Bob Parsons CEO of Godaddy made the rounds on National TV today appearing on the syndicated television show Extra as well as debating a PETA spokesman and the host of the CNN Piers Morgan Show.
On both shows Parsons was unapologetic for his elephant kill and the video he made of it.
On CNN, there was a back and forth discussion that went on for about 10 minutes between Piers Morgan (host of the show that replaced Larry King), and Bob Parsons
Here are the highlights:
“Mr. Parsons it wasn’t the smartest thing to be doing as a CEO was it?”
“Actually I think it was a wonderful thing to be doing.”
“I shot an elephant that was destroying crops”
“I saved the crops and a lot of people got to eat. People walked from 20 miles around to get a piece of that meat”
“It’s a very poverty stricken area and those farmers were desperately appreciative.
“How much of is your company worth?”
“I don’t know what its worth”
“Give me a ballpark”
“Ballpark, I don’t know, I guess its well into a billion I would hope”
“Ok so you have a company worth billions and yet you there you have to shoot elephants to help poverty stricken locals, why don’t you just give them some money?”
“I don’t know that one has to do anything with the other, because in this country we now have this bent if you have money you are evil, but actually I was over there doing a very good thing”
“Will you carry on shooting elephants?”
“excuse me”
“Will you carry on shooting elephants?”
“I will not carry on shooting elephants, but what I will carry on is helping the farmers with problem elephants and its very different.”
“Mr. Parsons looking at picture posing proudly with your kill, if you were doing this for some kind of humanitarian purpose why are you looking like your some kind of super hunter?”
“When we got within 15 feet of the elephants, they do what they do at night, they attacked us, we turned the flashilight on, and we were able to select the old bull, we shot that bull (the oldest elephant) ,not harm the others, drive the rest out of the crops and it was mission accomplished and that smile your seeing is one of, we did everything we set out to do, my gosh the crops are safe, the elephants are safe, its just one down and these people are going to get to eat tommorow.”
“Are the other photographs in existence of you shooting big game like this?”
“Are other photographs in existence?
“Yes as a matter of fact if you go on to you will see a video of the same type of hunt last year.”
Finally, have you had any financial damage to your company in light of this incident?”
“No none at all”
“and I’ll tell you why, most American understand that people need to eat”
“most Americans understand the circle of life and this needs to be done and was very selective”
A representative of Peta also appeared on the segment.
I know there is an old expression to the effect that there is no bad publicity.
I guess we will see.
It didn’t sound so great to me.
(If your reading this early enough the show will air again at 3AM and 5AM EST tonight on CNN)
Sounds like someone needs a domain registry consultant well versed in crisis management
“Sounds like someone needs a domain registry consultant well versed in crisis management”
I would recommend you Owen, if they needed a consultant well versed in crises creation=)
On the other hand I feel it is a breath of fresh air to see a CEO so willing to “stick to this guns”…
That was supposed to be “crisis” (obviously)
It is not the people that kills, it is the GUNS.
NRA is supporting godaddy
Parsons is a despicable scum bag,He can dress it up all he wants, if he was doing it for humanitarium purposes then why film it , give everyone Godaddy caps and play AC/DC Music over it.
I accept sometimes their are times when animals need to be controlled, but there are more humane ways of doing it and it does not require going to a country with a corrupt dictatorship( who used to be called the bread basket of Africa),Mugabee has made those people poor, not the Elephants and it certainly does not need some Gung Ho, film and soundtrack to promote it.
And for those that say there is no such thing as bad publicity , may i draw you attention to Gerald Ratner.
I am personally disgusted with Parsons for both his actions and his lame attempt to justify it.
Look at the personality. Bob Parsons was a marine. He is a staunch supporter of the republican party. (duh.) Money less taxes on his earnings. He continues to be a major Bush supporter. Both into hunting and guns. The crop story is a bunch of BS. Probably constructed by an attorney.
When have you ever known him to apologize to anyone?
Do you really think with all his money he gives a rat’s ass what anybody thinks? I don’t. BTW, he will still fill a room with domainer’s standing room only, ready to kiss his ass. More power to him. Now he knows he’s a celebrity. Couldn’t be happier.
Did Alice REALLY Bite the Chicken’s Head Off?
Did Howard Stern ask Piers Morgan how much he made off Susan Boyles ?
Maybe Bob Parsons role model growing up was Elmer Fudd, he even looks alot like him.
I think the whole thing stinks of macho moron great white hunter bullshit, doing them a favour…..yeah right, a Sicko satisfying his huge ego more like it.
GoTacky strikes again.
We’re offering a 50% savings on any hosting package and billing cycle for any current Godaddy customers that transfer their hosting and domains over to our services. Use promo code NODADDY when placing your order. We’ll also migrate your sites for you free of charge.
“… in this country we now have this bent if you have money you are evil…”
Give me a break.
It’s obvious to see the audience and mentality where Parsons seeks sympathy and I’m glad that Piers Morgan was having none of it and was unrelenting in his questions. Parsons has dug himself a hole and the more he says the worse he sounds. I have rarely seen a CEO do so much damage to a brand via their actions.
:// was not started yesterday
…because those things prove that he’s not gay. Understand? Bob Parsons is NOT gay. Okay?
Yes, Bob we understand. You are NOT gay. And, no, you don’t spend a lot of time in child sex tourist destinations Well, okay, you do, but you are only there to help hungry people kill elephants, and you are NOT doing anything gay there.
I am with Troy
Also – Larry King was the only very rare reason I would watch CNN or go to They have far too many geniuses – like on this thread Blog.
He does have earrings (a 60 years old man!) and tries hard to ‘be a man’ but I am not sure if Bob Parsons is gay.
Bob Parsons is NOT gay ……. he’s just a little shaky – shaky.
But he is NOT gay! Next stop I hear is Sri Lanka to help out some underprivileged boys, then off to Thailand.
Nobody will stop him from doing good deeds, dang it !
You are right Brian all the geniuses are at Fox News…..they are so well informed and always tell the truth. They’ve never been caught in lies over and over again.
It is really surprising how little [Expert Domainers] know about Bob Parsons.
or maybe that is Little.Expert Domainers
………or how much Bob knows about domainers BigLie !
BTW, as a historical note, when Bob Parsons walked into the Domain.Industry and dropped $50,000,000 on starting a Retail Registrar he was an unknown.
At the time, there were other Big Name Players with their eye on the Phoenix-Scottsdale area as the likely place to start The.Next.Big.Thing
Those players all asked, “Who is Bob Parsons”? and still wonder
Parsons plunked down $50 million and filled a void by brilliantly and controversially marketing domain registration to the masses. In retrospect, a lot of what did was good old fashioned Madison Avenue sexuality, but he did it first in this industry and built GoDaddy into the largest registrar on the planet. For that he should be admired, but, as in show business, when you start to believe your own hype and it begins to dictate your actions you become intoxicated with your success and stupidity ensues. Shooting that elephant was dopey enough, but promoting it to the world made about as much sense as Parsons circulating a video of him having sex with one of his Godaddy girls.
PS: Pro or con, whenever referring to Fox News one may want to keep this in mind:
“circulating a video of him having sex”
Why does everyone flock to Hef’s Place ? in .LA ? to catch a disease ?
Some people’s actions don’t make sense to others
And sometimes people flock to Hef’s place because it’s part of a domain conference
“because it’s part of a domain conference”
and everyone knows domainers are like kids trading baseball cards
a future “domain conference” in the “Islands” may require some steep credentials, a yacht, and a harem
domainers will be trading more than baseball cards
Poor old Bob Parsons….Very sad, really…
He’s blundering about on this issue – completely out of his depth – thinking that really people admire him for this elephant kill – and, simply unable to comprehend that it shows him to be a total di**head, instead.
Worse, he won’t listen to anyone except his sycophants – or, his employees….and, they ain’t going to tell him the truth: “Bob – you’re a fu**wit…”
Why can’t some people just see that money doesn’t make class…?…..And, that having money doesn’t begin to compensate for being coarse, classless, and stupid…?
I wouldn’t have this drongo in my house… is available!
Per Chris:
“see that money doesn’t make class”
Good God – he is a MARINE – how much of this CNN garbage can you fit in an empty head.
What would happen in the free world without marines , air force, navy coast guard, army
I have friends who are Marines and they are not thrilled with Parsons at the moment.
And what does CNN have to with any of this? Last I heard CNN did not produce that video.
“Good God – he is a MARINE”
So was Lee Harvey Oswald. Is having been a Marine some kind of insurance against being an asshole?
My bait for entertainment is being taken too easily by respected names –
David Castello – “And what does CNN have to with any of this”
Larry king exited – it LEFT his replacement Piers Morgan – or whatever HOLLYwood (HOLIier than Thou) name to do the interview with Bob Parsons – that is it – nothing more.
John Berryhill – took a while to get your colors out as well – yes Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine and what you are saying is an assination of a human being and the same as shooting an elephant – respectfully – that is rather disturbing.
With all due respect, both John and I are not displaying “colors”, only facts. And facts seem to be taking a backseat here. Your posts seem to imply that anyone criticizing Parsons’ actions must be Leftist, pro-Hollywood, anti-armed forces, etc. None of which is not only completely false, but has zero bearing on the topic.
I agree with what was done. However I’m not totally sure that Bob Parsons’ motive was squeaky clean, but then I’m not to judge. I’m almost certain that the likes of NameCheap who are taking advantage of the situation with their promos aren’t in it to save the elephants though and are only taking advantage of this situation to nab a heap of customers their way.
The “Hell’s Bells” music and the GoDaddy caps were a bit much, but besides that I think it was a great thing that was done. Obviously a huge mistake to post the video (or maybe not considering all the publicity GoDaddy is getting) since there are many people that simply don’t understand how life works in places like Zimbabwe. Meat comes from the supermarket, beyond that many have no understanding. I’d much rather an animal be hunted and killed to eat rather than be produced by a factory farm and sold in a supermarket. Sure, it was an elephant. But there is a big over-population of them in Zimbabwe and if some aren’t killed then more people will starve tomorrow than there are starving today.
I’m about as pro-hunting as they come, but absolutely cannot bring myself to accept Parsons “save the crops” rationale. To be honest, it bothers me a bit that the uphill issue is being defined with him as the spokesman.
The reason he was there had nothing to do with crops. He was there because he wanted to go Elephant hunting and Rhodesia provided a venue to do it, for the right price, which he could afford to pay.
BP’s wife was in a picture also sitting on top of an animal she shot and killed with a big smile on her face just like his and it wasn’t in some poor 3rd world country either. They kill animals period.
Apparently Bob Parsons, Charlie Sheen and Chris Brown all have the same PR management.
BTW, the very next day my rep at GoDaddy was on the phone to me making sure I was renewing my portfolio at GD.
@Big Lie Society what the hell are you doing here if you’re not a domainer? “Big Lie” that’s a good one.
He is using the spin “feeding the hungry farmers”
I am a Zimbabwean and a conservationist
a. The cost of the flight to Zim would have feed these people for a year.
b. The cost of the “safari” would have paid for a solar run electric fence which would keep the elephant out for years to come.
c. He killed the elephant for pleasure and free publicity
d. These are subsistence farmers and they have lived along side elephants for 100s of years. BTW the elephant were there first.
e. a % of the money he paid for this “pleasure trip” goes to the Zim government i.e. Robert Mugabe (Bob) who has killed thousands of his people, is classified as the richest man in Africa and is causing this starvation of his own people.
Bob Parsons is an arrogant p and needs to stay out of my country.
@ Chris Hamilton
“…Bob Parsons is an arrogant p and needs to stay out of my country….”
Good post – and very well said.
@chris thanks – it was from the heart.
@David Castello:
“Your posts seem to imply that anyone criticizing Parsons’ actions must be Leftist, pro-Hollywood, anti-armed forces, etc. None of which is not only completely false, but has zero bearing on the topic.”
I Can’t let you bury your head in the sand quite yet with those empty words.
This event did one thing – it brought the real story to light – dictatorships and starvation in Africa – and Bob Parsons did it the Greedy American Capitalist way – he used his sport to get free press for his business in doing it. That is why PETA made its obligatory statement and then ran for the hills with its elephant tail between its legs. PETA President quoted “a little boy and his gun”.
And others suggesting how Bob Parsons should be better spending his money in Africa – that sounds like a left leaning US political party that wants to raise taxes because they are smarter and they know how to spend our money better.
I did not HUMANIZE an elephant by comparing in to an abortion video as MHB did.
I did not HUMANIZE an elephant by equating its shooter to assassin Lee Harvey Oswald shooting a HUMAN – namely President Kennedy – and John Berryhill did.
I find it ironic that some have labeled an elephant as a HUMAN in retaliation of Bob Parson’s foresight and business success yet virtually all on this thread have been deHUMANIZED and labeled cyber squatters in retaliation of our foresight and business success – we all know the cyber squatter label has extended well beyond its original TM infringement purposes.
Just something to consider as I leave the last words on this dead dead dead story to others.
Lee Harvey Oswald shooting a HUMAN – namely President Kennedy
Have you seen the scientific evidence that shows JFK was shot from a
sewer opening (manhole) below the grassy knoll ?
One can measure the greatness and moral progress of a nation (people) by looking how it treats its animals. Mahatma Gandhi
“John Berryhill – took a while to get your colors out as well – yes Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine and what you are saying is an assination of a human being and the same as shooting an elephant – respectfully – that is rather disturbing.”
No, Brian, that is not at all what I said.
I said that being a marine is not some guarantee a person isn’t a jerk.
If you wanted a sentence that actually made a relative comparison of two things, it would look something like:
“Functional literacy is more threatened than elephants.”
Domainer Trivia:
WHO Said ?
“You have to make good on your word because that’s the way it works. Building good relationships is really important and building trust is important.”
“… that sounds like a left leaning US political party that wants to raise taxes because they are smarter and they know how to spend our money better.”
I rest my case.
boycott on facebook! Search “Boycott GoDaddy and their Elephant Slaughtering CEO” and delete those GoDaddy accounts!
“… that sounds like a left leaning US political party that wants to raise taxes because they are smarter and they know how to spend our money better.”
I am reminded of a quote from Morisson & Foerster, LLP, v.Brian WICK, 94 F.Supp.2d 1125 (2000)
“Mr. Wick’s sites contain many hyper-links to Anti-Semitic, racist, and offensive domain names.”
With names like, and, I am heartened that my political “true colors” stand poles apart from your apparent party preference, which is neither Democratic, Republican or significant other party in this country.
There are valid opinions about a lot of things on both the left and the right, but some ideas are clean off the chart.
Now the insensitivity of the Go.Daddy commercials are starting to make sense. Making fun of effeminate men and using the stereotypical female models to flaunt the bags on silicone they have had sewn on their chest.
Am guessing misogyny goes hand in hand with the need for a pathetic, insecure, fat, old man to reassert his fragile masculinity by taking the life of a standing animal that offers no sport. The gutless wonder even had to shoot the poor elephant at night. Good thing the elephant hadn’t sneezed before being shot or Bob would probably still be running across Africa in soiled pants. This wimp was transported close enough to take his shot and then transported back to his five star abode. The funny part is how he has deluded himself into thinking he is some kind of big game hunter when in reality he is nothing more than a rich jerk that uses his wealth to destroy rather than for good and now a fine animal has lost it’s life simply so a sycophant can feed his fragile ego.
As we previously mentioned, this explains a lot when it comes to the type of commercials he puts out. Thankfully, most companies are wise enough to appeal to our greater instincts but there are those few scummy organizations that are so limited in imagination that they can only think of appealing to our lowest instincts. This speaks to the shallowness and limited imagination of Bob Parsons. He really thinks he’s some kind of smart businessman? Hardly. Instead of forging new roads with an innovative creative process, his sexist commercials ride the coat tails of those who have gone on before him as he drags out the same tired old commercial styling that was appropriate twenty years ago but are a mere yawn in the 21st century.
^ guys like Parsons beat guys like you up in high school ^ is available
Come to think of it, Brian touches on a good point.
Shooting the “problem dictator” Mugabe, a human, would do a lot more for Zimbabweans than shooting the elephant.
I figured he shot the elephant because he can’t stand Republicans. That video looks a lot like a preview of the upcoming primaries, in which teabaggers and birthers will feed on the corpse of a once majestic thing.
^ you too ^
L.S. Morgan-does your mommy know you’re up this late? Don’t you have band practice early in the morning? Or are you just up late popping pimples?
@John Berryhill,
“I figured he shot the elephant because he can’t stand Republicans”
Greed – oops Agreed – this is all about Bob Parsons getting free press by making a Ted Nugent style political statement – the political paradox you mention above diminishes any camp’s view !!
Thanks for reminding me about my Utopian Constitutional efforts going back 12 years – it was expensive tuition proving to me the .com was the only one on the shelf –
Just had a UDRP (won it) where I was also reminded of those efforts.
Oddly when you were seemingly proudly rattling off domain name fodder you failed to include and outdated content – but still relevant stuff I have not looked at for years further documenting why the .com is the only one on the shelf.
In a different forum I would love to go deep and to the elephant bone with you on this.
Brand Winners
BlueBerryHill (Putin WON Viral Music Award)
Water for Elephants (New Movie)
We moved our domains. Simply because it was such a reckless move from the CEO in terms of reputation management. Doesn’t inspire must trust.
I’m not sure where I first posted my “easy solution to prevent Parson’s bombastic ego from making a fool of himself worldwide, and hurting the domain industry by his callous actions”. So I’ll try to repeat it here:
Here’s the solution, Bob, for you to avoid showing the world your penis is teeny, and you enjoy killing big animals to somehow make it look bigger:
1) Give the villagers $100,000 to build 10 foot high barbed wire fencing around their crops. Elephants don’t like barbed wire.
2) Give the villagers $100,000 to buy goats, pigs, cattle, chickens, sheep and other domestic animals for meat and milk and eggs. Advise them to purchase new solar energy products to help send electricity through their villages.
3) Give the villagers $100,000 to build “elephant feed bins” and fill the bins with food the elephants love. Look at you, Bob! A Philanthropist for Elephants! Preventing them from being killed by whiteys who get really excited for some reason when they kill large animals that are simply LOOKING FOR FOOD.
Bob, if you don’t understand that the WHOLE WORLD, and EVERY CHILD in this world LOVES ELEPHANTS, you wouldn’t lamely attempt to defend your horrendous decision to KILL an elephant because it wants to eat, in its own land, in its habitat.
It’s bad enough that you ruined the image of a woman competing successfully with men in the racing world by sexualizing Danica Patrick (but she’s just as much to blame), but when you are so cocky and confident that you can KILL an elephant, defend that action, and make the ridiculous argument that you were feeding starving villagers, I think you need someone, like a PR expert, to put a leash on your arrogance in order to keep your company, and all domainers, from looking like asswipes.
Not sure you’ll do that. But I am sure that domainers will all suffer from your genital shortage that requires you to find an “excuse” to kill an elephant, when there are 20 other solutions you can pay for. Remember, you said your company was worth over “a billion dollars”.
You look like a pig, a near eunuch, insensitive, and someone so out of touch with the mainstream public, that I wouldn’t be surprised if thousands of people canceled their domain registrations, hosting services, and all other ridiculous upsell gimmicks you’ve been luring the “innocents” into buying for almost a decade.
I think that most of your customers are looking like elephants right about now… and I’m wondering if they feel the same way.
“and we were able to select the old bull, we shot that bull (the oldest elephant”
Great the oldes elephant, the one that has been around for years and is highly intertwined in the social community of all the elephants.
Read the book : Modoc, the True Story of the Greatest Elephant to Ever Live. You will shoot no elephants after reading this book.
Take out the ridiculous earing, your a 60 + year old man.
And it just keeps getting better for Great White Hunter Parsons;
Oh, so Parsons lied about it being a bull elephant.
Color me shocked.
You can’t fault Bob, though. He probably figured that male elephants, like himself, have penises which are too small to see.
@ J. Berryhill who said “with names like, and”
Suprised Mr Wick isn’t a client of yours. You’ve made alot of cake defending guys with pond scum names but alas I suppose you see things in shades or degrees where some pond scum names are ok and others are just outright bad. Lets dissect some of the names you’ve defended. Thatd be fun for the true purists out there
If you watched Mr. Parsons on CNN the other night the way he told the story, the hunt was at night in total darkness with the aid only of flashlights and somehow they managed to find the bull the oldest elephant in field and shot that one.
He also said they shot the elephant the charged at them.
Couldn’t therefore have been that selective.
“You’ve made alot of cake defending guys with pond scum names…”
And if I were a criminal defense attorney, I would defend people accused of crimes.
Imputing to an attorney the views of a client who has engaged the attorney for objective professional legal assistance is a common error made by simpletons, yes. I have utterly no idea what the politics of most of my clients are, since it is not relevant to the services I provide.
When a bank robber is shot by the police, and the robber is taken to the emergency room, do you know what the doctors do? They do their best to provide the services for which they are professionally trained.
Anyone accused of anything has a right to legal representation. That’s the way it works.
You can not fault LIARS, they often do not know what the TRUTH is.
Anyone accused of anything has a right to legal representation. That’s the way it works.
Guess that excludes Brian Wick. Do you draw the line at religious intolerance? I mean doctors sew up bank robbers right so why are you shooting Wick?
Look theres no need to make excuses for the system you work under. Thats the system. Its the excuses you make while engaged in the system that are worthy of scrutiny. You’ve represented some real winners, why not show Wick the same professional courtesy you extend to your clients who’ve owned and monetized intolerant or obviously infringing names. Or is it only those who retain you that are entitled to your benevolence?
Is it only your upYour clients illegal ;d such outanrefer tiy worked on behalf od ion ‘ve done some great work in defense of some of the biggest cyber and typo squatters on the web so what I am saying is if you can defend those guys maybe you shouldnt be so hard on the guy with the kike names cause heguys who own wsnd squatters sne of yeoman oBut hey, you’ve you’ve done some great work do great work u and you’ve come up with some doozies.
My experience is when an attorney looks into my past and sees the derogatory, defaming, disgusting, dehumanizing and stereotype .com words John Berryhill reveals, they salivate for their prey (Me) – just as Bob Parsons no doubt salivated with his prey.
But a closer look in how those .com words were used, documented or redirected equates them to a brand new term just created at the time called a “CYBER SQUATTER”.
So the only real question for John Berryhill who represents Respondents is …… does he find the term “Cyber Squatter” as dehumanizing and derogatory as, and others he documents? I certainly do and it cost me $200K
Looks like GoDaddy was NOT Selected…
Apr 04, 2011 16:05 ET
American Bankers Association and BITS Choose Verisign as Registry Operator for Potential New Generation of Financial Services Domains
With ICANN Poised to Introduce New Generic Top Level Domains, Industry Leaders Rely on Verisign’s Track Record of 100 Percent Accuracy and Stability
@David J Castello that article is spot on and I have had dealings with Johnny Rodrigues and his comments are accurate. I have also had someone else who is involved in elephant research here, comment that is a young female. I am afraid no matter how Parsons tries to cut it, it is all BS. Why hunt at night? Because elephant are scared of the light and get confused. This was just slaughter and a load of crap.
I knew a guy who culled over a 1000 elephant and “sadly” he suffered a slow and very painful death. It is not the solution, Africa is a big place and plenty of room for everyone including the animals. There are plenty of humane solutions and what parsons did is not one of them that will work or have any sustainability.
Parsons will get his pay back, or maybe he already is, he is not a happy man, despite all the bluster and money. I am not sure if you guys know what he would pay for a safari and hunt like this into anywhere in southern Africa but it runs into the 100’s of thousands of dollars US. A big money industry, and I can assure you none of it filters down to the “starving masses”
Many are working hard to keep our heritage, but there are those who will try to destroy it.
If you want to see an amazing video of how a herd of elephant save a baby, the coordination, team work and intelligence check this out.
Great quote.
Bob Parsons recently purchased CHER’s old digs in Hawaii
Do you think he and Obama can get the .HI Top-Level-Domain off the ground ?
[Note the digital processing Auto.Tune]
OBAMA plans to raise $1,000,000,000 (yes Billion) for Campaign
Would Bob Parsons make a good running mate ? (if Joe Biden bows out)
I think Bob Parsons would be a better suited running mate for Alan Keyes. For some biarre reason, I don’t think Parsons is a Democrat.
“I don’t think Parsons is a Democrat.”
Checked, you are correct…!!!
Bumper Sticker [ SARAH PALIN & BOB PARSONS 2012 ]
Polls show they can win!!!
Sarah Palin talking with Larry King about the domain name industry.
Hear about her love of Bob Parsons, what she thinks about Domain Name News, and more in this exclusive video.
For some bizarre reason, I don’t think Parsons is a Democrat.
It’s called “testosterone”, something absent in most all male democrats.
Hard to imqagine how they survived elephant issues bfor bob got there
The elephant video above is a must
I am movingy names and hosted sites from parsons
Bob u suck
@MHB Sarah Palin likes to drink with you – “You are FUN
LS Morgan
I happen to be a male Democrat. Anytime you want to compare testosterone count you let me know, tough guy. And you may want to start by linking your name. It takes a little balls just to do that
Sarah Palin thinks Ron Jackson is “COOL” and that Bob Parsons is a “Real MAN”
HILLARY set to Run in 20012
She would need a VP (probably a “male Democrat” with a high testosterone count?)
“Anyone accused of anything has a right to legal representation. That’s the way it works.
Guess that excludes Brian Wick. Do you draw the line at religious intolerance? I mean doctors sew up bank robbers right so why are you shooting Wick?”
Because I am as entitled as the next guy to state their opinions on a topic.
This is a blog, not a legal proceeding.
Mr. Wick had made some comment about others’ “true colors”, and I was seeking some clarity.
Mr. Wick is entitled to his anti-Semitic and racist beliefs. I would defend his first amendment right to hold them. I am also entitled to express my opinion about them.
And that is the point. Let it sink in. I find Mr Wick’s registration of names like to be offensive, and it provides some insight into why a discussion of elephant hunting would veer into extraneous political posturing. That has nothing to do with the fact that I would defend his first amendment right to express such views.
If you want to discuss the personal opinions of an attorney, then you aren’t going to find much relevant material in the matters in which that attorney has represented a client. One does not have to agree with what someone is doing in order to defend their right to do it.
Case in point – Bob Parsons. I have not once suggested that he was not entitled to do what he did. That has nothing to do with my opinion about the wisdom of doing it.
@John Berryhill
Well said.
So, let’s define the benefits of selling our souls to the devil by giving more money and our dependence for online revenue to Bob Parsons. He can continue on being a man without a soul, because the devil’s biggest weakness is: he can’t have a soul.
Money, boobs, and fast cars doesn’t a make a soul.
“selling our souls to the devil by giving more money and our dependence for online revenue to…”
Vote Early and Often in 2012
There is still a lot of meat on Bob Parsons’ elephant bone.
Years ago I compared a “Cyber Squatter” as being no different than dehumanizing labels like – and used Constitutional speech on websites to express that.
– Exactly what the judge in the case you researched said – “Mr. Wick’s sites contain many hyper-links to Anti-Semitic, racist, and offensive domain names.”
It is obvious you researched this case as a Diversionary means to Grandstand me into a racist, anti-sem or whatever (contrary to the judge’s comments) because I was entertained with your “true colors” coming out – including putting US Marines Lee Harvey Oswald and Bob Parsons in the same light.
Lets work with your existing research before you introduce anymore Diversions.
You represent Respondents and Domainers (folks with more than 1 domain)- is there any difference between the defaming dehumanizing labels, such as you mentioned and a “Cyber Squatter”?
@John Berryhill,
There is still a lot of meat on Bob Parsons’ elephant bone.
Years ago I compared a “Cyber Squatter” as being no different than dehumanizing labels like – and used Constitutional speech on websites to express that.
– Exactly what the judge in the case you researched said – “Mr. Wick’s sites contain many hyper-links to Anti-Semitic, racist, and offensive domain names.”
It is obvious you researched this case as a Diversionary means to Grandstand me into a racist, anti-sem or whatever (contrary to the judge’s comments) because I was entertained with your “true colors” coming out – including putting US Marines Lee Harvey Oswald and Bob Parsons in the same light.
Lets work with your existing research before you introduce anymore Diversions.
You represent Respondents and Domainers (folks with more than 1 domain)- is there any difference between the defaming dehumanizing labels, such as you mentioned and a “Cyber Squatter”?
I’m going to step in here in a, well I’m not what you want to call it between you and Mr. Berryhill, its not a discussion nor a debate. Moreover it has nothing to do with the topic which started it.
Now I’m going to say this.
Cybersquatter is not a dehumanizing label.
It certainly not one you want to carry around with you, but in fact there are plenty of cybersquatters, that are people and/or companies that register hundreds of thousands of typos of well known trademarks such as Verizon or Microsoft, etc ,etc.
So in the case where someone registers 1,000 typos and variations of Verizon trademarks they are in fact a cybersquatter. And in such a case that term is not used as a matter of insult or to dehumanize the registrant but as a matter of a legal definition.
Now a term like JewKike is a highly charged purely racial motivated term that’s only purpose is to inflame and insult and dehumanize.
The terms you used that Mr. Berryhill referenced are not in anyway defensible nor can they bare any analogy to a the term cybersquatter.
I don’t know where you hope to get by re-posting this every day but I’m telling you its not working.
Looks like TheDomains needs some Translation between all the “Animals”?
Out of apparant frustration John Berryhill introduced this situation by looking into and mis-representing a 10 year old case – I guess that is ok
All I’m saying is that Mr. Berryhill has had his say and you have had your say and to start the new day with another similar comment is only going to provoke more comments back and I don’t think its serves you well.
That’s my last word on it, if you want to keep defending the registration then that’s your choice.
I’m just telling you its a losing argument that will not serve you wiel to keep making it day after day.
Vote Early and Often in 2012
People should know who the Secretary of State will be.
CEO Shot Female Elephant, Not Bull
So is he stupid or lying?
owns 15 ranches in seven states, covering 1.9 million acres. That’s 3,000 square miles – bigger than Delaware or Rhode Island.
“Bison sales are now on the upswing, but on a small scale relative to beef. According to Miller, about 30,000 to 40,000 bison are killed every year. By comparison, more than 100,000 cattle are killed each day.
The Flying D also makes money by charging about 30 hunters each year about $12,000 each to spend a week on the property, trying to shoot a trophy elk. About 2,500 elk live on the ranch.
Bringing in wealthy hunters has caused some flak among Turner’s Montana neighbors, but not as much as a plan to kill the brook and rainbow trout in Cherry Creek, which runs through the property. That effort was undertaken at the request of state fish and wildlife officials who want to introduce the westslope cutthroat to the creek; the trout, which aren’t native to the stream, had to be eliminated first.”
It is not that Bob Parsons is a rich guy so he can do whatever he wants – or he should do something more productive with his money. More accurately – it is that Bob Parsons does not listen to his critics – and that is why he is successful, rich, lives a full life, goes hunting and gives to the charities he wants – and clearly that pisses off a lot of geniuses.
What a miserable existence it must be trying to be someone you are not by answering to a litigious society that promotes mediocrity as an unachievable dream via fear, Political Correctness and imaginary juries.
Seriously. And I do mean SERIOUSLY. Do you really believe the majority of people are pissed off that Parsons shot that FEMALE elephant because they are simply envious or jealous of his wealth?
And now “BrainWick”, I need to know the truth – is this Bob?
I happen to be a male Democrat. Anytime you want to compare testosterone count you let me know, tough guy.
I wish owned something worth as much as to bet on that outcome…
What have your type-ins been like recently with that, given the insanity in the bullion market?
@David Bullion Castello,
If male vs. female was a relevant issue PETA or some other glee club (with their carob sticks and Hollywood cameras) would be in the village right now “tripping over starvation” finding folks with orange GoDaddy hats !!
There is much more hypocracy that any twist cannot stick as John Berryhill summed up:
“I figured he shot the elephant because he can’t stand Republicans”
And that is what really pisses off the Liberal “point my finger at everyone but myself” Nation.
And regarding LS Morgan’s testosterone – I am going to put my tiny penis in my hand – and teach myself a lesson I will never forget!!
LS Morgan: does a couple of hundred type-ins a day. Many not sound like much until you realize that it doesn’t take that many to fetch someone looking to buy a significant amount of gold, silver or platinum. Still haven’t found the right home for it yet. Had two major deals fall through.
When all is said and done I think the controversy from this really caught Parsons off-guard. Yes, his #1 strategy is to court controversy, but he usually has the majority of the public on his side. When he posted that video, I’m sure he assumed that only PETA and the tree huggers would come after him. They’re both fairly easy to marginalize, viewed by most as extremist and would have played perfectly into his hands. He never dreamed that most of the world would see the video and collectively sigh, “What a creep.”
@ David J Castello yes I think you are right and the fall out is bigger than he anticipated and not just by the more the radical community. I manage a site called who are working in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angolo, Zambia on the animal/human conflict issues. The are hard working people who have put in a huge amount of effort for years into coming up with workable, long term solutions. (They track elephant by satellite finding their natural migration routes and are working on removing all man made barriers to create corridors for the elephant to move freely and avoid villages) A dedicated bunch who do not have a lot of funding but have amazing research results. (all on their website)
They contacted me within hours of the video release to move their domains (8) from GoDaddy. As you may know some domain registrars jumped on the bandwagon early and offered special deals and one included a donation to Save The Elephant Foundation.
They were telling me today that Save The Elephant Foundation has already received 20,000 US$ from them as a result of this (all in one week) which if I am not wrong translates into 20,000 domains moved to this one. There are many many more registrars.
We will never know the extent of the fallout and with Parson volumes of cash he is probably not too concerned. But the conservation community is tight knit and they all talk to each other and I can assure you they are not impressed.
Hunting is an issue we all live with her and managed properly is part of our existence as many hunters are conservationists and it can generate a lot of revenue for conservation. (I personally not pro hunting) But what is getting up everyone’s nose is his arrogance, his attitude, his lack of care or remorse and top of the list his lies, throwing all this out of context. ooops this ended up longer than a planned – bit of a passionate subject
“We will never know the extent of the fallout and with Parson volumes of cash he is probably not too concerned.”
Charlie Sheen is getting $100 a ticket for people to listen to him laugh at them
@Chris Hamilton
First, congratulations on your hard work. Please know that many, including myself, are deeply appreciate of what you’re doing.
Don’t think that Parsons is not concerned. Do you know why he made this dopey mistake? Because he’d begun to think he was infallible. At first, he tried to blow everyone off and assumed the wave would pass. It didn’t. He assumed that any publicity is good publicity. It’s not – especially when you off Jumbo. It’s analagous to a controversial songwriter who writes hit after and hit, and then writes a song that not only backfires, but pisses off his fans (of course, minus any elephant blood and guts in the studio).
@David “Bullion” Castello: Bob Parsons is a man who puts his own “Gold” where his mouth is. Donald Trump is a man who put other’s ”Gold” where his mouth is. Both egomaniacs might be considered creeps in certain circles but at least Bob Parsons does not leave others holding the bag – including tax payers. What I am saying is your interpretation of “creep” is likely different than mine.
Furthermore I consider Trumps promotion of Corporate Liferism on Network TV more destructive to overall society than Elephant extinction – sorry Chris Hamilton – although I do respect your efforts.
BigLie hit it right on in with his Charlie Sheen $100 tickets – if Parsons whores out like Trump with some self-gratifying TV Stroke – that is when the real tide changes.
BTW: per LS Morgan – Looks like Rob took $8 out of his $60K sale of and bought 2 months ago.
As this thread ends, this 2011-04-05 Vanity Fair author sums up why nothing more will come of this event:
“I disagree with Parsons’s decision to kill an elephant in Zimbabwe, but I can’t say I dismiss altogether the logic he uses to justify that decision.”
Nice picture of Teddy Roosevelt with his elephant is 1900 as well.
You are quoting Vanity Fair as having a credible voice about animal conservation and animal poaching by bloodthirsty sycophant billionaires that need a dead animal head mounted on his wall to feel like a real man?
I’m sure Bob has SO much in common with most of the male designers and a magazine that specializes in mascara and designer clothing. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to explaining away a guy that you obviously either have a fetish for or have been hired to put out positive comments on blogs to downplay this public relation nightmare. Who knows? Bob’s scummy enough to hide behind a fake name and could be writing his own notes. Any wimp that has to hide behind the darkness of night to make it easier to shoot an animal has shown himself as someone who’s integrity is non-existent.
Why not quote the CEO of the Humane Society as a credible source? You know, the organization that actively has partnered in solutions for elephants getting into crops? No, you go to a girly fashion magazine to dredge up what little positive comments you can find about good ole Bobby boy. Nice try, but it’s pretty clear that public opinion has weighed in and Parsons has been deemed a loser…in more ways than one.
Perhaps next time he feels the need to reassure himself that he’s still a macho man (regardless of the comical reflection of the pathetic old man staring back at him from his mirror) he’ll stay home and schedule another appointment to get his face stretched even more with another face lift, and while he’s at it-he can get some more hair plugs-then buy himself some more little blue pills. I’m sure he’s surrounded by enough “yes-men” that they can reassure him just how much those actions have enhanced his virility so that another exotic animal doesn’t have to lose it’s life.
I think we all know that the chance of this creep actually using any significant amount of his wealth to make the word a better place (such what Bill Gates is doing) is nil and none. He’s too busy buying fast bikes, expensive watches and shooting animals for sport to care about anything than himself. And please don’t quote his philanthropic or charity donations again. I dare you to state his total wealth and divide it by the percentage of what he donates each year-and I think you will see that the percentage of what this sycophant donates each year is the equivalent of the coins the average middle class person digs out of their pockets to drop in the Goodwill kettle at Christmas time.
So please give your blathering, inane excusing away of Parson a rest. You’re not convincing anyone and only making it more obvious the reason you have for tooting Bob’s horn is more than a little questionable.
@P Jones well said and could not have done it better. You can be quite sure that despite the public face of “I did the right thing”, I would imagine the spin doctors are out on forums such as this trying to put out fires.
I am not familiar with Vanity Fair but I am sure any publication, tv/radio station that earns millions in advertising revenue are going to say what a wonderful guy he is.