According to the contract that ICANN signed with the the ICM registry this week to operate the .XXX registry (pdf) there may never be any 2 character .XXX domain names.
Exhibit 6 of the Agreement, (found on page 59 of the pdf) all 2 character .XXX domains shall be reserved until such time as the registry reaches an agreement with “the government and country code manager” or the ISO to release such domains.
Some of the best possible .XXX domains would be 2 character domains; 3D.XXX and 69.XXX,,,,, are some that come to mind right away (thanks Ed)
For now it does not look like any two character domains will be possible.
Also in the contract, in the same exhibit, ICANN mandates that all Geographic and all Geopolitical names contained in ISO3166-1 shall be reserved and not made available for registration.
The list contained at ISO is a list of countries, so under the contract with ICANN there will never be a or France.XXX or Iran.XXX in English or in any other “official language”.
Here is how the contract reads:
“All geographic and geopolitical names contained in the ISO 3166-1 list from time to time shall initially be reserved at both the second level and at all other levels within the TLD at which the Registry Operator provides for registrations. All names shall be reserved both in English and in all related official languages.
“In addition, Registry Operator shall reserve names of territories, distinct economies, and other geographic and geopolitical names as ICANN may direct from time to time. Such names shall be reserved from registration during any sunrise period, and shall be registered in ICANN’s name prior to start-up and open registration in the TLD.”
States and cities are not included on this list right now, so while there can’t be a there can be some Geo’s which might be some of the most valuable of all .XXX domains like Vegas.XXX, Miami.XXX, Newyork.XXX or Rio.XXX.
There might be a lot of other domains restricted by this provision: “territories, distinct economies, and other geographic and geopolitical names as ICANN may direct from time to time”
That might be an interesting one. They are a lot of possible domains that would fall within that definition.
Looks like #3 is met: ” maintain any significant control over any part of the business”
U.S. Federal Trade Commission – FRANCHISE TEST
Sometimes called… THE DUCK TEST …If it Walks like a Duck, Quacks
like a Duck, Acts like a Duck… it IS a DUCK
If you sell a Business Opportunity { Registry… Registrar…
Reseller… RIR } to any person and you;
* 1. Allow the buyer to use your company name or logo;
* 2. Charge a fee to the buyer (inside or outside of product
or service);
* 3. Provide any significant assistance or maintain any
significant control over any part of the business.
“The FTC disclosure laws require accurate representations from
franchisors to prospective franchisees.”
So no kind of ironic.
“Some of the best possible .XXX domains”
“shall be registered in ICANN’s name”
Wonder what ICANN pays per year for those names ?
…this sTLD (Sponsored TLD) is clearly a Temporary Market Test to gauge “interest level”
The Big.Boys with Set.Top.BOX DNS will be happy to provide ALL of the domains
The biggest hassle with the .XXX extension is the application and approval process that will
be in place to register them. I can’t, at this point, see how affiliate registrars will benefit as
most people, myself included, will go to the “source” ie, ICM Registry, to expedite the process.
There are many questions that remain unanswered. Such as, will I need approval for each name registered? How long will the application process take? What happens if my application is denied? Is there a dispute resolution process if my application is denied? etc.,etc.
I’m beginning to wonder if it’s worth the time and trouble, especially with China and India
and God know’s how many more countries will block it. Like the pros say “.Com is King!”
“There are many questions that remain unanswered.”
Since 1998 the ICANN Proof.of.Concept Market Trials are helping to answer those questions.
In the words of IRA Magaziner
“If we left the coordination of the Internet DNS to an intergovernmental body, we feared that it would get bogged down in bureaucracy and approvals would move at a glacial place. …the slow and bureaucratic processes of government and multilateral government bodies are not the best way to coordinate a fast-moving, creative, chaotic medium like the Internet. They move too slowly. They’re too risk-averse. They officially represent only governments and not other constituencies. And just in general, they’re too cumbersome.”
Dudh…if you have doubts or hesitations on XXX , then don’t register.
Again, rule #1 Dot Com is ….King
“Again, rule #1 Dot Com is ….King”
agree 100%
(and always will be the King!)
3d & 69 ? You’re missing the big ones:,,,,, …
fortunately, there are LOTS of great 3, 4, 5 characters .XXX domains to register
Thanks Ed just added a few of your suggestions to the main story (and of course credited you)
@ Alan,
The process should be fairly seamless and will be largely automated. Yes, there will be appeals mechanisms. Were are not in the business of making it difficult to register these names. Finally, you only have to be authenticated once and then can register as many names as you want.
@ MHB and @ ED, these ISO-3166 list restrictions applied to ALL 2004 sTLD applicants and will apply to ALL new GTLD applicants. It is designed to avoid confusion with the two digit cc. I believe some former 2004 applicants subsequently applied to allow certain two character strings under ICANNS RSEP process and this is something we may consider in the future, particularly when it comes to ones which include one or two numbers rather than just letters.
“Were are not in the business of making it difficult to register these names.”
ICANN is clearly in that business and MANY more unseen actors/players
“making it difficult” is #JOB1 for many people & their JOB Security
In the words of IRA Magaziner
“If we left the coordination of the Internet DNS to an intergovernmental body, we feared that it would …move at a glacial place. …’
.SO they (The.Clinton(s)) & Ira Magaziner & others created ICANN & made sure it moves even SLOWER than a Glacier
I don’t see the value in creating a triple X unless the extension is only reserved for adult sites. Vegas triple X can work, but many cities don’t fit the extension. IMO, it’s not good to associate a certain name with name because credibility factors come into play.
Thanks Mike, no credit necessary!
“How much will you pay to block your trademark from ‘.xxx’?”
Big Lie
Yes I think its one of the better things and unique to any TLD, that a trademark owner can pay a one time fee to have its to be blocked permanently.
This is not only for non-adult trademarks but for adult trademark holders as well.
The only thing is once you elect to block the domain, it can never be unblocked
Sarah Palin’s Trademark application gets refused – Domain not used …