I just got an email from Oversee saying that the domain name Data.com, which was scheduled to be in tomorrow’s DomainFest live auction sold privately today.
The domain name Data.com was one of our picks to sell at the auction.
The domain had a reserve range of $1M-$5M but according to the announcement the actual reserve was $1.5 Million.
The actual selling price was not disclosed.
The domain was purchase by SalesForce.com a publicly traded company (NYSE: CRM) with a market cap of almost $19 Billion dollars.
Great news for the domain industry.
Data.com was the 2nd highest vote getter in our poll (excluding none will sell which is leading and now is incorrect) of domains you thought would sell at DomainFest.
DomainFest Live auction will be held at 10am EST. Snapnames.com site incorrectly lists the time at 1pm but the actual time is 10am EST
We are now going to remove the selection of “Data.com” and “None Will Sell” from our poll and our poll remains opened for voting until tomorrow morning
Here is the announcement:
“Moniker and SnapNames, Oversee.net companies that are the exclusive brokers for the premium domain name Data.com, closed the sale of the domain Friday for an amount that significantly exceeds the $1.5 million reserve.”
” Neither the buyer nor terms of the deal have been disclosed.”
“Data.com was slated for the DOMAINfest Europe auction in Barcelona scheduled for later this week; the name has now been removed from the auction lot.”
“The private sale brings total private sales for the aftermarket division of Oversee.net to more than $11 million, capping a very strong two quarters of private domain name transactions in early 2011.”
“Moniker & SnapNames General Manager Craig Snyder said this kind of transaction is happening more often: “We continue to see a trend of more pre-auction activity for premium names. In this case, marketing efforts began more than a month before the auction creating significant interest from corporate buyers and an opportunity to create a great result for the seller prior to auction.”
Let me guess – it was not Lieutenant Commander Data from Star Trek that bought it.
Realistically – a great iCloud IPO name
salesforce.com (stock ticker CRM) has plenty of money…over $500M in cash.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they paid close to $5M.
This is great news…we are finally seeing domain names being bought by end users.
They need to market these domain names to end users and large companies to keep getting these million dollar sales.
How many end users and large companies know about this auction…probably very few, if any.
Still waiting for TRAFFIC Auction…has anyone seen the list of domains for sale yet?
could we ever know the real price?
Hopefully Social.com will sell to a big player as well.
As far as TRAFFIC is concerned I haven’t seen a list either but the show and auction isn’t for more than 4 months from now.
I haven’t seen a list for a live domain auction in my life more than a month out usually less, so I wouldn’t expect anything on this until mid-september
Blows me away that directnic let SocialCircles.com drop vs. putting it into NJ – i think they had 7-+ backorders with a day left before it dropped vs. pre-drop.
Name.com picked SocialCircles.com up for a client of theirs.
That said all this makes me like my SocialCircle.com even better – ever increasing inquiries suggest the same.
I wish DnJournal would start listing sales like FB.com for $8.5M, iCloud.com for $4.5M, and this data.com sale; with asterisks and explanation next to them. Everyone understands that Facebook bought FB.com domain name and Apple bought iCloud.com domain name; whatever else was included in these sales had minimal/symbolic value at best. So why have this dog and pony show of not including these domain sales.
I think Ron has his own rules as to what sales he includes.
I don’t think either Apple or the seller ever stated the price of iCloud.com they never denied the $4.5M rumored price but never confirmed it either.
Likewise not sure if either party every confirmed a price for FB.com.
The Data.com sale has no price disclosure other than it was more than $1.5M I guess Ron could include it at $1.5M+ and maybe he will.
I send your comment to Ron, maybe he will respond
@ Anunt
Now everything is “Great” news…
Why don’t you donate the 10K you would have lost… betting none of these domains would sell or meet their ” reserve price”.
I second that idea but Anunt my Aunt just died and I just got back from the Funeral.
During her life her and my uncle worked tirelessly for Cerebral Palsy (although no one in our family had it) and raised a ton of money for them so although I like Dan’s idea, I’m going to put in plug for that charity (Cerebral Palsy of Merick Long Island) you can put it in honor of Phyllis Monchick a really remarkable women, may she rest in peace.
@ “MHB”
Very sorry for your loss.
Your Aunt & Uncle sound like they did/do wonderful things…just out of the goodness of their hearts.
May God Bless Them Both!
Thanks they were both great people
Very sorry for your loss. Erika and I are going to make a donation to Cerebral Palsy of Merrick Long Island in your aunts name. Do you have a url for them? When I search Google all I’m seeing is http://www.ucpn.org.
@ BrianWick
“Blows me away that directnic let SocialCircles.com drop vs. putting it into NJ – i think they had 7-+ backorders with a day left before it dropped vs. pre-drop.
Name.com picked SocialCircles.com up for a client of theirs.
That said all this makes me like my SocialCircle.com even better – ever increasing inquiries suggest the same.”
I tend to agree.
I think circles name will be huge and make perfect sense especially geo ones.
Actually – I had a typo – there were 70+ backorders at NJ a day before the drop – crazy.
SocialCircle(s).com is a rare circumstance where both need to be under the same roof – otherwise they are just dead in the swamp.
Maysomething will change after the Social.com auction.
@ Brian…
SocialCircle .com ~ your in great shape, no matter what shakes out in the coming days, weeks or months,
Very nice domain…. many way for you to come out with a big ‘win’ with it. IMHO.
I hope a “home run” is just right around the corner for you with this domain.
@Dan –
I would like to think my algorythms are pretty good about stripping out all the Search Engine traffic leaving about 30 human typeins a day for SocialCircle.com.
Also – after further thought I think Social.com is really “Social.com” – meaning it will take some significant “billboard” type advertising to bring it to life – I do not think it will breed upon itself – might be why it is up for sale. Only an already organized IPO would get to $5M – no speculator would come close to that – almost like what we learned with OrangeJuice.com.
I feel that Ron has an obligation to keep a detailed track of sales like fb.com and icloud.com. Just casually mentioning these sales as not completely confirmed in his weekly reports is not enough. When there is a big end user sale, and the totality of the information we have is very clear as to the price (even approximate price point), then these sales should be indexed. Ron should either include them on YTD lists with asterisks and explanations, or set up a separate page that lists these types of sales. One separate page that lists all these sales may be a better solution in fact.
Same goes with sales of domains that had websites with SEO rankings. When it is clear that the buyer mainly wanted the domain, and the rest was a bonus, then these sales should be included, with asterisks and explanations of course.
Sorry to hear of your loss, Mike.
They do sound like great people.
Sorry to hear on the loss of love ones.
Hang in there. Life is fragile.
Surely either Salesforce wanted the price kept private, or they didn’t. Why this half-baked ‘significantly in excess of reserve’ announcement.
I’m noticing more and more high dollar sales. This is giving me great hope in the domain and website markets. This seems to be a good time to buy and sell websites and domain names.
“To renew them now, it seems like your best bet is the GoDaddy coupon gdz532a which will reduce the total order by 31%.”
Along with that .co nation discount – do you get a toy replica of the gun Bob Parson’s used to shoot the elephant – or possibly a .co toy replica of the elephant itself
Please retract my last post to @Joe – wrong thread
That is very nice of you.
Took me a day to get the info here it is:
UCP of Nassau County
380 Washington Avenue
Roosevelt, NY 11575
Phone: (516) 378-2000
Fax: (516) 868-4089
E-mail: info@ucpn.org
Web site: http://www.ucpn.org
Would love to know what Data.com actually went for… I own Datuh.com … what do you think? Thanks.
gr8 sale for a gr8 name.going by recent sales of datacenter.com one shouldn’t be surprised by this sale. going by the prices being paid by end users, suddenly domain names like wintercoats.com look like 6-7 figure names to end users.