wrote post entitled “Conflicts Of Interest” citing a post published a few days earlier by by, entitled “Isn’t It Time Bloggers Declared Conflicts of Interest?” as the “Post of the Week”
In its post wrote:
”When it comes to domain blogging and matters of analysis and advice (beyond news coverage), the question then becomes: how do they make a living? Or more specifically, do they make a living off domains or blogging about domains?’
“Truth is it is not hard to tell.”
“Look for the ads. ”
“Count how many ads you see and the prevalence.”
“What about Rick Schwartz? Frank Schilling? Sahar?”
“See lots of ads?”
The post from DomainConsultant goes on to specifically exempt out of its “potential conflict of interest” blogs;,, and
“The caveat would be news outlets like DnJ or DNN or DNW or Elliot too – ad dollars allow them to focus on the news like sales and deals and domainers and even domaining”
Since I was not included in the exempt list I thought I’d write about some of my thoughts about blogging, advertising and conflicts of interest.
While the point of both articles was that if a blog has ads, then the content of the blog must be called into question (unless your on the exempt list).
Of course both articles simply neglected to point out that newspapers like USA Today and the Wall Street Journal have thousands of advertisers and sometimes they wind up writing negative stories about their advertisers if the story requires it.
Likewise TV networks like CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS have thousands of advertisers and if they never broadcasted a negative story on any advertiser, well they wouldn’t have much to report.
So all media outlets from time to time broadcast negative stories on advertisers when the story calls for it.
For example, Toyota spent tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions a year on TV networks only to have negative news reports hit every major network every night for months when they were having issues with their cars.
Because networks know what I know, that there are always more advertisers.
If a negative story has to be written, and that company goes away as an advertiser, then they go away.
More companies will come because ultimately advertisers only care about getting there message in front of an audience, in front of eyeballs and readers.
Those publications, shows and media outlets that have an audience, eyeballs and readers, will always be sold out of ads.
Why people think that domain blogs operate any differently, is curious.
The fact is that every person on earth, including even domainers and bloggers, have friends, family, business associates, and people they like to hang out with, do business with, respect and look up to.
For me these relationships are more important than money.
Personally I would rather lose every advertiser I had, give up all ad revenue from the blog for all eternity than to betray a friend, or a confidence or a loved one.
That doesn’t mean I agree with everything that someone I care about does.
Nor does it mean I wouldn’t counsel them in private to get them to change their mind.
Nor does that mean I will mindless defend every action of every person just because I care about them.
However I’m not going to be the one breaking the news.
I’m not going to pile on.
Likewise no one can pay me to like them or like their product.
No one can pay me to write a story.
Actually in the 3+ years I have written the blog I only have been offered money once to write a story which I of course declined.
I carry with me, as I’m sure most bloggers in the space do, a lot of secrets told in confidence.
Would I betray that confidence to get a story?
Am I going to throw a great friend under the bus to get a story?
So when people talk about “conflict of interest” lets get real.
Conflict of interest exists in everyone’s life but its based on relationships, not money.
EVERYONE has people they care about, worry about, and love.
You’re not going to see Rick write a highly negative article on Howard on his blog.
You’re not going to see Frank write a negative article about Vern, you’re not going to see Sahar rip Darren nor will you see rip a guy like Adam Strong.
You’re not going to see a story on my Blog tearing Monte apart.
However that doesn’t make the stories they or I write any less important or any less relevant.
Everyone has “conflicts of interest” and it has nothing to do with money.
Ads are the least of it.
“there are always more advertisers”
but only for a few (lucky) blogs
Hello Mike,
Well said and documented. There are lots of non-caring individuals whose only offerings come from the venom that they spit at others. Just a fact of human nature. Best to just ignore the nay-sayers and detractors, they are only hurting themselves and not their targets. Our advice is to not comment on their blogs as I have chosen to do.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
I would never expect Berkins to sell out to satisfy pressure from advertisers.
Your income from domains and net worth allow you the freedom from outside forces.
So, you are free to present your opinion to your readers without recourse from advertisers.
When I read the initial article from that blogger, I thought it was hypercritical.
However, we all have our individual, personal biases that will effect our position.
I agree with your assessment.
In addition to that, I don’t put advertisers in my business website if they offer the same service. Simply doesn’t make any sense.
“Conflict of interest exists in everyone’s life but its based on relationships, not money.”
Money is just used to keep score, and the same people seem to have all the money. Funny how that works.
They all want free backlinks. One of the blog mentioned above doesn’t even allow comments.
I am reminded of various lib organizations constantly putting pressure on advertisers for Rush, Glen Beck and Sean Hegarty types to pull their advertising – in favor of their perception of public sentiment. At the end of the day – you can do the right thing, the wrong thing – or nothing at all – where nothing at all is usually the best thing to do.
If someone want to right a blog on how Mike or someone else handles their blog business – well – that is a very short lived and very soon forgaooten business model.
“EVERYONE has people they care about, worry about, and love………Everyone has “conflicts of interest” and it has nothing to do with money.”
I like how you think and I fully agree. Good post.
When the “money” starts to disappear from the Domainers who have gamed the system… it will be interesting to see what pigs squeal first.
OR the new USA WIFI network being built will require Domainers to pay even more money to the insiders. That may cut into the return on investment.
The .COM Parking Lot is not very impressive, no matter how much lipstick you put on that .PIG
I think you can quickly tell the quality of a site by the depth of the articles, the range of issues covered and if the level of quality subjects can be sustained over the months or years.
Because really the only way to sustain such worthwhile sites is for the owners/writers to have a personal passion. And on sites like this one it shows.
Number of comments and replies is a pretty good indicator too
On sites where the issues discussed don’t have the same depth, focus or relevancy and sometimes rely on contentious or emotive subjects, apart from bias by omission there is far more chance for self interest to be wrapped up in the posts.
I think one of the biggest flags that should be raised is when a site is offering commercial services and there is no obvious real world contact details on the site and even worse the owners feel the need for the WHOIS contacts for the domain to be hidden behind a privacy service.
“nor will you see rip a guy like Adam Strong.”
lol don’t be so sure there Mike . . . hahahahaha
only a rich blogger can do this job without ads nor sponsors
Good post, Mike. In writing the piece I considered you many times as the exception to the rule, as I know how you make your income and you are an excellent source of news. So if you read it again, you’ll see your exception as you do make a living off domains ;o)
My reference was to bloggers who feel the need to pontificate on domains or to attack you and I without even the slightest bit of success in the industry.
In some ways, it is a matter of respect. As I do you so beyond attacking Adam Strong, I have reverence for other domainers.
I’m linking your post on the original piece as an excellent counter.
Cheers, nice to see you in LA, M.
“reverence for other domainers”
WOW, you should have been around in the 1990s. The term “domainers” did not even exist. The very hint of such an animal emerging in The.Echo.System was met
with harsh criticism from the Czars, Clerics and Insiders.
It will be interesting to see what emerges at the ICANN lovefest coming soon to
San Francisco, USA. Maybe people should have I ♥ Domains buttons ?
You can bet there will be plenty of Czars, Clerics and Insiders lurking in the
shadows trying to get their cut and also prevent others from getting in their
I have been reserving domains for nearly 13 years – approx 7,000 .com’s – I do not consider myself a “Domainer” or whatever
In my opinion It’s not bloggers that advertise products on their blogs that are the real culprits, as everyone is intelligent enough to discern blatant commercialization attempts. The bloggers that use more subtle underhanded attempts by spreading misinformation or diffusing relevant facts that don’t fit into their agenda are more troublesome.
Their are more dangerous and subtle ways that media can be used to “color” or report with a certain “slant” on things. Repeated posts showing only one aspect or only a favorable view of something, reporting that has partiality to certain product or services, having a hidden agenda while providing services to or profiting from directly or indirectly are to me more underhanded ways of manipulation. I think the gist or point of both Simon’s original post and Domain Consultant’s post is that their needs to be more transparency in this industry and that those with hidden interests should just come clean.
I also missed the part where Domain Consultant or Simon’s original blog posts specifically said that it was a conflict of interest to have alliances or loyalty to friends?
1.You’re not going to see a story on my Blog tearing Monte apart…
2.You’re not going to see Rick write a highly negative article on Howard.
Things have changed since the .Co thing EVERYBODY it seems feels
that they should get in the quick buck scam while it lasts…
The Blogs mentioned in Adams great article DESERVE there NEGATIVE
review BIG TIME perhaps EXCEPT elliotsblog to a major degree,
Elliot is in there jello wrestling with his bloggers and has always been
up front that he likes to wheel and deal and is always looking for a new
money angle, remember he does not claim to be a NEWS blog.
You, Sr Mike have values and a insatible quest for the truth
the are not related to the domain industry and/or your bloggers whims
and it shows in your writing skills every on every post
( Consistent, meaning not fabricated to apease your changing
patronizing audience and what they want to hear)
And most important, your addiction to finding the truth at all costs
is admirable and simply is why you are the Mover and Shaker.
Now please excuse me while i go and wipe the brown of my nose ….
Things have changed since the .Co thing EVERYBODY it seems feels
that they should get in the quick buck scam while it lasts…
“that their needs to be more transparency in this industry ”
Well said – but if there was more “transparancy” – no one would be pushing .co and every other as the next JC “savior” – when, in fact, all these’s offer, including, .cc (oops .co), is a stepping stone to the holy grail (.com) – and there is nothing wrong with that because they are in the business of selling domains to the “gullable” – no different than the car mechanic selling parts & service you really do not need.
Free enterprise 101
Do you ever write a comment that isn’t negative?
not to be confused with….
@ SonnyC
If you took the trouble to read this blog you would see a
super positive posting above on this very blog.
.Co BULLSHIT by People like you who encourage NEWBIES
to waste there Money/and or face litigation on .Co
BECAUSE they bought pie in the sky domains donjt deserve
anything but DOWN
@landon I havent written any articles about this topic nor have I picked out any bloggers. I do want people to name names though if they have a problem with a particular blogger. There’s no sense beating around the bush. When we don’t identify the problem we get what we have here, which is a blogger taking offense that they weren’t put on the “good” list or assumed they were on the bad list. Don’t call bloggers out and then NOT call out specifics. That’s some BAD blogging. Stand up or shut up . 2cents I think the noise eventually goes away if that’s all it is and there’s not much worry, unless a blogger is harming someone by making bad advice. This person needs to be identified. Plain and simple.
We all have our own preferences and I suggest that anyone that you don’t like , just ignore and keep on truckin’. I personally enjoy the viewpoints of newbies and guys who are part-timers. I read everyone for the most part. All of us long-timers came from that same spot one time long ago. Long-timers (myself included) can sometimes be seen wearing blinders . ..only seeing things from their own perspective, so it’s good to mix it up now and then. I don’t agree with all the newer guys stuff, let alone the other veterans, so what ? . . . correct the mistakes, ignore, or maybe even shame them and then move along. Eventually people figure it out on their own right ?
maybe the whole egypt uprising thing and conflict of interest thing with the pres, vp and sec of state was planned by the us administration to offset hillary weeding out the “vast right wing conspiracy” from the 90’s
@ Brian Wick
(about .Co)
because they are in the business of selling domains to the “gullable” – no different than the car mechanic selling parts & service you really do not need.
Gracefully said!
@ Adam
OOps Gee Wiliken I have given YOU credit for a Great Article,
you did not write!
Today, many bloggers have earned the trust of the public and some earn a good living from blogging. Unfortunately in some spots, the same old dodgy tricks remain. Using the domain investment industry as an example; it’s extremely easy to sit back and watch the “dance” between the companies (advertisers, parking companies, registrars, auctions and conferences) and the bloggers.
The heart of the issue is around separating out commentary (opinion) from advertising, special interests and those who seek to influence discussion.
Here are a few areas to watch out for:
Scenario #1 – The (Fake) Expert
Many bloggers in the domain investment industry pretend they are experts. Every day we read about an “exciting journey” into the world of domaining (which is fine in itself), BUT where they step over the line is providing advice to newcomers. It’s simply “the blind leading the blind”. Most bloggers are wondering blind in the wilderness, lost, without a clue, yet they are taking it on themselves to advise newcomers. Its a recipe for disaster, because when newcomers accept their advice, the results can be financially devastating for them!
Late last year I had one person call me (in tears) describing how they lost their life savings because a domaining blogger (that they met at a conference) told them to buy a LOT of domains from a specific extension. They were told to buy up big, quickly “turn them around” and flip them. I’m not going to name the blogger or the extension, but I’d note that the extension the person told them to buy, was a HUGE advertiser on their website.
Scenario #2 – Advertising Conferences
This is a textbook “rinse and repeat” that many domain auctions and conferences use as as a part of their marketing strategy:
Step 1 – Blogger writes an article (or FB post) in advance, about an upcoming conference. Banners go up on their website.
Step 2 – Blogger attends conference, gets taken out after hours (by the conference organizer) and “entertained”. eg: dinner, nightclub, the Playboy mansion.
Step 3 – Blogger hangs out with speakers, interviewing them and asking lots of questions about “how they do it”. This content is often “reused” later for how to articles, videos or a $97 PDF.
Step 4 – Blogger takes a few photos of the speakers (and themselves) during the event to post up on Facebook.
Step 5 – Blogger arrives home and reports on how fantastic the event was.
All the newcomers to the industry believe him (because they dont know any better) and sign up for the next conference. What a great investment for the conference organiser!
When was the last time you heard a speech at a conference and said to yourself:
“Wow, this is going to really increase our profits – I can’t wait to get back to my hotel room and try this on our business right now!”
It might have happened once if you are lucky. What did you do with all that info you accumulated at the last conference you went to?
Scenario #3 – Fake News Sites
A “domain news site”, simply copies and pastes press releases sent to them from parking companies, conferences and auctions. They recommend products from vendors who advertise on their site (or simply pay them $$$ directly from their marketing budget). Next time you see a domain news site promoting something, check out if there are any ads (for their blog or related products/companies) on the site they are promoting. Sooner or later you will start to see how these companies start to permeate each other.
Scenario #4 – The Paid Review
There is a growing number of bloggers who have contacted us, asking if my organisation can PAY THEM to write a story about our products and services. The answer has always been “NO” – we don’t engage in such practices. The first time it happened I was in shock! Many years ago I genuinely (somewhat naively) believed that these people were educating the market! The funny thing is – when these guys do a blog post about something, we know exactly who has paid them off. Now we can clearly see who are the ethical companies (who we will engage with) and who are the ones to avoid.
Scenario #5 – Ads That Look Like News Articles
Blogger writes a long winded over-the-top story about how someone within company X is such a great guy (insert academy awards speech and mix with lots of back patting). What they are doing is promoting the interests of their sponsors & advertisers. What is more likely is that the sponsor has paid them to write that story. Alternatively, they will receive something in return. Perhaps an increasing in parking revenue, discount domain pricing or VIP treatment at the next conference?
FTC Guidelines
To some of you, this might be history repeating itself. In 2009/10, we wrote several articles about the FTC Guidelines, including one specifically about Affiliate Marketing. The message for the domain investment industry is – Do you really want the gaze of the FTC upon you? Do you really want to tempt fate and bring about industry regulation?
Time To Get Real
Isn’t it about time that these people started telling the truth?
* Most are not experts, they don’t even come close.
* They have 9-5 jobs – the point being that they give the impression that they do this full-time.
* They work for a vendor because they simply failed when it came to actually “doing it”.
* They make “money on the side” by ads on their blog and promoting affiliate products to their mailing list.
Newcomers to the industry need to know who is “the real deal”, and who the fake, phony, pretenders are. Some people might say “too bad“, “buyer beware”, “its their problem if they lose their $$$“, but here’s the deal; our industry is still in its infancy. It needs some strong, honest people who are going to stand up to this systemic corruption and call it out. The industry needs to grow and move away from the stigma / popular perception of “domaining”. It can’t afford to continue to “burn and churn” people.
Think about this:
1. You wouldn’t get legal advice from someone who wasn’t a lawyer.
2. You wouldn’t undergo surgery from someone who didn’t have experience as a surgeon.
3. You wouldn’t get someone to build your house who “calls themselves a builder”, but has never built a house before….
Landon White Adds: And you wouldnt buy a >.Co on the advice of some faker
who does not own any >.COM LMHO
After consideration, got to admit that Mike and Tia are right about this and I got it wrong – although mostly what I was saying was to take outside advice with a grain.
Truth is I SHOULD be selling ads or doing business or why bother blogging at all
Cheers to all who called me out, I do listen, consider and at times alter my views.
Ps. Would rail Adam if I could!! But he never gives me reason!
I agree with Adam, unless you post the name, because the article IMO, was definitely written with a blogger in mind. No name, means absolutely 0 credibility. Doesn’t domainerincome have something to sell ? I know nothing of his expertise so I guess its a blog to avoid.
Mike I put you on the top of the list whether you are on an exempt list or somehow added after you won the battle of words.
Again IMO
@ RH
Again IMO
So unless YOU SAY who …
why did you bother to criticize his great article at all?
So then…
who was he talking about then now the Genie is out of the bottle!
All these articles about paid ads on blogs???
Who cares about ads, bloggers need to make money too, users don’t have to click the ads, nobody forces them too, it’s called having a choice = end of.
ps) If we’re taking about .co ads being on lots of blogs, I hear even the Queen has a big .co ad on the back of her Daimler now
MHB said – “While the point of both articles was that if a blog has ads, then the content of the blog must be called into question (unless your on the exempt list).”
Question for MHB or anyone else :
Are all these “conflict of interest” related posts really about me mentioning that MHB works with/for .co therefore the content of what he writes is questionable ?
Is that the REAL issue here? If it is why beat about the bush, lets talk about it .. (again if need be)
…if it is’nt then I have no idea what all this is about…so please ignore me
We love you man,
But you should get your Meds checked
…probably, its not the first time I’v been confused
…oh shit, I don’t take any meds
I don’t know who the blogger is, but agree with Adam Strong that someone should name, names. Maybe the author who believes in transparency so much could write an article why his site is under Moniker privacy.
IMHO, I think the original poster about this conflict of interest was talking about Morgan Linton.
Really Scott ? Why do you think ? IYO
@ RH
WTF ….
you don’t have the guts to even GUESS!
yet you go on and on dissing the author.
And it was not from a blogger… DA!
Great Expose …
and to MHB for shining a needed light on the issues~
Has nothing to do with guts clown, I believe whenever an article is written like that, that the person has someone in mind.
Was not a blogger ? really ? DomainerIncome shows up with blog posts on all the time.
But Scott made an interesting guess, I am interested why he thinks Morgan. I would be surprised what domainer told someone to load up buying one extension like was mentioned in the article.
@ Scot
Don’t answer RH he still has not said who he believes
it to be and is TRYING to deflect it all on you!
@ RH
You brought it up,
Show some Grit man!
I’m responding to some of the postings above.
Tonight I watched my local tv news and then national news.
I also flipped to another national news report during a commercial.
The same information is repeated on all of the stations.
And, it was basically the same content.
Isn’t this what many are complaining about.
The news blogs/websites are duplicating each other.
And, they are re-writing the news with their own spin.
Isn’t this what CNN and Fox are doing?
I believe some are being too purist.
Wow, I can’t beleive that certain individuals that were mentioned in the above article are now backpeddling. Have some balls, say what you mean and mean what you say and stand by your words.
Hey, it’s every bloggers perogative to post whatever ads on their blog and after all we are all here to make money. Just don’t be slimy and underhanded about your intentions. Don’t spin bullshit just to make a buck. People are becoming hip to these kinds of tactics and eventually it will be your downfall. Keep it real motherfu*****!
Hey, anyone remember this song by the Bangles? It was a huge hit in 80’s (I think). Oh the irony of it all…
(L. Sternberg)
Vicki, Michael, Susanna
All the old paintings on the tombs
They do the sand dance don’t you know
If they move too quick (oh whey oh)
They’re falling down like a domino
All the bazaar men by the Nile
They got the money on a bet
Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh)
They snap their teeth on your cigarette
Foreign types with the hookah pipes say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an Egyptian
Blonde waitresses take their trays
They spin around and they cross the floor
They’ve got the moves (oh whey oh)
You drop your drink then they bring you more
All the school kids so sick of books
They like the punk and the metal band
When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh)
They’re walking like an Egyptian
All the kids in the marketplace say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an Egyptian
Slide your feet up the street bend your back
Shift your arm then you pull it back
Life is hard you know (oh whey oh)
So strike a pose on a Cadillac
If you want to find all the cops
They’re hanging out in the donut shop
They sing and dance (oh whey oh)
Spin the clubs cruise down the block
All the Japanese with their yen
The party boys call the Kremlin
And the Chinese know (oh whey oh)
They walk the line like Egyptian
All the cops in the donut shop say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
Walk like an Egyptian
Walk like an Egyptian
What bloggers were mentioned in the article ?
Hello Mike,
Talking about conflicts of interest! I personally will not make comments on any blog that has a direct link to any social networking site I personally dont trust. There are more scam artists and troublemakers on facebook and others than you can imagine. I went to make a comment on Simons site and passed when I saw where comments would wind up.
Now Simon had some pretty disparaging other comments and I would just ask simply who is calling the kettle black? Granted he may be a nice guy but some of the message was questionable to say the least.
This just goes to show us all that not everything is completely on the up and up and many times someone pointing a finger always has 4 fingers pointing back at themselves. This stuff about anybody having any ads on their site could quite possibly be over stepping business ethics is way over the top? Dont you think ?
We dont live in a sanitary bubble, and knowone is perfefect and often those who cry Wolf the loudest are complicit themselves.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
@ Dean
Don’t spin bullshit just to make a buck. People are becoming hip to these kinds of tactics and eventually it will be your DOWNFALL. Keep it real motherfu*****!
Like a Bitch these Girlie men with no balls, have shown there hand…
trying to spin it back on Simons credibility…
Charles Mansion could have wrote it, IT IS STILL THE TRUTH!
Looks like Simon wrote: Late last year I had one person call me (in tears) describing how they lost their life savings because a domaining blogger (that they met at a conference) told them to buy a LOT of domains from a specific extension. They were told to buy up big, quickly “turn them around” and flip them. I’m not going to name the blogger or the extension, but I’d note that the extension the person told them to buy, was a HUGE advertiser on their website.
Speak up Mother Fucker name the name, who was crying and who told them to put their life savings into domains ?
I just found out it was ……..
it was ……….
Don King!
Sorry guys but yesterday I finally did the cross country things bringing me back from the chilly left coast to chiller Florida and the subsequent exhaustion.
I did check comments approved some that were suck and removed a few about Obama and other well off topic comments.
The point of the post which I think has been lost around the way was that friendship and relationships are more important and speak louder than money and whether or not advertising appears on a blog or not the author is still effected by those relationships and therefore naturally has some biased towards or against certain people or products.
Again reporting news, registration stats, aftermarket sales, stories and profiles about the industry is not advice.
As a general principal I would not take anyone persons advice and make significant investments off of it. That advice may cause you to look at something you normally not have, but of course any good businessman is going to do your own research and make your own judgment.
Like the stock market, the long term price of gold or real estate, no one knows we just have opinions. Some people tend to be right more often than wrong but if you know any professional sports bettors they will tell you if you have a 60% win rate, meaning you lose 4 out of every 10 “bets” or predictions you make, you wind up being on top of the rung of successful bettors.
The domain industry is pretty small.
If a blogger is working with another company that announcement has been made.