We are now going to be blogging live as ICANN discusses and votes on the new gTLD program
We will be updating frequently so keep hitting refresh.
The meeting is starting in minutes.
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Only one members of the ICANN board stated that they have a conflicts and all will not vote on the new gTLD proposal.
In the .XXX application vote, 4 members abstained from voting including ICANN CEO Rod Beckstrom.
Looks like ICANN is going to have to give up or drastically change the cross ownership rules for registrar-registries.
The resolution is now being read into the record and then will be voted upon.
Application period for the first round will open up on January 12, 2012 and close on April 12, 2012
Board vote:
1 vote for and 1 vote against so far.
The one vote against is George Sadowsky’s who also voted against .XXX.
He has explained his no vote for over 1o minutes now, make that 15 minutes
Second vote in favor, now 2-1 in favor of passage.
Under chart posted at Board meeting room it looks like no new gTLD’s will be operational until November 2013.
4th board member now votes not to vote.
2-1-1 for.
Board member correctly notes a vote not to vote is a no vote.
So voting is now 2 for and 2 against.
Board member Steve Crocker to vote yes.
Now 3-2 in favor.
Another Board member votes in favor, now 4-2
Current board member is giving his statement in Chinese glad they have interpreters.
Kuo Wei Wu sounds like he is going to vote for the proposal making it 5-2.
If Chairman Peter Thrush and CEO Beckstrom vote for the new gTLD’s there is enough votes to carry it.
Another Board vote for, now 6-2 in favor with Rita, Peter and Rod still going to vote, this proposal is going to pass.
Rita: New gTLDs: Woo Hoo!!!
Motion is now up for formal vote all those who have wanted to statements
Motion passes with only 1 voting no and 1 not voting.
Welcome to the new world of domain names.
how many board members are there?
These board members should be forced to take a stand and vote one way or the other.
Choosing not to vote is just political cowardice (like .XXX vote)
Mike, thanks for the updates, I hope that everyone can find a balance between their own personal interest and whats good for the Global Internet community as a whole.
From the looks of it the new gTLD program is going to pass, its good to be part of the history here.
I still believe that the generic keyword TLDs that represent a whole Industry should not be given to any one entity as it will create more monopolies in the future.
“I still believe that the generic keyword TLDs that represent a whole Industry should not be given to any one entity as it will create more monopolies in the future.”
This program needs to be rolled out in a very measured manner. Starting with less debated extensions.
There needs to be a process for how generic keyword extensions are handled. I would have a real issue if a company acquired a generic extension and used it to block competition. This is not the supposed point of this.
The process needs to be transparent and well regulated.
Its best to start with TLDs that are a clear cut like .nyc or .google and perhaps do some more studies as to what to do with the generic keyword TLDs that represent a whole Industry such as .Insurance or .RealEstate , in my opinion these TLDs should be run by a nonprofit organization on behalf of all the people for the benefit of the whole Global Internet community.
” Welcome to the new world of domain names. ”
I want .Insurance and .RealEstate
Funny how when there is a problem Rod Beckstrom disappears, but now with this vote he is out in front.
What a joke he is.
“Funny how when there is a problem Rod Beckstrom disappears, but now with this vote he is out in front.
What a joke he is.”
I heard from a reliable source that when they were voting for the .xxx he slipped off to the bathroom to play with his pet starfish.
He’s rather fond of Starfish