Is down for DomainFest?
I have been trying to connect to and the direct link to the auction for the past 15 minutes and now at 10:05 Am which is 5 minutes after the auction was suppose to start from Barcelona the site is not coming up.
I’ve been told by at least one other reader that the site has been “down for hours”
About an Hour ago SnapNames tweeted: “We are experiencing some unexpected issues. We are working to fix them as soon as possible”
If this continues it means that no one but the live attendees will be able to bid on the domains in the auction.
This has happened before at a RickLatona auction and they stopped the auction and rescheduled it for the next day.
I believe that is the proper move here.
If Snap remains inaccessible then those in the audience have a chance to pick up a bargain.
For Sellers it means that there assets are going to sell for way under value especially for those sellers that took a risk by placing a low reserve on their domain to get mulitple bidders involved and a high price.
If the auction moves forward without remote bidding its going to be another huge black eye for Oversee.
We will keep you updated
Its 10:30 and Snapnames is still down
UPDATE 2: is down as well but is working
I’m told by someone in the room at DomainFest that the live auction scheduled for today is cancelled and will be rescheduled for an online auction next Wednesday, however we are still waiting on some official word.
Down for me, and
Yeah I have been trying to get on the site as well… it was working 2 hours ago.
so annoying.