According to, the Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg announced today’s his administration’s plans to register the .nyc web domain name and overhaul the website as part of a new push to create what he called a “digital city.”
“Bloomberg and Rachel Sterne, the city’s chief digital officer, rolled out the new initiative, called “Road Map for a Digital City”
“This isn’t just some wonky stuff,” Bloomberg said of the plan, which includes a collection of improvements including partnerships with Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and Tumblr.
“This is the stuff that makes a difference day in and day out,” he said.
Currently, administration officials are meeting with vendors to explore licensing the .nyc domain, Sterne said.
Should be an interesting fight for the .nyc extension.
I would think a Chamber of Commerce would have rights to own and use it, the Mayor’s office, any number of NYC agencies etc etc.
My guess is that everyone will sue whomever ends up with .nyc so this will be YEARS before you ever see a .nyc domain name.
LOTS of money to be made or lost so you’ll see the lawyers get involved big time on this one.
Maybe get
The city of new York is entitled to that extension
No lawsuits here
Sean ( must be popping the champagne about now
@David Castello, that’s funny! LOL.
Funny thing is, so many folks will still be going to many .com’s like David mentions.
Sounds like an AOL attempt at putting up walls.
Agree with @David: just jumped up another 5 notches (even though they were already high up). Can’t even begin to imagine the extra traffic they will get from people trying (but failing) to type in words with the .nyc extension.
And @MHB, while I agree that between the new york city agencies Bloomberg has the ultimate say, what about actual companies with the MARK “NYC” ?? After all, NYC in the “New York City” sense is NOT a trademark …. but NYC for companies is an actual trademark (a search yielded 900+ registered US marks).
Any idea how that works ?
You are talking about trademarks with another word +nyc
I’m not finding any trademarks for NYC
after Skype, Microsoft seems close to buy Nokia phone division for $30Bn and someone has registered three months ago…
There are actually a couple of NYC trademarks at OHIM but guess that they can invest USD 185k better than on dot brand