just brokered the sale of the domain name for $200,000
The buyer of the domain is Eric Borgos who as we noted a few weeks ago is on a bit of a shopping spree.
Eric has purchased for $42,500, for $50K, for $12,500 and for $33,000 all within the last month or so.
The Seller was Knowledge Adventure Corporation a children’s educational games company.
The broker of the deal, continues to have a record setting year.
According to a comment left on yesterday in response to our Domains are dead story:
“”, has had record month after record month. ”
“”In fact for the trailing 18 months we have sold nearly $17 million in domain names.””
Wow $17 Million In Domain names in 18 months.
Congrats to Andrew.
That’s why we listed with media options.
Extremely nice guy also.
I love to see it happen for him as opposed to a select handful of jerks in the biz.
Andrew recently agreed to be our “Subject Matter Expert” on Domain Brokering and Consulting to offer insights on the topic for readers of our website. We’re thrilled to have him on board and I agree with the comment above, he’s a nice guy.
“”In fact for the trailing 18 months we have sold nearly $17 million in domain names.””
Wow, what an amazing result, congrats and long may it continue for you.
Can you shed any light on what percentage of those sales were to endusers vs domainers/investors?
Add: congratz to Eric for his acquisition of, another gem for his portfolio.
not bad for a guy who quit his job and moved to Panama!
Congratulations Andrew! Awesome!
Sounds unrealistic. Sticking with believe half of what you see and none of what you hear..
Well done Andrew. Congratulations on a great sale!
… guess the domain name was not worth much to the children’s educational games company? Wonder why they sold, assuming the name was bringing them traffic. Games are a growing market. … would think a company like that would be the buyer. Will be interesting to see who it’s sold to next.
200k sounds an unremarkable price, though I guess it is to a domainer. Is there really any value in hiring broker and paying a commission for this type of sale? My gut feeling is that the same price could be achieved at pretty much any venue.
Rule #1 of the gospel of the DOMAIN LORDS
You create residual revenue with end users, keyword domains are the land in the new virtual downtown cities, that the top virtual empires will be built upon.
Fast money today, when in reality, all these sales are NOTHING to the residual income potential of all the keywords.
DEVELOP with END USERS in leases
If you could back 200 years, would you sell downtown manhattan for what 10 or 100 an acre?
You know a major city will be built on the perfect PORT to the ‘new world’.
The net is the ‘new world’ and the top keywords are the perfect ports where businesses from the old world will come to harbor to trade their goods.
NOTHING CHANGES boys and girls.
Only the ‘dumbmainers’ today selling all the keywords are the indians taking beads for the new Manhattans.
Keep the names and get a development project with an END USER going
Then generations from now your ‘heirs’ will still not have to work.
@domain lords
Your full of bs and coming from you
A lot of money will be made in sales and media options will say this, berkens, rick and the pure domainer
Screw development and letting google change your business model overnight. Seeing the names you hype things- your names are junk.
my names are junk
that’s why I have a lot of clients
and my clients are usually local professionals that pay 500 to 25K a month to use my ‘junk’
I make more on residual income from domains leased to professionals than anyone I know
Post a link to your site clown
I’ll show you know jack about domains chump
@domain lords – LOL. Thanks in comedy show today
Move over Panama Jack…there’s a new sheriff in town —-> PanamAndy !
Cha-Ching !