The seemingly, unending sage of the .CM Landrush, and live registration mode, has gotten another push back.
The .CM registry announced today, that the Landrush (the pre-order process) for .CM domains, which closed back on July 31st, will now be re-opened for two more weeks, starting on Monday.
The registry will not accept Live registrations until August 27th.
The following is posted on the .CM registry site this morning:
“””First of all we would like to apologize for the delay of the “Go Live” and we highly appreciate the patience you have had with us, while we were working to resolve the technical issues.
Many registrars were confused with the end date of landrush and, thus, failed to submit all the landrush domains before we actually locked down the system. Therefore we have decided to re-open landrush for an additional two weeks, starting on Monday.
Re opening of landrush: 10th August 2009 at 00:00:01 UTC.
Closing of landrush: 23rd August 2009 at 23:59:59 UTC.
To ensure that all historical domain data will be correctly imported into our system and to avoid mistakes we will lock down our zone for three days after landrush period. Go live will start on the 4th day.
Go Live: 27th August 2009 at 00:00:01 UTC.””
NameJet, our auction partner will announce the new date for the auction start on their website and will also inform the bidders via email.
As we have written before, live registrations were suppose to start on August 1, but due to technical difficulties, the start was delayed.
So starting on Monday, you will once again, be able to backorder .CM domains at (Landrush).
The Landrush period will close on August 24th and the go live will begin on August 27.
Once again Note all times are in UTC which is EST +4 hours
This is not cool. MHB, you just told everyone yesterday that you pre-ordered 150 names right (unless that was a joke)? I wonder how many people will take this second chance to pre-order and follow in your footsteps since people look up to you in this industry? And the same for the rest of us as well that pre-ordered something. I only pre-ordered 2, one of which was on the list of most common pre-orders (which I think was messed up, I wonder how many more pre-orders for those names that caused). I don’t welcome more bidding competition after the deadline. How is that fair? They should setup the rules from the onset and follow them. Its not like everyone is talking about spending “a few dollars here”. This is not a game.
I’m not really as mad as I sound, its just a bunch of .cm names anyway right, but its the principle of the thing that bugs me.
I’m not happy with re-opening of the Land Rush period, as I would assume everyone else who ordered domains by the deadline, will not be happy.
I also do not really understand why the Landrush is re-opened.
I know that they had technical problems causing a delay in the open registration period, but after the landrush period closed I checked out quite a few domains with the .CM registry whois and they were showing all the applications received, and the registrar the application was submitted from.
I have made the point several times, that when you deal in ccTLD’s you have the risk of the registry or the underlying government, making decisions not to your liking, with very little to no recourse.
Yeah….this is not cool. We had our list submitted on time and now I too have the feeling that we’ll end up with more competition in the auction process after the landrush is closed. Makes me wonder if the underlying issue here is Cameroon, NameJet, etc. trying to squeeze more money from us.
Auction companies trying to squeeze more money out of us, unheard of.
Actually I do think this is all and not NJ.
Congrats on your acquisitions of .cm at Rick Latona’s auction.
Yes I do think there will be quite a bit more applications coming in now that the period has been extended.
I don’t get how this resulted in a re-opening of the landrush for two more weeks