Since the concept of parking domains started the holy grail was to have a Google Feed and a Yahoo Feed included in one parking system which would automatically place domains on the highest paying feed based on performance.
It existed only for a short time many years ago through
Yesterday Frank Schilling rolled out which incorporates a new Google feed, which you would guess at a high revenue share and without the typical expenses of a large parking company who has a a lot of employees and huge and expensive office space. is going to have none of that, plus a promise of a fair and honest accounting. site says its “‘“A no-frills domain monetization platform, for experienced type-in traffic operators.” and promising that “You will make significantly more money here“.
Yes could in fact be a game changer not just for domainers but for parking companies.
Expect to hear a lot about this one, now and in the future.
This is an awesome news.
Frank has finally done it for us domainers who suffered at the hands of the parking companies for so long only to see our ppc earnings disappear like 70-80% over the years.
It will be great if we can get some more details such as:
– minimum domains to join
– minimum daily or monthly uniques to join
– etc………………..
PS: Mike, have you joined yet?
Game changer? What changed? Same ol same ol. The only possible improvement over any other parking provider offering a google feed would have to be the rake. Frank takes less so you make more. Decent if true but not sure if it is in fact true. Calling this a game changer whens it’s not even available to the public is a tad premature
He’s probably going to be highly selective with who gets invited to the party, in terms of portfolio quality. Love the all business, no BS, “get in touch with us” lander. We use one of those for our SEM gig, too.
I don’t think one could possibly ask for a better partner than the guy who is unarguably the best at that game and has spent years fine tuning his system. This probably comes as good news to people with killer parking portfolios.
Wish I had been born 5 years earlier.
Is correct
Good quality traffic, no TM no typo’s no crap domains with old back links and bot traffic.
Those with those domains can stay at existing providers.
However those with top quality domain traffic are welcome .
“”Frank takes less so you make more.””
How is that not a game changer?
This could increase a domainers revenue by 25%-30% overnight
I hope they will accept EVERY domain names, time ago I’ve tried to park some domains on a well known domains parking site, but they have not liked the domains I’ve listed…
I was under the impression that “type-in traffic” was on a precipitous decline. (I myself probably did it only once or twice in the last year; I remember being misdirected, actually, haha.) One wonders how profitable the business model will be in the app-dominated future. Still, if he takes pains to exclude typosquatters, that’s certainly a welcome advancement for the industry. It’s a shame that a legitimate speculative activity gets such a bad rap from the miscreants out there.
With certain keywords, type ins will never end.
I bought .com Scrapper earlier this year (for $1K- pats self on back) and it gets about 2000 straight type-ins a month, earns a few bucks per day- and that’s riding the dicktrain that is Sedo parking. If I actually gave a shit about parking (which I do not- don’t have the portfolio for it), it could probably earn a good bit more.
People don’t type in like they used to, but there will always be people typing in keywords that have a lot of relevance to what they’re interested in and bolting .com to the end of it.
Platforms like DS have floundered because they let every typo and TM infringer on the planet use their system, and the click fraud with PPC is also rampant. Genuine type in traffic, for generic terms, originating in US and other regions, still pays a decent return. Its just that we get punished by being rolled into one with all the riff raff. So much bs going on out there creating automated false clicks no wonder PPC has tanked. Much easier for advertisers to just opt out of it completely. SO no, I would thing this new offering will be very selective with the quality of the people and portfolios they choose to participate. Letting a bunch of crap in doesnt help anybody. A few hundred quality clicks is worth more than tens of thousands of crap clicks generated by misleading links scrpts and bots. ITs the same people over and over that ruin everything.
Should have done this years ago whjen it actually ment something.
As they say in the movies…..”The Jig is up”. Better late than never.
Selective is the key word and THAT is the big difference.
Frank is the perfect person to do this and tell me why we need the overhead form multiple parking companies?
Take out the TM, typo and manufactured traffic and then there is a reason for payouts to rise and competition to set in.
Premium gas vs mud. They are no longer equal.
This is great news for all of us real domainers!
For all those of you interested in not only better parking, but something that beats that old-fashioned parking you are cordially invited to become pilot partners at Commercial Microportals (
We’ve built our platform over the past year with two main goals: 1) Help reduce domainers’ portfolio cost and 2) increase the value of yor domains by creating a real, thematic and useful website. It’s free (shared revenue) and fast (only 10-20 minutes set up time per domain). Our eCPM with AdWords is currently at an average of 20 USD and with a click rate of 3+%.
We recently laneded our first major deal with a domainer with 10.000 domains which he will develop on our platform. We welcome any domainer who is willing to test 10 or more domains with us as a pilot partner.
Good deal for the elite domain investors with the highest quality one word domains.
I think the term “game changer” is overused in this industry. The news is rarely, if ever, game changing.
Definitely a game changer.
Franky proves himself to be one of the baddest mofo’s in this biz once again.
This is exciting news for everyone!
Is there a minimum of direct navigation you need a month?
A lot is happening behind the scenes. Good times but scary as well.
Any examples of sites so far on Frank’s platform?
What about the other 98% of domainers who missed the domain gold rush that began in the mid 1990’s? Domaining blogs appear to assume that all domain investors belong to that elite 2%.
How much of today’s domain industry is dependent on that 98% chasing the success of the 2%. With rare exception, the 98% have little chance of ever catching-up in a meaningful way.
I have picked up so many good domains since the “gold Rush” including last week for registration fees its ridiculous.
Yes those who were around in the 1990’s (i started 1997) had a huge advantage but there are and have been plenty of opportunities since then.
@ Jim
According to: Domain Name News ~ there is at least 14k ~ but I am sure that number has gone way up, since it was posted.
Here is just two examples:
* Please note, I do not know who owns them & really do not care… But, I hope they are making a lot more money*
nyphoto .com
aviationlawyers .com
…or,,,, =
I agree with those doubting the viability of a “type-in” business model.
A relative few domain names ever commanded the volume of type-in needed to leverage them into a profit center. The entire type-in concept was originally a way to offset registration fees, and unless search engines decide to allow arbitrage again, that’s about all it’s good for. And if you consider how hard search engines are fighting over the right to be the provider of choice in your browser’s address bar, it’s easy to understand the fall-off in type-ins. Why type dot com on the end and go to one place, when you can be lazy, leave it off, and land on a page full of choices?
In conclusion, rather than looking for domain names that will park well, it might be best to look for domain names that will sell well. Parking becomes a lot less of an issue with that model.
You know what is real sad, is that when the: “parking model” was really working from early 2005 – about late 2008… (for most everyone, big & small domainers)
On Dnforum,
You could go on there at almost anytime, and there was always 300 – 1000+ members online…. plus another 100- 200 “guess”(non members)
Transactions were happening almost every minute…maybe faster.
Most of the time, there is less than 100 members online at any given time…and lot of the time…less than that.
It still is my favorite ‘domain forum’….
My have times changed…
It looks like parking companies didn’t like Frank’s idea…
That’s true Dan, parking companies & others in this “industry” have bled it dry at the expense of others.
Greed has killed the Golden Goose.
…never mind, there’s always development
@ Joe
“It looks like parking companies didn’t like Frank’s idea…”
Now that can be only a good thing…
@ Gazzip ~ Thanks ~ it was quite a good time back then…but very ‘short sighted’…and I include myself in that group.
Which brings me to something else, ” domain name conferences” sponsored and promoted by mainly…domain parking company’s & domain registrars.
Much more on this later, I promise
~ as it is and always has been very ‘short sighted’ for the of the total “good” of the domain name industry as a whole.
Peace to all,
Min. requirement to be accepted is that your portfolio would have to make $4,000 or more per month. And they must not be TMs or TM Typos.
“automatically place domains on the highest paying feed based on performance.
It existed only for a short time many years ago through”
Ahh what about that is exactly what we do and have been doing for a few years now? All you need is a Google based parking account.. aka Sedo, DomainSponsor, NameDrive, etc and a Yahoo based parking account from Parked, Skenzo, TrafficZ, DDC etc..
and Above does exactly that, automatically place domains on the highest paying feed based on performance.
I thought that you know that Mike?
Does google know Frank is whoring out his feed?
Yes Frnak’s contract with Google allows him to syndicate the feed.
Syndicate is a much nicer term than “whoring out” don’t you think?
By use of the “whoring out” term I’m going to safely assume you were not invited to the party
@ MHB…
Very well put ~ I was not invited to the party either, but being upset not being invited to the party…is no reason for making a rather childish post…IMHO as always.
I could get a “hall pass” if I wanted to…but my traffic numbers fall a tad shy of what I think Frank would like to see….so, it will not be the first party I have missed in my life…and I am sure it will not be the last.
I just hope Frank… Rocks ‘n’ Roll with it for a long time to come.
Now, if you want to ‘rant’…do it right & make it a nice long one… but to just taking a quick lame ‘snipe’…grow up.
Do you really think Frank is allowed to syndicate? Google and Yahoo are not allowing many others to do this.
I would like to hear about this further.
I do think that Frank is allowed to do what he is doing.
“Google and Yahoo are not allowing many others to do this.”
There aren’t too many “others” with the traffic that Frank has
I think there are major difference between which we have used and the old and InternetTraffic.. uses the domainers parking account at various parking companies and then has another advertiser on top of it.
Above only pays the domainer for the traffic taken by advertisers while the vast majority of the money comes from the parking company and is totally dependent on each domainers deal with the parking company has all the contracts with the upstream providers collected the funds and disbursed the funds. By aggregating the traffic, TrafficClub was able to get a higher revenue share than most domainers can on their own.
Big difference.
Under Above if your getting hosed by your parking company, you still get hosed but Above does sweeten the pot a little with its own advertisers
Under Above if your getting hosed by your parking company, you still get hosed but Above does sweeten the pot a little with its own advertisers
Ahh and that is why we find that many of our clients get better revenues shares as soon as they start using Above, as the parking companies are forced to compete. And we all know that competition is great for everyone, including the parking companies. As a result our clients are getting “hosed” less by the parking companies
Domainer makes more, parking companies make more, upstream providers make more, and advertisers get better and more relavant traffic, so everyone is a winner.
With TrafficClub, them aking a good cut of your revenues was not the ideal solution, this is essentially what Frank is doing. He needs to be taking a cut to cover the costs, many new parking platforms when they 1st launch offer top or even 100% revenue share, but for how long?
BTW I am a fan of what Frank was able to achieve, a non exclusive deal with both Google and Yahoo, that is something that we have wanted for years!!!
Everyone keeps acting like “Yahoo” calls all the shots on it’s PPC ads and has complete control etc…
If I read this right….Yahoo does not call the Major shots on anything when it comes to making decision’s on revenue pay out etc…
They are at best ‘2nd’ down from the top of the “food chain”
Maybe I am wrong, but they gave up all their major leverage, as to what they can afford or not afford to payout in domain parking revenue.
“MS” would seem to have all the leverage…as to what Yahoo gets or does not get.
I may be missing something….
Would not be the first time
I have just been corrected, Frank does not have a non exclusive deal with both Google and Yahoo. He has an exclusive deal with Google and anything that is blacklisted on Google can be sent to Yahoo. So it seems like he does not have that holy grail afterall.
@ david…
I do not know anyone that has any kind of “holy grail”… in this world.
Whatever kind of “Grail” (holy or not)
Frank has more than one, and they bigger and shiner than most.
I think for domainers the holy grail is getting an honest and accurate accounting where you get the revenue share of gross you were told you were going to get.
I think that is what Frank is offering and we will see how it compares to the big parking companies.
“honest and accurate accounting where you get the revenue share of gross you were told you were going to get”
Mike, as far as I am aware, no one knows what % they are getting. Do you?
The reason for that is the way Google works, they are very strict on anyone of their partners actually telling clients what % they are on with Google, and then also what % they are giving out to domainers. So if he is not able to disclose this, how do you know share you are making?
The benefit of Franks platform is that he was able to obviously get a good revenues share from Google, and since he is offering a no frills solution, with limited support, his costs are substantially lower, and it is these costs savings that he is passing to the domainer.
So it really depends on what the size of this cost saving is. I wish Frank all the best, as the more competition, especially ones that pay mor e in the market place, the better for all.
First of all Frank did have a dual feed deal until some of the parking companies with a Yahoo feed complained to Yahoo.
So there are plenty of parking companies that do not believe in as you say:
“”as the more competition, especially ones that pay mor e in the market place, the better for all.””
Now to your second point while we don’t know for sure what any parking companies revenue share is with Google we do know what Google pays for its own “parking program” if you will:
My company also back in the day had a direct contract with Google and have a pretty good idea of the range.
However that is not the percentage I’m talking about.
I’m talking about the percentage we are told by THE parking companies we will receive of their gross upstream partners revenue.
We will have to wait and see the numbers and see them for a while to make a call, but IF the numbers that Frank pays out are significant higher than what those domains made at the previous parking companies, then I think that will speak volumes about the others.
The part about a dual feed is only right on the part where he has an exclusive Google feed, and he also has a Yahoo feed for the domains that Google does not accept, which many others have in place as well. Frank did not have google feed that was non exclusive.
As for what google pays, we know what google pays for content and for search, but not sure that this release covered what they pay for their domain feed, which is a different product??
But I hear you, if a parking company states that are passing on x% that is what you should be getting, not some other % after they deduct all of their costs…
As for what a parking company should be keeping, I find that hard to justify what it should be?? For example what % should your retailer store keep. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought that the amount of markup or percent you charge for a service is purely dictated by Market Forces and Competition? So when Frank releases a low cost solution, where the savings are passed onto the end domainer, the market will need to react accordingly.
Hence why I said that competition is good for the industry. Sure “all” might not be right if you are a parking company. But at least it will encourage them to work harder and smarter to compete.