Stephen Douglas, President of will beholding the 1st ever Future Trend Domain Auction™, on June 21 – June 28, 2011.
The auction will be a Moniker Showcase, powered by
We wrote a blog post almost a year ago on 3D domain names. The post which has now received over 2,650 comments has turned into an excellent source of links to stories about 3D products and 3D domains as well as other new technology such as Holographic and Hologram or Holo for short as well as Solar and other “Green” products
Stephen Douglas said about this auction:
“”There are going to be new ways in marketing these Future Trend (FT) domains. There will be responsibilities expected from every domain owner whose domains have officially been accepted.”
“Every person wanting to get involved in this auction (we’re looking to go directly to end users, but domainers are also welcome) will receive a detailed catalog description of every domain, so as a potential buyer, you will be able to read and follow the media connected to the domain, showing the power of each domain’s potential to be an easily recognized “consumer/business” trend.”
Already over 500 domain names have been submitted and are being evaluated for the 75-100 prime slots
Submissions for the auction are still opened until May 22nd 2011.
Here are the rules for submission set out by the Mr. Douglas:
Send a maximum of TEN DOMAINS that cover these areas of future trends:
- Solar Energy
- Cellphone Technology
- Alternative Energy (wind, wave, thermal, water, other)
- Robotics
- Green (any domain with the adjective “green”)
- 3D – (all areas of 3D technology)
- Holo- (Holographs, Holograms, Holographics)
- Virtual – (manufactured reality, visual, audio)
- Medical
” The domains must be submitted in an Excel sheet with two columns:”
“Domain Name” and “Reserve Price” if you want to put the domain in with no reserve write “zero” or No Reserve”
“You can submit the domains in a CSV if you prefer (Comma Separated Version)”
“Include your NAME and EMAIL address INSIDE your domain file.”
Title your file of domains with your LAST NAME and the current month and year, which looks something like this: “LASTNAME_4_2011.xls”. This way we can locate your file quickly.
“By the first week of June or earlier, you will be notified if your domains have been accepted into the Future Trend Domain Auction™. That notification will include further processing on your part, where you will have to enter into an agreement with Moniker/Snapnames and meet their requirements to have your domains listed. You can decide at that point if you want to continue with the auction.”
If you have any questions, or want more information you can contact Mr. Douglas at:
This sounds like a timely auction on some very hot topics.
We wish Stephen and the team the best of luck and to all Sellers and Buyers as well.
Great News – Great Job by Stephen Douglas of Success Click to make this happen – pretty exciting to see
they should add the business domains in the list domains of which I already own the two best … and
Good luck with the auction
Stephen & Mike deserve medals the size
of dusbin lids for bringing FT domains into
one community.
Great bunch of people and it’s nice everyone
Is giving advice helping each other.
Nice, Now we have some specifics… there is something that we can point to.
I would like to see how this all pans out.
I hope the domains I submitted will be included and receive bids!
And of course that the entire auction will be a success!
how in the world are you going to value these names???
Most of these names will be WILDLY speculative and carry very high reserves relative to their current value.
While I like the concept, execution may be difficult. I expect low volume sales but high price for those that do sell.
@ 3dDomainNames
I took a quick look at the site
Are you the owner of all the domains listed on that site?
Great idea, glad Stephen took the initiative to do this, best of luck.
I only own a handful of 3D domains, one which I have parked with Whypark ( ) has 1,426 visitors and 2,494 page views for the current 30 day period. And no, It’s not submitted in the auction.
I fully agree with dcmike77
Considering 3D sales numbers that happened in 2011 alone, I dont expect to a large number of names selling (at least not yet).
I have also heard some of the valuations that people where quoted (or at least they claim they where quoted… could be of their own making), and those numbers (based on recent sales) are grossly over exaggerated for what the true price is at this time.
Either which way, I submitted some names.
I only expect 1 to possibly make it in, and I fully expect to not have any nibbles but would be delighted if I did have a taker. I would also be delighted to keep the domain and develop more.
Just my opinion.
Valuations are allover the place and it’s an emerging market that still seems unsteady, but with possible future potential. The name I mentioned above ( get’s decent traffic, yet the Estibot appraisal is at $5.00
Great news!
Thank you so much for this information.
Looking forward to 3dsoundcard and 3dsuspect
Well done guys, looking forward to it.
Submitted 10 good ones. etc,
Lets see what happens
for those who love or need good 3D domains, I already sell some 3D domains on Afternic and WebsiteBroker
I don’t get it.
Are there any products besides 3dtvs, 3dmonitors and 3dphones that will realistically make it to market in the next 5-10 years?
Will people actually visit to buy one?
“Are there any products besides 3dtvs, 3dmonitors and 3dphones that will realistically make it to market in the next 5-10 years?”
The short answer is yes!
The longer answer is that there is a whole world of 3D that you are missing.
3D is strong in the medical community
3D printing/scanners (probably the 3D content with the most staying power)
3D sports (all the major leagues have game broad cast in 3D)
3D Games
3D movies (everyone understands this one)
3D ultrasound(s)
3D pictures (where the pics have raised and recessed areas)
3D Maps
3D projectors
3D cameras
3D Domains (lol… thought this was funny)
3D Graphics cards
3D CPUs (best for animation)
3D Glasses (this will be gone soon)
3D TV channels
3D Players (blu-ray)
3D Mouse (computing mouse to aid in 3D renderings)
3D Game engines (used for creating 3D games)
3D models
3D clip art
3D wallpaper
3D imaging (most related to the medical side of things)
Pretty much, most of the things I listed here are already available.
Not much is spoken about them because not much was spoken about the NON-3D version of them. They are just not very popular for the average person.
Still they exist and are being refined.
The one you really want to keep an eye on is the medical field and their use of 3D. It is very prominent in that field, and as the technology progresses even further (fueled by this 3D craze/push that we are going through now), the end result will be even bigger then the few that I listed.
Anyways… Just wanted to put my 2 cents in.
You missed off a big one – 3DPhones
…….I also think there will be a lot of big sales that are non product related when 3D kicks in.
Great idea, but I’m not doing business with snapnames / moniker
It’s and if you do you research you will see that in Boston the very first 3DMammogram machine is on the market, I see the site as a referral or research site so YES its a great domain and it’s not .com
Hi EmBee Fans,
I’d like to add a caveat here to answer all the comments so far regarding the Future Trend Domain Auction™.
I’m going to give valuable information for all domain investors to read here so you might want to wade through what you might think is drudge.
First of all, you will be surprised that the majority of domains featured in the FT auction will NOT be “3D” domain names. That’s right, you heard it here. The auction is about “future trends”, and this covers hundreds of niches that many of you haven’t heard of yet, but will in the near future.
Unarguably, EmBee’s article on 3D domains blew open the doors on a small segment of a very popular and partially “matured” keyword topic “3D”, and it fueled the fire to move forward on preparations to promote the Future Trend Domain Auction™.
However, what’ Embee’s article REALLY did (which is even greater if you can believe it) was to uplift a new foundation for domain investing in upcoming trends, most in technology, and that focus will cover fashion, food, safety, housing, energy, communications, home development, entertainment, transportation, and areas you haven’t thought of yet. I’ve been there, and I’ve seen the treasures awaiting all of us. Really.
Now to answer the comments by some of my friends here that are little misguided:
@ Slate: A lot of readers will appreciate your long list of “3D” products/services (prodservs) you provided them in your answer to SL, and I say “well done.” However, your interpretation of their impact on our lives was missed somehow, and you made the statement:
“Not much is spoken about them because not much was spoken about the NON-3D version of them. They are just not very popular for the average person.”
So, as a quick test, here’s a list of keywords, many of them one-word naturals. Ask yourself how important are these keywords in domain investing? Then, most importantly, how popular are they in the national vernacular?
Take a look:
•Graphics cards
•TV channels
•Players (me: “entertainment devices”)
•Game engines
•clip art
Remember, we’re just covering a small section of prodservs keywords that many domainers focus on for domain purchases.
Here’s the SURPRISING REVELATION: EACH of these above keyword “nouns” are EXACTLY the ones that Slate featured in his list of 3D domains and said “they are just not very popular for the average person.”
Obviously, that’s wrong. Just add the adjective “3D” to these keyword nouns and you’ve got a whole new world of products, and these keywords do NOT cover all the possibilities for 3D keyword expansion.
@SL – When I first started buying 3D and holo domains, I was reading that the year 2020 would be the time the public would begin seeing these prodservs mature for our enjoyment. They’re already nine years ahead of schedule, and you know what happens when technology makes these types of leaps. They grow exponentially. I predict by 2015, just in the 3D/Holo category alone, you’ll see huge advancements. It’s up to you, as a domain investor, to search out this information and educate yourself before you post comment about it. It’s fun, so I recommend it to you as a friend!
@DCMike – appraising these domains isn’t easy until a pattern of purchases starts to appear. I don’t expect or promise huge profits for the pioneer domainers in this sector. In my experience in the last year, I’ve received and turned down offers stting from $100 to $125,000 for a whole range of domains.
If anything, I would demand domainers wanting to see these maturing domains reach their true value to work hard reaching out to every New Media marketing firm and announcing not only their domains, but that their domains along with many others, will be “category killers” for them, and that by owning these domains, they shut out their competitors online, thereby “owning their competition™”
The Future Trend Domain Auction™ won’t be a walk in the park. Let me make that clear. I’m not here to blow smoke up your dryer vent. We will be introducing new techniques and enhancements for domain buyers to truly understand WHY these domains will help cement their FT prodservs as THE online counterpart for the words people will be talking about, like “”, “,” “,”.
But, like I said at the beginning of this article, you will see category-killing domains in many other niches, and some of those domains will bolster the 3D domain promotion beyond what many people mistakenly thinking the Future Trend Domain Auction™ is all about.
Expect surprises, but also expect that if you think this auction is only about 3D/Holo domains, you are going to be getting a “surprise.”
Thanks EmBee for everything you’ve done to help this auction become a reality.
For more information on the Future Trend Domain Auction™, you can go to
Much success to all domainers, you deserve big rewards.
@Stephen Douglas
You stated “A lot of readers will appreciate your long list of “3D” products/services (prodservs) you provided them in your answer to SL, and I say “well done.” However, your interpretation of their impact on our lives was missed somehow, and you made the statement:
“Not much is spoken about them because not much was spoken about the NON-3D version of them. They are just not very popular for the average person.”
So, as a quick test, here’s a list of keywords, many of them one-word naturals. Ask yourself how important are these keywords in domain investing? Then, most importantly, how popular are they in the national vernacular?
Take a look:
•Graphics cards
•TV channels
•Players (me: “entertainment devices”)
•Game engines
•clip art
I think my point was missed. Generally speaking (at least from what I read) the topics covered are rarely spoken about among (people who consider themselves) domainers or anyone outside of their given field.
Even though I have a website that allows me to cover every aspect (by the generality of the name), I rarely ever speak to anyone about models, wallpaper, clip art… and many other things on that list.
This is why most people do not realize that there are 3D options for those listed. Everyone knows:
3D movies
3D TVs
3D Games
3D Domains (if you are reading anything here)
But how often do we ever discuss or have heard discussed 3D graphics cards or 3D CPUs?
I loosely work in the IT field and I know of them because its my business. In general most people don’t. Most people (out side of computer savvy people) don’t know what a CPU or Graphics card does. Its just not in their every day vernacular even though its effects their lives profoundly.
That was my point in that statement.
SL probably never heard of any of that stuff because it just not in his every day topics. He may be a domainer, but if no one ever offers those domains as a topic, he would never hear of them.
Just my 2 cents
@ Slate
I see you point to a degree because these domains are, and were definitely, “future trend” domains. The topics had not yet matured, or begun to mature, so the “trend” hadn’t started, and for many 3D subjects, this “trend” is still exactly what the auction phrase describes — “Future Trends”.
So the real question is for anyone investing in FT domains is:
“Will it ever become a “trend” in the future? And if so, will it appeal to a certain demographic? Will the trend go small, but with big purchase payouts? Or go mainstream with quantity buys at more affordable pricing? Or will it become anything at all?”
These are the “gambles” on purchasing FT domains, and your domain’s chances increase significantly on the domain becoming a “Trend” by your initial knowledge and growing knowledge, promotion, acceptance of the domain topic within the biz/consumer markets.
If we see a domain we don’t understand in the “FT domain” sector, it can be easily looked up and assessed to be considered “wow, this might be huge someday”. Just because the domain topic isn’t well-known at the current time doesn’t mean it won’t be in a few years! Five years ago, most people would have considered something as strange sounding as “solar clothing”. Now, in less than 2 years, almost everyone will have some type of portable solar accessory or piece of clothing that can recharge your phone from solar power.
Cool, huh!
Well here are a few that I have picked up (looking towards the possible future). Lets see what everyone thinks of these as possible future trends.
It is my opinion that with the emergence of technology as such a rapid pace, that one day we may actually be able to incorporate more then just sight and sound, maybe touch, taste, and smell. Hence why I picked up Sense Experience. Hand reged it for a buck.
Desktop 3D Scanner kind of speaks for itself.
Just wanted to see what you guys thought.
Seems that Success Click is down again?
Or at least its not coming up for me.
Hi Folks,
Just a quick update.
The first auction list for the Future Trend Domain Auction™ has been submitted for review to Moniker. We’re working on our second list. To date, over 600 domains have been submitted. The auction will be picking 75 – 100. A bit advice to some domain submitters… if you price your domain at $250,000 reserve, you’re probably not going to get it in the auction. We’re testing the waters with this first FT auction, so hold on to any domains you want to sell for six figures or more. Unless of course, your domain is a one word Premium category killer!
Hey Stephen,
Could one of you experienced guys please advise all FT domain owners how to set a reasonable and fair reserve price as FT domains are very new to all of us.
Those are excellent holo names. I would appraise them in the $20-$25 range. Perhaps as high as $31-$34 if you hold them for a few years.
Are those your names mate, I like , very nice!
@ thomas
i think some of those holo domains mentioned above are category killers. I definitely think those domains are very valuable and absolutely worth more then 34K
I do not own these domains but own similar domains and need advise to setup a fair and reasonable reserves
Any experienced guys that could give us advise to setup a fair and reasonable reserve?
Killer set of domains you got there, mate.
However, if you want my opinion, then you probably should visit my site at, where my blog updates describe all the details of the upcoming Future Trend Domain Auction™.
Embee (Michael Berkens) is allowing me to post my blog site… (sheesh, he’s got every domain blogger beat in the blogosphere for the next 10 years already).
Anyways, if you have questions, evaluation or appraisal needs, then contact me at my blog.
(I’ve already promised Embee THE BEST BOTTLE OF SCOTCH he’s ever received if this Future Trend Domain Auction™ is successful, even minimally).
I think this means that Embee should probably advise a friend or two of his to step off the bully pulpit and quit attacking the company that owns the auction site we’re using to promote the domains. I’m sure Monte would agree with this too.
Cheers everyone, and I want Justice to come to everyone who deserves it: Pugna Pro Justicia
I think if people want to criticize Moniker/Snap for owing a substantial number of the domains in the auction for not disclosing or disclaiming it, its a fair.
I’m not sure I particularity agree with it, but I’m certainly not going to tell people not to express their thoughts on the issue.
With all due respect to your bottle of scotch, Oversee has advertised on the blog since we pretty much started, which has not stopped me from criticizing them when I feel criticism is due.
However in this case, I don’t see a big deal with Oversee selling its own names at this auction, they have sold or attempted to sell there domains at many live domainfest auctions and other show organizers have sold their own inventory at other domain auctions.
I suggest you guys should check the news about mobile payments please go to google news …Mobile Payments and wallet is set to take off globally…
@Stephen Mobile Payment a future trend too ?
if so I will submit my mobile payments domains
Hi Embee,
I know how you operate, you’re 99% on target and smart and fair. Kinda like the Jon Stewart of the domain blog world!
I never mentioned anything about my opinions of Snap/Mon featuring their “own” domains in this auction. That wasn’t what I agreed to, and I never heard anything about it. Does someone here assume this is what’s going to happen? I couldn’t find the comment referring to this, so help me find it. I’m not sure where you got this “allegation”.
My company isn’t making a dime in any way from this auction. We’ve put over six months of work organizing it and working out the details and agreements on how it would be held, the best we could. It’s not as easy as you might expect. As a disclaimer, I have said that I will have several of my domains listed in this auction too, so I have a horse or two to sell. That might be something people can “question me” about. But I think it’s fair since I’m doing all the work to promote this new category of domains.
Let me know who here was accusing SnapMon of inserting their own domains into this auction so I can address it. As far as I know, this was never discussed.
Not sure anyone made an allegation that Oversee was placing their own inventory into your auction but there was a previous monthly showcase auction where Rob with all the Cuba domains ran the whois and found the vast majority were Oversee domains.
Hi Embee,
I can assure you that I personally looked at EACH domain and communicated with EACH domain owner who had a domain listed in the Future Trend Domain Auction™ last month. All the domains that were listed are documented with’s database, and are featured in a PDF Directory that took weeks to prepare (and unfortunately was not listed on Moniker for download).
I have the list of the owner of every domain submitted, with their emails and their reserve prices they wanted. Your assumption here is unwarranted, but I get the South Florida Gang’s politics. Trust me, I do.
Anyone who knows me understands very clearly that I don’t let shenanigans happen on my watch. I come down like hell if I think something is not right. Anyone see JW lately? Nuff said.
We May Soon Watch 3D Movies Without the Glasses [VIDEO]