A couple of very interesting auctions just ended at Namejet.com.
The domain name Outreach.org sold for a whopping $90,400.
Yes you read it right.
Another domain which just sold and certainly made for the interesting headline is NoShit.com which sold for $8,113.
Both of these domains were pending delete domains as opposed to owner owned domain sales.
In both cases the former owners walked away from domains worth quite a bit of cash.
Outreach.com is a popular site getting over 40,000 unique monthly visitors and an Alexa ranking of 171,000
Outreach.Org has an Alexa ranking of 12 Million and no Compete rank and looks like it was being used as a site in China most recently.
It’s also worth noting that Outreach is trademarked by the company that owns outreach.com.
Honestly I don’t know what to say about why this domain went for the kind of money it did.
There were 3 bidders in at $55K or higher with the winning bid going to the bidder Id: Seaadv
Where were these bidders when bido was running the auction for pad.com? There’s a far better 3 letter dictionary term .org in auction at SN.
These bidders probably did not want pad.com
Did outreach.org close?
Yes the auction ended at $90,400
My BullS stock has gone up in value.
Thank YOU…..allah akbar!!!
BTW, what can you do with the domain noshit?
Good domain name for a blog
MHB—will keep an eye on noshit and see how it goes. We can be the billion dollar joint venture business partner
I did not buy that domain
NoShit.com could also be used by a medical or drug company promoting such items as laxatives or enimas. No shit.
I think that’s what they call “thinking out of the box”
this price surely is NoShit …
No shit
Just sold another
Come on, folks. They are worth $3,000 – $5,000
$90k, gee golly wally, surely this isnt the .com spending donation money lol
Whether it is a
.Org or a .Co mpany
if you have a
do not sell for less than $1,000
These are highly desired by many end users.
NoShit.com- Adult diapers, a funny or die like college humor site, kitty litter that dissolves the shit, a dog pop picker upper franchise that sells the stuff for fertilizer or…..
The new sales site for Rick Schwartz’s portfolio with a logo of a pigeon with a no symbol struck through it.
I can’t wait to see who the buyers for these two properties are, it’s going to be very interesting.
Not real classy per se.
outreach.org probably because of the backlinks, the thousands of .org with “outreach” in their name. Only way I could see the new owner getting back the money is if a fake charity is set up and pocketing the money during Crisis or if Outreach.com actually bought it in this auction.
It’s fun to read the comments about what NoShit.com was going to be or should be. I’m glad some domain squatter didn’t get this name because it would have been a f**king waste. I do wish I could meet the person who kept up-bidding the domain and driving the domain auction back to 5 minutes for 2 hours. I’d like to meet him and punch him in the face. Anyway, check out noshit.com now that it’s live.