Mike Mann has just put up a site at AUX.com listing some of his huge inventory of domains on which he will consider development partners:
“”Can you create a powerful next generation corporation or charity like our others linked at 1. http://MikeMann.com/ or those we anticipate at 2. http://BrightFuture.com/, leveraging a domain brand we own below (or from our company http://DomainMarket.com/), and best practices documented at 3. http://InternetApplications.com/ and 4. http://MakeMillions.com/ ?
“7. Hot new ideas: (We own all the domains on this site free and clear and can test any content we want)
HappyBirthday.com, Fleece.com, NatGas.com
Favorites.com/ ContactSoftware.com/ LinkChecker.com/ SalesTracking.com/ LargeAttachments.com/ SslCheckout.com/ ImportFriends.com
Homeless.org/.com/ Relief.org/ CysticFibrosis.org/ Coexist.com/ MiddleEastPeace.org
OnCamera.com/ DontBeAlarmed.com/ WatchYourBusiness.com – Internet based security services
StoreAndShip.com – fulfillment house for ecommerce merchant providers
CartoonCentral.com – build sharing site for home made cartoons
Wi.Fi – portal or application for the industry – notice how unique this domain from Finland is. No “.com” possible and no “www.” required.
SouthPhilly.com – Portal for community
Lure.com – a proprietary free information service, addressing a large niche in the search market space
FutureTube.com – HollywoodCentric Internet development agency with a proprietary strategy
BioIdentity(.com) – next generation biometrics consultancy and technology developer
Gaming names to use: OpenBattle.com, FightForFame.com, MafiaMaster.com, SchoolLockdown.com, BloodBlade.com, HighSpeedCarChase.com, ChinesePrison.com, ObamaGame.com, BikeBattle.com, AlienArmy.com, MachineGunners.com, MilitaryCompound.com, BurnBall.com, TitansOfWar.com, GunTank.com
Online publications: SportsPress.com, CombatComics.com, BeachTimes.com
8. Potential names for Internet consultancies:
PointClick.com, Aux.com, WebTechnologies.com, WebWave.com, WebExposure.com, HotWebApps.com, InternetDevelopers.com, WebProgramming.com, InformationArchitects.com, AdaptiveApps.com, WebExcellence.com, SiteMaintenance.com, WebsitePublishing.com, TechConnection.com, SecureServices.com, ConnectedConsulting.com, ResidentialTechnologies.com, UserInterfaces.com, ProductPipeline.com, DealDevelopers.com, Aftersales.com””””
The list goes quite a bit longer on the site, and while all domainers especially the big boys (us included) do some JV on our domains and are always ready to listen to propositions, this is the first time I have seen a major domainer launching a site just for that purpose.
We wish Mike continued success.
before Mike Mann I too have launched my own (but much better and beautiful) global website where I’ve published (or will publish soon) the list of all my domains on sale, all my websites and blogs, all my Facebook pages, etc.
We all have that
This is a site dedicated to finding JV partners on his domains.
“We all have that”
I know I’m not the first, I did not pretend to have reinvented the wheel
I dont see any stellar domains that look promising.
HappyBirthday.com is not a stellar domain?
Interesting idea, I like HappyBirthday.com & Lure.com (as a potential fishing site)
11. New Sites for Domain Name Landing Pages, will have tons of traffic:
Business – Business.co
Thought he sold that one for $80,000 ?
The idea is not new but congrats to Mann for launching it.
I have been putting together something like that for a long time. In fact, we had this option on our domain sales site impactdomains.coom couple of years ago. We took impact domains site down to rework it (had bugs in the software) and JVs are going to be big part of it when we launch it in few months.
I hope many more people do it this way.
Some decent domains and a good concept, this could be a new trend. Certainly a way to get more exposure for his business. Got to keep innovating to stay ahead of the curve.
Is there a page stating what terms of agreement are. Since MM owns the domain whatever value is built through the JV partner’s idea and development is going to belong to MM at the end (unless the contract goes on in perpetuity until someone dies).
. coom?
Yeah, that is a new TLD – lol
I mistyped.
“Yeah, that is a new TLD – lol”
yes, it can be a fusion of . coop and . com
of course
I would recommend any entrepreneur to stay well away from Mike Mann or domainer looking for JV partners
*** Entrepreneurs don’t need Mike Mann – Mike Mann (and domainers) need entrepreneurs ***
The lack of an ‘ideal/optimum’ domain has never stopped any REAL entrepreneur, at the outset.
@ Bhanot
Hey chump, how’s all the annual 15,000 renewals going?
No sales this year?
You’ll soon be dropping all those crappy ‘brandable’ domains burning thru your wallet.
Oh – and dropping all those crappy .mobis you ‘invested’ in too – those Spanish ones in particular..
Probably a good idea (he might consider opening it up to select portfolio holders in exchange for very small equity stake in any partnerships that result for acting as a facilitator) but its been my past experience that a lot of domainers have massively delusional expectations regarding how the development partnership split should break down. Without partnership parameters proposed on the front side- which I’m not seeing- most development teams (at least, the ones you would want to work with) aren’t even going to bother inquiring.
If one side is coming to the table with the idea, then coming out of pocket to execute it from the ground up, then funding a working operation once the gears get turning- while the other side has a domain name- well, like I said… It’s been my past experience that domainers tend to drastically overvalue their prospective relevance in that relationship, but maybe there are a few out there with realistic expectations, maybe he’s one of them.
I think it has legs if he can build a really strong inventory via involving some other large portfolio holders (the usual suspects), then establish working relationships with venture funding sources who might be a bit more willing to ‘browse for ideas’ in a partnership marketplace that had a lot of killer names.
Good luck with the venture. Really like the idea and hope it succeeds.
Nothing new but it works for me and it should work for anyone who has the creativity.
I would rather develop bullshitdomains.com
All you have to do is put this list of domains on bullshitdomains.com
Mike Mann owns much better domains than this bullshit list.
These are his bullshit domains that dont earn any parking revenue…so he wants to find suckers to develop them before he decides to let them expire.
Good Luck!
I like Wi.Fi that is also the best domain of the list for a successful site
Mike Mann is a man with a lot of personal issues, good domains, and no business sense. If you’re considering getting into bed with him, you ought to talk to people who work with him currently and ask them to put you in touch with people who stopped working with him.
I’m not impressed with the domains posted here…but great idea.
@ Aggro
How is your TYPO portfolio doing?
Must have been very hard on you with all the ppc declines
Ideas are great; however, you also need capital, marketing expertise, and a wide moat or else you’ll get your grand plan duplicated someone with a lot more cash and know-how than you.
A great domain name is but a tiny piece of the puzzle. Unfortunately, most domainers haven’t an ounce of business sense or experience…note, I said “most”, not all.
@ Anunt
That is great coming from a guy that has one of the crappiest websites on the Internet and is one of the most ‘dishonest’ domainers on the Internet.
Oh, now that you have resurfaced’ after a while away…
Would you like to care to explain why in the 2005- 2006 time frame, you were “banned” from both DNforum & Name Pros?
I will give you a chance to tell the”real” story and reason(s)… let’s see if you can post the “truth”…
If not… I would be glad to ‘enlighten’ everyone…
Go ahead, and give it shot…
I’m also doing this for a while and I’m now finishing another JV deal.
Its hard to appreciate what complete morons are posting here with some exceptions, read the record instead of your own delusional narratives
I’m guessing you’re an exception?