The following are the .Co domains that had the most land rush application and are in auction and closing between August 16th and August 19th, in order of the number of landrush applications, from most to least.
The number besides the domain is how the domain ranked overall in the number of land rush applications. For this week is the domain with the most land rush application which will close this week and was the 7th most land rushed domain:
CHI.CO | 7 |
EBOOKS.CO | 16 |
VAIL.CO | 23 |
SIGNS.CO | 33 |
SMART.CO | 35 |
SOSO.CO | 39 |
GLOBO.CO | 43 |
THE.CO | 62 |
FAST.CO | 100 |
GEO.CO | 105 |
VINO.CO | 105 |
RICH.CO | 118 |
WHISKEY.CO | 120 |
GEAR.CO | 122 |
CERVEZA.CO | 124 |
SECURE.CO | 130 |
CCTV.CO | 131 |
MARK.CO | 141 |
LIMOS.CO | 150 |
BURGER.CO | 155 |
SAFARI.CO | 156 |
LLC.CO | 162 |
MIKE.CO | 164 |
CARHIRE.CO | 173 |
MOP.CO | 176 |
FUTURES.CO | 183 |
PSY.CO | 193 |
ISLAND.CO | 194 |
JAMES.CO | 201 |
MICHAEL.CO | 218 |
TRAINS.CO | 221 |
BREAD.CO | 223 |
VET.CO | 230 |
An interesting list for sure. Gives you a glimpse into the collective “domainer mind” as it were. Can you share where you got this list from? Thanks
The list was provided to me directly from the .CO registry
Nice one, two years ago it was USEDCAR4.ME
For folks who got into one of these competitive auctions, anyone willing to anonymously share the *number* of bidders involved? Curious about how much competition there is at a particular ranking.
For .ME land rush in 2008 there were usually two to six bidders.
Why would MOP of all words have 176 landrush? Am I missing something?
Mop Company… I just dont see the allure. lol
I also see a lot of proper names (i.e. Mike, Michael, James, Mark, and Rich (maybe) Depends on how Rich is used.
Is there something about having a name as a domain that I am not aware of?
Other then that, the list is pretty much what I would have expected.
You are reading the numbers wrong.
176 does not mean there are 176 land rush applications.
It means it has the 176th most land Rush applications.
The exact number of land rush applications is unknown
any one care to share the number of bidders? so we can get a better clue
Nice post, good info, MHB.
I heard was the most applied for domain and not surprising to see at no.8. Gambling domains seem to have huge resale value in every extension. I think for 1 Mill. set a certain standard for gambling domains. A .org for a million…wow. Prices are going up…
Oh… Thank you for clarifying that MHB.
Ok, so that clears that up. It would help if I read the post fully where you explained how it is formatted.
Sorry… I get carried away sometimes by pretty lists and numbers. lol
I can confirm that is #1 over all.
I have the top 250, which I will be releasing weekly as those auctions start.
I’m also in that particular auction
Now we know their is to many Michael’s in the domain business trying to register their own name! ha ha
@MHB good luck
I am going to ask you a couple of straight up questions:
1) Do you honestly believe there is going to be a significant demand for .co domains from End-users?
(I think there is going to be None, Zero, Nada, Zilch)
2) Or are you playing this launch as the rest of the handful of domainers I know are …
with the expectation of a “Greater fool ” than themselves ( another domainer) coming and buying into this …?
The most well known usage of “Co” as reference to a company I know
is the one used in the “ancient” Roadrunner Cartoon the “Acme Co” , I honestly believe the usage of this Stone Age’ acronymn is decaying …
I am really puzzled for your strong push for this IMO aberration of a TLD (outside Colombia) although I respect your opinion.
In addition domains carry “Country Risks” (political, economic, etc etc) just as investments do, IMO this one carries a “High Risk” , clearly not as High as Cuba or Venezuela but nevertheless “High”…
I even have a hard time pronnouncing it without thinking hard about not saying .COM (seriosuly)
I bought Home\Insurance\Quotes\.co in the aftermarket and that’s the only one so far that caught my attention. I bought it for the keywords in the name and secondarily because I read that Google will treat .co as international in its search engine algorithms. I plan to develop it into a lead gen site for…. wait for it…. home insurance quotes.
Otherwise, the only .co domains I’d even remotely be interested in would be brandable hacks like, or (Texas), or, etc.
Most everything else? Feh.
I hand registers a nice 3 letter .co and purchased a few travel destinations and parks. While I only have 4, they are all specific.
One is a city, another a popular park, a tourist attraction that’s ranked in top 10 in the US, and the 3 digit .co. I have a list of 5 3 digit .co that are still available. Many one words cab still be purchasd, as well.
I would rather invest in the .com. I went on a buying spree this week, finding .com hotel domains across California and a few in New York. Find rentals, apartment and other nice domains.
There’s plenty of good domains that still
Thanks for sharing the .co list. is nor worth a million, but it has the influence to teach people how to become better pooker players. These players will then be more confident to play online poker.
At the moment, .CO is rather an exotic market, but the market is already there. The other [developed] site will cast their vote on its future.
Domo, you will be surprised to see high demand for names like “”. After sky-rockened – these jingly names are nearly as pricy as dot-coms.
Top notch names , higly liquid/easy re-saleable even if at the reseller mkt.
“I read that Google will treat .co as international in its search engine algorithms. ”
How does that helped .TV ? a much more intuitive extension already used and positioned in people’s everyday life.
“Otherwise, the only .co domains I’d even remotely be interested in would be brandable hacks like, or (Texas), or, etc.”
Haven’t we learned Hacks don’t work?
They might be a small resllers market but end-user?
“”I am going to ask you a couple of straight up questions:
1) Do you honestly believe there is going to be a significant demand for .co domains from End-users?”
What would “significant demand” be in your book?
How do you know of the 400K + registration how many were domainer purchased, defensive or end users?
My answer is its way too early to tell, the extension been out less than 1 month.
“”I am really puzzled for your strong push for this IMO aberration of a TLD (outside Colombia) although I respect your opinion.”””
I don’t understand where you are saying im strongly pushing the extension.
I don’t think you can point to a post where I urged people to buy and register .co’s.
I have been publishing a lot of stories on .co because its the hottest things in the domain market and has a lot of interest as I can tell from traffic to the blog and Google search terms that are pushing people to the blog.
“In addition domains carry “Country Risks” (political, economic, etc etc) just as investments do, IMO this one carries a “High Risk” , clearly not as High as Cuba or Venezuela but nevertheless “High”…”
Every investment carries a degree of risk and its up to each investor to determine the level of risk they are willing to accept and gauge the risk of the each investment. Stock traders do this everyday. was a hack indeed. was a jingly domain name – short and successful. is not worth much – I don’t see any point for further discussion here.
Even if is currently not valued as much as and yet the value is there. is just another proof of the market demand for short and jingly doman names.
those easy to remember – impossible to forget.
What would “significant demand” be in your book?
How do you know of the 400K + registration how many were domainer purchased, defensive or end users?
My answer is its way too early to tell, the extension been out less than 1 month.
I agree is too early to tell but not to early to have an educated guess …
The question remains :
in the future Do you honestly believe there is going to be a significant demand for .co domains from End-users?”
significant : as better than the dying .tv or the forgoten .info ? and more much new TLDS to come and dilute the already precarious TLD mkt (existing) even more.
“I don’t understand where you are saying im strongly pushing the extension.”
You don’t need to hard push the extension , you are one of a handful of people that can “move the domain market” people of influence (not saying that so you like me) , but by simply covering the extension with multiple posts/threads IMO you’re endorsing it.
I am not implying you have an obscure agenda I am genuinely puzzled for many reasons inc. the fact you own a tremendous .com portfolio.
I had my doubts “my moments of weakness” with .info .tv even with .mobi but I am certain of my opinion on this one.
“”The question remains : in the future Do you honestly believe there is going to be a significant demand for .co domains from End-users?”””
Again I’m really not trying to be evasive but the questions is too broad.
I don’t know what is significant demand to you.
100 end users, 1,000, 10,000, 500,000.
Also you used the term “in the future”
the future is a long time.
Do you mean by this time next year, 5 years out, 10 years out or longer?
I think there will be end users who use .co as an address for their site.
I do believe businesses and people in the host country will use the .Co extension for sites.
Do I ever think its going to anything like .com?
Do I ever think any extension is ever going to be like .Com
But that doesn’t mean it won’t be a good investment.
“”You don’t need to hard push the extension , you are one of a handful of people that can “move the domain market” people of influence (not saying that so you like me) , but by simply covering the extension with multiple posts/threads IMO you’re endorsing it.”
I don’t even understand that logic.
Just because I write about something, doesn’t mean I’m endorsing it.
I mean CNN had coverage about Mel Gibson a few weeks ago for hours every day, does that mean they were a member of his fan club.
.CO is news, people are very interested in it and of course I’m going to cover it.
I still don’t think I’ve had one story where I said people should by .Co’s.
but, after buying it, the domainer has sadly discovered that Alfred Hitchcock was already dead…
Significant demand:
as Large developed sites with surfers galore (outside Colombia) , can’t hardly wait to witness the bleeding (more like hemorrage) if somebody decides to market a large .co Site in traditional Media.(USA ) jeepers creepers!
Thanks for the response.
P.S. : You seriously underestimate the power of your Blog , you have taken the place of “7 mile”.
99.99% of .TV traffic is outside Tuvalu.
90% of .ME market is outside Montenegro.
I don’t have values for .CO but with 400k registrations – it is certainly above 50% tipping point. The U.S. is not the only market in this world. Nor the biggest one, in the long run at least.
Elsewhere in the world, .CO stand good chances, all a subject to development path.