, as Bill Gates does every year
curiously, Apple seems not owns (nor seems has wanted to have) that now is only redirected (and owned?) to
MHB This is a very astute pick up.
ALL big companies should have their .org site for PR reasons since it always is a good idea if users, investors and people believe that you say (only) “don’t be evil”
When I registered, GeoForums in 2002, it seemed logical to register the dot net and dot org, to keep the trademark together. I still have the three.
Certain people in the geo domain business don’t want it, but it might have new life as geo searches and coupons become popular.
anyone can register a .org domain
this has been the rule for many years.
even companies that do not “do good”
lauren’s article is rather sad in that regard.
it implies that some people do not realize this and make assumptions about the registrant based on the tld.
there is a substantial number of porn sites registered in .org
they’ve known what lauren is suggesting for a long time.
just my opinion but bill gates had to do a lot of “evil” to capture all those millions he’s giving away. he’s done some good. a lot of good. most of it was done back in the 80’s. but how does it compare with all the good his company’s products have _blocked_? all the innovative competitors they’ve acquired and then killed? all the needless upgrades and problems with their products his company that costs the world untold millions and countless man hours, that they simply refuses to acknowledge or fix? he’s done a lot of damage in the way he’s allowed Microsoft to do business. so his charitable work better be good. it better be very good. bill gates is no andrew carnegie.
the msft end user license agreements over the years have been an insult to a person’s intelligence, as if we’re all complete idiots. e.g. they forbade you from saying anything negative about the company or from comparing msft products will others and publishing the results. are you kidding me? what sort of legal team sponsors that sort of nonsense? welcome to the computer industry.
say what you will about goog but they could be far more restrictive and share far less of their bounty if they so chose. since the early days they have had a recognisable interest in the advancement of science that msft never had. that’s why they attract the best minds. if anyone is posied to build the libraries of the future, it’s not gates. he never “got” the internet. since the early 90’s msft has been playing catchup and undercutting one innovator after another and then killing them off, wedging its way into the internet market because gates never saw it coming. it’s not his thing and it never was. without huge amounts of money to throw at the challenge of competing in the internet market, msft wouldn’t stand a chance.
as for goog, they might not be 100% evil-free but they’re certainly not intel or msft/facebook or some telcos who have pretty much set the standard for evil. unfortunately goog is being dragged down into the snake pit where msft dwells thanks to “bing”. no that’s not a typo of “bring”, as in “bring it on”. why would anyone think that? msft didn’t start bing to get a stake in google’s “evil” business of crawling the web and sharing the results for free. that’s not msft’s business anyway. they make software which is not free. and they have msn anyway. they would never participate in free or “evil”. they didn’t systematically copy goog’s index to get bing off the ground. msft does good. bing is good, not evil. (in case english is not your first language i’m being sacrastic- msft is very evil)
back to gates. his charitable funding is mostly directed at areas where he lacks expertise, namely, vaccines. that forces him to rely on his own uninformed judgment in evaluating others’ advice to the world’s number 2 billionaire. he’s a smart guy but simply reading some books on vaccines will not give him a true understanding of the problems. why not stick to computers? or if he’s serious, then enter the field. get an advanced degree in microbiology. learn something and be tested on it. he didn’t even finish college. it probably just shows he realised there is life beyond making money, the computing business is a dismal one, and other sciences are more interesting. ken thompson, an equally important contributor to the computing world, once said he’d rather his kids study biology than go into computers. and that was a number of years ago. things have not improved. guess where he works now?
here’s a hint- it’s not msft.
“evil” “forces him to rely on his own uninformed judgment” “get an advanced degree in microbiology”
I take it you know the man personally to judge his personal inclinations so crudely. I suggest you look at the good you can do every if you are so inclined.
Even though I like domains .org a lot, i just bought my first domain .org last week! I’m launching a spanish domain blog and I had the chance to make a deal with I’m really looking forward to go live!
I have been a big advocate of .ORG domains for a while now. We have sold a lot of .org domains in the 5, 6 & even 7 figures.
After .com there is no other extension with as much brand recognition and credibility.